Super Master System

Vol 2 Chapter 1230: Additional price

"It's still on the way, what you saw and heard just now was caused by the Thunder Spirit of the Divine Bridge Realm he released."

"Including what you see in front of your eyes are all forces scattered from it..."

Xiao Xi's voice rang in Gu Zhong's mind, Gu Zhong's expression was stunned, and it took a while to react before he understood the meaning of Xiao Xi's words.

"These... are all caused by getting the Thunder Spirit from the Divine Bridge Realm?"

Gu Zhong looked at the ruins and the thunder spirits everywhere, his pupils suddenly widened, and he remembered the bone-piercing pain from the center of his brain at the moment the thunder burst.

He was also surprised by the strength of the old Le Wang, it turned out that it was not the pressure from the old Le Wang himself, but just a thunder spirit released by him.

Moreover, he didn't understand the truth of the matter because he was so utterly ignorant, but because he was still far away, he couldn't wait to take his own life.

"Ah this..."

Gu Zhongpan's hands and feet don't know where to put them. Logically speaking, the things Xiaoxi just mentioned are definitely "other prices" in normal times. But she was so proactive today to explain, and even persuaded him to dispel those unrealistic ideas.

Is it possible... Xiao Shi also thinks he has no chance...

Or hide in the secret realm of the Holy Land.

The Gu Master, who had been gasping for only three minutes, began to struggle with the first problem again.


Just when Gu Zhong couldn't get the answer for a while, the purple thundercloud above the sky rolled violently.

Another extremely strong Thunder Spirit landed in the sky, and this time, the location of the Thunder Spirit was very clear.

That is under the tree where the ancient clock is. The higher you stand, the easier it is to be struck by lightning?

Gu Zhong had no time to think about other things, so he could only dodge and avoid.

But in the next second, his eyes were full of shocked emotions. This Thunder Spirit split the giant tree more than ten meters away, but did not break into the ground. Instead, it turned into a spiral lightning whip, facing the ancient bell. Wrap away.

Gu Zhong's evasive figure slowed down, his right hand raised, and the pitch-black axe flashed out and slashed directly to meet Lei Ling.


"Kang Dang————"

The harsh sound like a metal collision came from the place where Lei Ling and Pan Gu axe touched, and the force passed back to the center of the palm along the Pan Gu axe. The tiger's mouth was slightly numb, and the ancient bell was secretly stunned. Is this thing lightning or steel?

But by the way, Pangu axes should not conduct electricity? ? ?

As soon as he thought of this, Gu Zhong found that his sleeve was stained with a trace of thunder spirit shards.

In an instant, "Zzizizi————"

The thunder and lightning climbed all the way and swept through Gu Zhong's whole body... Gu Zhong's chest suddenly rose and fell, and the lightning burned his meridians into purple.

Even the hair stood up at this moment, how funny this look is.

"Big... careless..."

Gu Zhong spit out a black breath with one mouth. This was internally injured by the electric shock. Fortunately, he had two rest periods in his body, and there was fire protection in his body, so the meridians were not injured.

But I still tried the sourness of being struck by lightning.

"Le King! You want to avenge your son, don't you even have the courage to come forward?"

"In front of a junior, it's better to give me a knife to deal with these empty-headed things!"

Gu Zhong yelled to the sky, he knew that the person he had waited all night with fear had already appeared.

He also absolutely believes that if it were not for his special physique, he would be insane and burst into death as early as when he released the first Thunder Spirit remotely.

Not to mention being taken into the body by the Thunder Spirit just now, and any Yuanling Realm martial artist is now estimated to be a cold black scorched corpse.

"It's not wise for you to anger him now."

The little department said calmly, and it also proved that the old Le Wang had really arrived here.

"Why, you have the ability to discharge, don't you have the ability to come out?"

However, Gu Zhong continued to yell as if he hadn't heard Xiaoxi's words.

"I didn't kill your son. You have a wrongdoer and a debtor. If you find it, go to Xi Hengfeng."

"To shut up!"

A deep, hoarse man's voice came from above his head. Just two words, the coldness seems to come from Jiuyou Purgatory.

"Kill you, this king can't take the blink of an eye!"

"This king wants to refine you into my Leinu today, and tortured day by day, and still can't eliminate the hatred of this king!!"

Gu Zhong looked up, and then he saw a middle-aged man with a plain face, who looked about the same age as Xi Hengfeng, if he was a father several hundred years older than Le Ye.

Not to mention that they are brothers, the appearance of the old Lewang is accompanied by countless Thunder Spirits of different levels.

Gu Zhong can conclude that he must be a super powerhouse who is extremely good at using the attributes of thunder elements.

It's hard to say how strong it is, but if you let Gu Zhong think about it, if you are in his position, you might not want to hit a higher level than the 9th level of Aspiration Realm.

It is not impossible to achieve Thor one day.

Old Le Wang's method of controlling mines by hand, Gu Zhong is absolutely respected, and Gu Zhong still feels in his heart that his position does not conflict with Lao Le Wang.

Le Ye's death really can't be blamed on him. In today's encounter, they were all being instrumentalists on the spot.

It is so powerful that if he can’t even understand this point, Gu Zhong will only think that he has been cultivating for too long and has made his mind silly. As for what Rainu he said, Gu Zhong has never heard of it. There is no relevant record in the basic encyclopedia I usually read.

Therefore, the threat that Lao Lewang gritted his teeth and shouted was no threat to Gu Zhong.

"Rainu is..."

Knowing that Gu Zhong didn't understand, Xiao Department prepared to explain.

But it was interrupted by the sound of ancient bell calendar.

"Wait, tell me tomorrow, not in a hurry now."

Since Le Wang had already appeared, Gu Zhong looked up at him.

He took a deep breath, tried to keep himself calm, and said: "Your son really wasn't the one who killed me, although the last murderer you saw was me..."


Without waiting for the ancient clock to finish, the Thunder Spirit was ten times stronger than before and turned into a thunderstorm from the sky, directly hitting the ancient clock.

Gu Zhong understood it, this person wouldn't listen to his explanation at all, it was really a silly practice to cultivate his mind.

But Gu Zhong had forgotten one thing. It was so powerful as the old Le King. What reason is there that Liu Gu Zhong was just like the person he last saw who killed his son, living in this world.

Isn't it happy to find yourself? The pain of losing his son cannot be relieved, and even if Gu Zhong's death can only be relieved by one point, he has no reason to let him go.

Of course, Lao Le Wang also said just now, it just made it difficult for Gu Zhong to die.

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