Super Master System

Vol 2 Chapter 1220: Be sober

Xi Hengfeng, who had a gloomy face, showed a father-in-law smile at the head of Gu that even Xi Ming had rarely seen.

Xi Cheng and Xi Ming were also baffled. Gu Zhong also wanted the Heavenly Rock Wall. He didn't say anything long or late, but just stood up at this time.

With the cultivation base of the ancient clock, it was impossible to break a complete sky wall, but the current inside of the sky wall was already damaged. Only one step away from being completely destroyed.

The people present except Gu Zhong and Xi Hengfeng have already attacked Tianpanbi, and Le Ye is already a dying person. If Gu Zhong does not take the initiative to come out, they will almost forget that there is He exists.

Gu Zhong, Gu Zhong... Don't you claim to be smart? Why didn't I understand this time, so I jumped into the pit?

Xicheng forbearedly looked at the back of Gu Zhong. Although the sky wall was good, how could the anger of the old Le Wang be so easy to bear.

Otherwise, why bother Xi Hengfeng make this, as his saint emperor, kill a Le Ye, who can say a "no"?

Xi Hengfeng was still unwilling, not to mention that Gu Zhong was the head of a third-rate sect in a small country. This third-rate head was still a loan...

Those identities that Gu Zhong is famous in Da Chu, such as the leader, the head, the prince, and the horse, are nothing but a joke to the nobles and princes of the Hongsheng Empire.

If it weren't for the inseparable interest relationship with Gu Zhong, he would not have looked at Gu Zhong as the first-in-law son of the Ning Palace.

If it wasn't for Gu Zhong to be too cunning, forcing him to board the thief ship of Gu Zhong... Yes!

Suddenly, Xi Cheng, this son and Gu Zhong were in the same boat.

Doesn't the old clock's bad luck mean my bad luck?

No, I want to stop him! !

It's a pity that Xi Cheng still reacted too late. Although Xi Ming on the side was also very deceived, he was surprised at the thought that he didn't need to carry the pot anymore.

But he still noticed Xi Cheng’s attempt to stop Gu Zhong, and quickly stepped forward to stop Xi Cheng’s path, shook his head at him, and said through the voice: "Cheng, it’s his own choice. Do you want to For an outsider, is the prince disregarding it?"


Xi Cheng glanced at the ancient clock anxiously, and the head of the ancient master seemed to have closed his six senses suddenly, indifferent to the strange expressions of the few people present.

On the contrary, he happily arched his hands towards Xi Hengfeng.

"Thank you Saint Emperor."


Xi Hengfeng continued to look at Gu Zhong with his loving eyes, thinking in his heart that it seemed that this stupid boy was not very high in IQ, and he would not be free to use it in the future.

As for the ancient master who has been regarded as a fool, all he thought was that he would be able to complete the challenge task immediately. What is the reward for the challenge task, if only another spring talisman could be given.

How could I manage the strangeness of Xi Hengfeng's family? Knowing that Gu Zhong was about to make a move, Le Ye behind the Tianyanbi frowned deeply.

This ancient clock always appears when it shouldn't.

He intended to force him to die, to see if Xi Hengfeng would spare him die for his son.

Le Ye was not afraid of death, but even if he died, he would never follow Xi Hengfeng’s wish. His own death would surely separate the entire Le King Mansion and Le Ling City from Hong Shengzong’s power. .

If he died in the hands of the Fifth Prince, the King of Le Mansion would go up and down, and the power of Le Lingcheng would be directed at the Royal Family of Hong Shengzong, Xi Hengfeng's favorite son.

When the time comes, Hong Shengzong's support for other princes will definitely seize this opportunity. Once the royal disciples have conflicts within them, it will be too easy to disrupt Hongsheng City and Hongsheng Palace.

If Xi Hengfeng was willing to bear such consequences, and with his death alone, causing changes in the empire's situation, Le Ye would definitely die with a smile.

Because he knew in his heart that King Father would avenge me, Xi Hengfeng, Xi Ming, and their lackeys, Prince Ning's Mansion, sooner or later, I will **** pain today! !

If you want to say's actually true, after all, you have to die sooner or later...

It's just that in Le Ye's seemingly perfect plan, an accident occurred, and that was this ancient clock from Da Chu.

A person who should have no grievances or enemies with him, the little head of the Hongsheng Empire without a foundation.

It is easy for the father to kill him. The power of the Royal Palace is enough to annihilate all the traces of his existence in this world, and all the things and people related to him.

But in this way, his death has nothing to do with Hong Shengzong.

The owner of the blood of a true god, father king killed him, on another level, perhaps he helped Xi Hengfeng solve a big problem.

After all, this time Xi Hengfeng went out of bounds, didn't he just want to win Gu Zhong into the Hong Shengzong, and the success of Hong Shengzong's momentum rose so much that he might even have the power to contend against the semi-god world in the near future.

But if Gu Zhong refused to agree and had other ideas, Xi Hengfeng, in order to avoid future troubles, would definitely have grown up before Gu Zhong, when he was still ignorant of the power of the true **** in his body. Strangling.

Because of his own death, Xi Hengfeng wanted to kill Gu Zhong without having to do it himself, and his father would do it for him.

Wonderful...Hahahaha, Xi Hengfeng is indeed the emperor who has suppressed my Le Palace for a hundred years.

Under the extreme qi, a warm blood poured in his mouth.



Le Ye was clutching her chest, and he wanted to say something in her mouth.

But he was really hurt too badly. Even the simple movement of opening and closing his lips could affect his unconventional meridians and internal injuries that were broken up and down all over his body.

The last bite of blood spurted out.

Then Gu Zhong's slightly proud and eager expression appeared clearly in front of his people.

"no, do not want…"

Le Ye made her mouth weakly, but couldn't make a sound.


Gu Zhong walked to a position ten feet away in front of Tianpanbi and stopped. Across the vague Tianpanbi, he saw Le Ye that was dying.

Put your arms around your chest, once the rock wall is broken this day, Le Ye will die...


Seeing the Gu Master suddenly stopped, Xi Cheng in the back was delighted and shouted anxiously in his heart.

Gu Zhong, be sober.

Xi Ming's handsome face completely collapsed. Contrary to Xi Cheng, he now wished to rush up to hold Gu Zhong's hand and smash the rock wall that day.

If Gu Zhong didn't do anything, the violent amount of violence remaining on the sea wall in Le Ye's body would soon put Le Ye into a dead end.

Gu Zhong...what are you still hesitating! He is a person living in Da Chu, it is impossible for him to know the blood connection that the Hongsheng Empire has only.

Xi Ming can only comfort himself so.

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