Super Master System

Vol 2 Chapter 1222: I saw a good show

Everything was annihilated invisibly, and at the same time, in a secret room with boundless darkness somewhere, a pair of dark and deep eyes suddenly opened.

Bursts out a real killing intent, "Kacha————"

The explosion of bones when you clenched your fists sounded in the darkness. In the next instant, those pupils continued to enlarge, and the image that appeared in his mind once dropped the temperature in the entire space below zero.

"Do not----"



The extremely violent spiritual energy exploded from the center, instantly illuminating the entire secret room without a trace of light.


The stone gate made of Guanghan Iron, which is second only to Tianpan Rock in solidity and rarity, was directly blasted into powder.

"Dare to kill my son! This king will break your body into pieces!"

The death announcements that seemed to come from the eighteenth **** reverberated in the secret room.

But the person who made this announcement turned into a brutal cold wind

The sound of "brush" disappeared.


In the Xiangfeng Tower, Le Ye, a powerhouse of the Divine Bridge Realm, eventually ended up in smoke, although at the last moment, his whole body was pierced with Heavenly Rock fragments and it was really miserable.

But I have to say that what really took his last trace of vitality was the pressure from the Pangu axe and the axe that contained reckless power.

Therefore, when Le Ye turned into a fragment of spiritual energy and the light spots dissipated, except for Hua Chang's silent tears sitting on the ground, there were not many expressions of surprise or joy on the faces of the others.

Everyone has a different view on this matter.

The most relaxed was Xi Ming, Le Ye died, and died in the hands of Gu Zhong, he finally had nothing to do with this matter.

On the other hand, Xi Cheng had a dark face. His face was even more ugly than when he was besieged by Le Ye and Xi Yuwen. After all, Gu Zhong saved him, and his feelings for Gu Zhong have just changed slightly. He is ready to be sincere. Sincerely do something with Gu Zhong.

But because of him, Gu Zhong lay in the muddy water.

He is indeed not a kind person, but Gu Zhong is his very beautiful ally. He believes that only with enough time, Gu Zhong will be able to lead his disciples, his empire, across the current level.

It reached the level of being comparable to the Hongsheng Empire, but he could understand things, as long as the Holy Emperor Saint Sovereign contacted Gu Zhong a little, how could he not understand.

Now that Le Ye dies, Lao Le Wang will definitely not give up.

It is really not a good sign that Gu Zhong has provoked such a powerful enemy before he entered Hongsheng.

If the father knew, he might even cut off contact with Gu Zhong completely.

Back then, the father did not agree that Hua Chang was with Le Ye. The fact that Le Wang Mansion was a foreign mansion was only one of the reasons. The most important reason was...

The more thoughts in his mind, the more ugly Xi Cheng's face became. People who didn't know thought he was sorry for Le Ye. In fact, he really didn't want Le Ye to die.

For the sake of the ancient leader, even the sister's hatred and his own hatred can be temporarily put down, who can say that this is not true love.

It's just that it's too late to say that, Le Ye is dead, I'm afraid that at this moment, the old Le Wang is on his way to Le Ling City.

But Xi Hengfeng's thoughts still stayed at the moment when Gu Zhong took out the Pan Gu Axe. He originally came for the Gu Zhong this time. For some reason, when his eyes touched the Pan Gu Axe, he would shrink subconsciously. .

Okay, if that's the case... let the old Le Wang test me...

A smile appeared at the corner of Xi Hengfeng's mouth, and he flung out a bright light, which automatically floated towards the place where the ancient clock was.

Gu Zhong was still immersed in the small system's prompt sound, completely forgetting that in addition to the system's mission rewards, there were also the "extra rewards" of the emperor.

When he looked up and saw Xi Hengfeng's loving and kind smile and a button-like white spar floating in front of him, Gu Zhong reacted with hindsight.

Taking the white spar in the light cluster, he glanced at Xi Hengfeng suspiciously.

Why should he be so good to me?

This kind of father's laugh... is obviously a knife hidden in the laugh.

He glanced at Xi Ming again, with that leisurely and proud expression, the look of Xi Cheng worrying about him next to Xi Ming.

Huashang, who was paralyzed on the ground...and the Xiyuwen pattern that was completely stunned by the aftermath, and Lin Xiao, whose face was full of "distressed" at the entrance of the corridor.

The head of the ancient head started to work quickly, so he came to a conclusion: "It's not good... Lao Tzu has been pitted!"

"Gu Sect, this is the sky wall you want."

"Why, but there is a question?"

Seeing that the ancient bell hadn't been accepted, Xi Hengfeng asked


Gu Zhong curled his lips, then stretched out his hand to put the sky wall in mid-air into his bag, and replied, "Come, of course."

Putting the sky wall into the system space, I thought that there is no reason to not accept the baby in my hand.

It's just that Xi Hengfeng was respectful before, because he was afraid that he would not give him a chance, but now it seems that he was given one.

Especially seeing Hua Chang's sad look, the guilt in Gu Sect's heart has never been worsened.

Invisibly, he became a wage earner again, and the head of Gu held his breath in his heart, and his tone became a little more impatient.

"It's really not easy for me to come to Leling City, but after watching a good show, I am also tired and exhausted. I wonder if my son can stop this time?"

"Master Gu laughed, something unexpected happened."

"Don't take a rest in Le Ling City tonight."

"How about we set off tomorrow?"

Xi Hengfeng didn't care about the change in Gu Zhong's attitude. After all, in this farce, he has always been in control of the overall situation, and he is also the one who watches the show. Gu Zhong, who was originally a runner, was mixed up in the last second. .

On the side, Xi Cheng heard that he was going to rest in Leling City, so he wrinkled his brows and lived in Leling City... wouldn't it be...

He was about to speak, but Xi Hengfeng said, "Okay, Cheng'er, you can take Gu Zhangmen and Chang'er to settle them."


"Oh yes…"

Xi Cheng's thoughts were interrupted and he stayed for a while, thinking that I was also the first time to come to Leling City, where to settle...

What's more... Xicheng's eyes stayed for a while at the position where Le Ye's spiritual consciousness dissipated, and what he thought in his heart was that Le Ling City has always been under the management of Le Wangfu...

Now that the city lord of the family is dead, if it is known by the forces in this city that support Le Ye, they still don't know what kind of movement will be made.

Stayed in Leling City for one night, but who can sleep that night?

Can't sleep? How could he not fall asleep? The headmaster Gu said that he was asleep, and he was full of questions, waiting for Xi Cheng to answer.

Hoping to leave earlier, he bowed his hand to Xi Hengfeng and directly gave Lin Xiao a voice transmission, and he himself took Xi Cheng downstairs.

Lin Xiao handed Hua Chang a clean handkerchief under the instructions of the headmaster Gu.

He helped her downstairs, Hua Chang did not resist Lin Xiao's approach, and took the handkerchief to wipe away the tears from the corner of her eye. She did not expect that she still could not escape the tragic ending of seeing Le Ye die in front of her.

But she had long known that the Saint Emperor would never let Le Ye go, but she never thought that the Saint Emperor would not even give him a decent way to die, and finally died in the hands of Gu Zhong...

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