Super Master System

Vol 2 Chapter 1154: How to deal with

It's just that his ability and identity are still too humble compared to Banyue Alchemist, but Gu Yihan also knows that being with Xue Wanqing is unrealistic.

As long as you can look at her happy and happy from a distance, you are very satisfied.

However, when this day did come, his most real feeling was not happy, but heartbroken.

After the heartache, she felt relieved. It was her happiest thing to be with the boss.

I should be happy for her, he knew that the full of love had to be suppressed at this moment.

Gu Yihan turned around, no longer looking at the young men and women cuddling behind the rockery, leaving a sad back, turned and left.

Now the disciples in each branch hall of the sect are practicing in retreat, the disciples of the medicine garden are also busy planting and picking medicinal materials, and only the disciples of the medicine garden and alchemy pavilion will walk in the sect.

The area where the two ancient masters are located is a holy place for male and female disciples’ trysts. Single dogs who are a little bit more acquainted will not worry about walking on this road.

The worst thing is that this forest is near the medicine garden. Gu Yihan was usually stimulated badly enough. I didn't expect to hit his life today. But thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is only a man like the head of the house. The love of Master Xue Dan.

Is there any woman in the world who doesn't love handsome and capable men? Let alone women, he loves them all.

Wasn't he the Cangshan faction who came to the ancient master?

If the other party is the head, he doesn't have to admit defeat and directly declare the end of the crush.

To be honest, if Gu Master and Xue Wanqing made an open relationship, that would be when countless male disciples of the school were heartbroken, and only Gu Yihan, a stupid der, came to Gu Master.

Which of these young men in the sect is not here for the seniors and sisters? Banyue Alchemy Master is the dream lover in the hearts of many disciples, although there have always been rumors that Pavilion Master Xue likes the head of the sect.

But the rumors are not true after all. The disciples can occasionally imagine that the ancient head is already enough to be jealous of outsiders, so he can't make his own disciples jealous.

The ancient head still loves their young hearts very much. After all, he has a deep understanding of the time when the goddess official who had a crush for many years declared Gao Fushuai boyfriend.

The pain in my heart is no less than being hit by a magic needle...

Ahhhhh, the headmaster of Gu didn't have the magic sea needle, how does he know what it feels like... very simple... guessed.


The scene of the day passed quickly, and the night came quietly, and the white moonlight poured down like water, falling on the lush leaves and branches.

A faint mist floated in the pond, and the lotus in the pond looked like a hazy black gauze.

The moonlight sprinkled through the leaves and fell on a group of Bi people under the tree. Gu Zhong looked sideways at the white halo of the people in his arms. He was a little fascinated. At this moment, somehow, suddenly appeared in his mind. Lan Feirou's perfect cheek with the scar disappeared on her face.

Lan Fei and Xue Wanqing are all top beauties. When the position of elder is announced in public, the disciples should be happy too.

But this time I came to Xiao Wanqing, isn't it just to create the post of elder in the sect? Why did I meet and patronize and affectionately, but forgot about business.

Harm, as expected, my sons and daughters have a long relationship, which greatly delayed my walking in the arena!

"Wan Qing, I have something to hear from you."

After all, the headmaster still interrupted this rare tender time. Xiao Wanqing raised her head and said in a very clear and sweet voice: "Did the head have any difficulties?"

Based on her knowledge of Gu Zhong, Gu Zhong is an extremely opinionated person. Even if there is anything to make a decision, she should find two senior brothers, Han Yun or Lin Xiao Linchen who are familiar with the school.

She stayed in the alchemy pavilion all day, except for alchemy, she couldn't give much useful reference for other things.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to hear your thoughts."

"I will definitely do this."

"Well, you say the head."

Xue Wanqing held her small face in both hands, and looked at Gu Zhong seriously.

"I want Lan Feirou to serve as our elder, what do you think?"


Xue Wanqing covered her lips with her hand in surprise, a shocked expression in her star eyes.


"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

Gu Zhong was not surprised that Xue Wanqing would be surprised by this decision, but he would not react so strongly.

After being silent for a while, I thought that the headmaster Gu had just said that this was something he had decided and had to do. Xue Wanqing knew that Lan Feirou had agreed to 80%.

The headmaster would want to know what she thinks, and just want to use her to understand what the disciples think.

Although obsessed with alchemy, it does not affect Xue Wanqing as a gentle and intelligent woman. As long as it is what Gu Zhong wants to do, she will definitely give her full support.

Since the leader wanted to know what the disciples thought, she had to look at this matter from the perspective of the disciples.

After thinking for a while, Xue Wanqing said: "Head, I want to know...Do you still want Master Shu to come back?"

Xue Wanqing suddenly mentioned Zhou Ruoxiao, Gu Zhong was taken aback, and the atmosphere immediately became sad. Then he didn't hesitate to speak: "Of course, no matter where she is, I will find her back."

"In fact, we think the same as you."

"When Uncle Shi was here before, Uncle Shi and you were the most solid pillars of the school in the hearts of the disciples."

"Now that you want to establish the position of elder, you naturally want this person to lead the sect and become the same existence in the hearts of the disciples as the uncle...Do you think so?"

Although he loved Gu Zhong deeply in his heart, Xue Wanqing did not feel jealous or jealous at all when he heard the affectionate confession of Zhou Ruoxiao from the head of Gu, and some were only infinitely moved.

The headmaster did not forget the uncle, fortunately...fortunately...what other disciple of the Cangshan school would forget that there was a surprisingly talented uncle from the former school.

If it hadn’t been for the knowledge that Gu Master had been in a coma for a long time because of the departure of Master Uncle, and almost fell into a long sleep because of this, Princess Yuefeng had awakened Gu Master with her true feelings.

It is difficult for the disciples to accept this princess head wife without a bit of grudge, after all, in the eyes and hearts of most disciples, the head and the uncle are born together.

In fact, whether Lan Feirou is a hostage or Su Taizong's palace lord of the neon palace, these will not be the points that disciples really mind.

What the disciples care about is that not long after Shi Shu left, the head first married the princess and established the position of elder with the highest authority, as if Shi Shu had never appeared before.

In other words, the headmaster has given up Master Uncle, otherwise, if he does this, how should Master Uncle go back to the school?

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