Super Master System

Vol 2 Chapter 1164: Snow Dragon

Unexpectedly, there were times when Mr. Gu couldn't deliver something. In fact, this can’t be blamed on Lu Jinsong. Before the Cangshan faction became a distribution, he received at most five thousand gold coins a month for the training expenses. You know, five thousand gold coins are enough for a family of ordinary people to live for one year.

It was enough for him to maintain the appearance of the elder’s direct discipleship, but Gu Zhong’s shot was a chain stick worth five million gold coins, which he would never have in his life, let alone him, even his master, Cangshan faction Elder, I'm afraid he doesn't have such a valuable weapon. And this is only the value measured from the material.

Even if you have enough mithril mine on hand, you need a very skilled weapon forging master to polish it day and night, and it will take half a year at the earliest to make such an excellent weapon.

Calculated in terms of grade, this chain should be in the upper grade. If it had been in the past, only when it made a very significant contribution to the martial art, would it have a chance to obtain a high grade weapon.

Even if he was full of longing for this weapon in his heart, he could only shirk his words. If it weren't, I'm afraid that a random look from the brothers in the future would make him extremely uneasy.

"Harm, this is tailored for you."

"Don't you? Then I'll give it to Lu Jue."

Why do you feel that the assigned disciple seems a little inferior? He dared not accept a weapon, and the words "I am not worthy" were written on his face, which did not conform to the style of the ancient master.

He said that he was about to throw the cool nunchaku to Lu Jue who was aside, and Lu Jue quickly moved aside and said, "I can make this thing uncomfortable."

"Let's give it to Senior Brother Lu."

"If the leader wants to give it away, how about sending me a swordsman?"


Lu Jue smiled happily, without any sense of jealousy. They were all people who had just walked through the gates of the ghost gate, plus they had jointly killed so many spirit beasts and holy beasts during the previous experience.

What's more, Lu Jinsong took the initiative to hold the Scarlet Eyed Saint Beast, in exchange for them a vital time.

It is also reasonable for the head to recreate a weapon for the senior.

What Lu Jinsong didn't know was that this nunchaku was designed by the head of Gu himself and made in the weapon casting system. From the selection of materials to the style, it is the crystallization of the wisdom of the head of the old.

The gifts for his wife have been so attentive, but the boy even refused.

Are you sure you haven't been hurt by the magic sea needle? In fact, Lu Jinsong really has no place worthy of Gu Master’s attention, but as an alien warrior, he was able to create a weapon like a nunchaku. In the eyes of others, he is a wonderful work, but in In Gu Zhong's eyes, this was a person who had some advanced ideas from the earth just like him.

If it was because his weapon was destroyed, Lu Jinsong would give up the nunchakus. Gu Shoumen would be more regretful than him. In other words, the nunchakus are of extraordinary significance to Gu Shoumen. Only occasionally see these Familiar and unfamiliar things, the ancient master will remember that he is a human being on earth, otherwise he is full of cultivation, sect, realm, and advanced thought will be wiped out.

"Brother, you should accept it."

"Yeah, I want it all if you don't want it."

Another disciple screamed, "Jinsong, you deserve it, accept it."

"Well, elder."

"Wait a minute... boy, excessive humility will only make people think you are showing weakness."

"Also, its real name is the nunchaku, and I named this nunchaku a name called Snow Dragon."

"I hope you accept it, you have to make yourself worthy of it."

With that said, Gu Zhong solemnly handed the Snow Dragon to Lu Jinsong's hand.


At this time, the disciples also noticed,

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