Super Master System

Chapter 1115: Less emotion

You can let him punch and kick, dozens of disciples will release all martial skills, aiming at the red-eyed ground lion that was briefly controlled by Lu Jinsong, fist marks, palm prints, sword power, and sword power are coming.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of energy explosion sounded one after another, and the scene was very spectacular, with the taste of the ultimate boss.



The red-eye sacred lion was injured, and its little brothers could not sit still, and roared with incomparable anger, excitedly rose several feet in place, and jumped over a distance of tens of meters in one jump. More than fifty heads are on the ground. The lion once again surrounded the elders and disciples.

A more intense melee than before was triggered.


However, the rigidity of the red-eye saint lion's physique made Gu Zhong a little surprised. After being bombarded by dozens of warriors at the peak of the spell-extinguishing realm, he could still stand tall.

But think about it carefully, except for Lu Jinsong, who has been strangling the neck of the red-eye holy lion, the other people's attacks are just like a drizzle in Gu Zhong's eyes. I guess the red-eye holy lion didn't take it seriously. .

It was the red-eye holy lion being beaten, agitated its little brother, and it was very detrimental to the disciples and elders.

What the disciples surrounded by the red-eye lion group did not notice is that Lu Jinsong, who was kicking on the red-eye holy lion at this time, became more and more exhausted in his body. Due to the excessive force, his calf and arm muscles, They were all trembling greatly, pulling the palms of the nunchakus hard, and blood vessels burst, and both hands were covered with blood.

It looks so miserable, the ancient headmaster who watched this scene from a distance is a little bit unbearable. This picture does not look like Lu Jinsong locked the throat of the Scarlet Sacred Lion, but it looks like him. He was pinched by the throat.

The headmaster Gu helplessly helped his forehead. He was a little doubtful whether he shouldn't bring them to the trial ground of this difficulty.

It was a horrible thing to watch the whole time, and he finally understood why even the Yuan Ling Pill and Ling Yuan Guo couldn't help them break through.

Using the words of the ancient master to evaluate these disciples and elders is that they have a self-cultivation base. When it comes to martial arts, the quality is not high. Even if the proficiency is acceptable, it will not change the fact that the martial arts itself is tasteless and the damage is limited.

Not to mention the body technique. For a giant spirit beast like the red-eye ground lion, martial artists who are good at body-style will not choose frontal collision, because as long as they are "fast", the red-eye ground lion cannot touch it at all. To them.

In fact, this can't be all to blame for them, the ancient headmaster cultivated to the point where he was superbly transformed and reached the pinnacle, and there were disciples of the school, who were as good at physique as the Temple of Wind and Rain.

Seeing the slow tortoise operation of dispatching elders and disciples, I would naturally be anxious. The elders are even more, giving full play to their "long" and "old" specialties.

The ability to act is weaker than that of the disciples, and it can be described as weak.

After a good trial, it just felt like a battle of life and death.

"No matter, if you can't pass this level, just stay in this field and retreat."

I want to come to them as the prestigious disciples and elders of Da Chu, and they have too many contact with all kinds of temptations from the outside world, how can they be compared with the main disciples who have been staying in Heishan City and have almost no other activities of their own besides going out to do tasks.

If it is said that the disciples recruited at the beginning of the creation of the school were all blank sheets of paper, and the contents were filled by him, then now accepting the assignment, what you get is a stack of watercolor paintings that have been painted. What needs to be done is to transform the pattern on this paper into what you want.

It must be going through a crazy process of scratching the head, even if there is a small system plug-in, the specific operation will have to be done by the ancient head.


With a light sigh again, Gu Zhong's unbearable desire to make a move finally calmed down.

Just let them toss on their own, as long as they can't die, they can keep a breath, and then think about healing.

Who would have thought that the head of Gu had so many such "parenting heart sutras" at a young age.

Looking at the woods again, Lu Jue and the others failed to help Lu Jinsong, but instead angered the scarlet lion beast, gritted their teeth and killed a few.

Lu Jinsong over there finally couldn't hold on anymore. His chain stick could clasp the neck of the Scarlet Eyed Saint Beast, and even cut his flesh, but could not penetrate the stone-like blood vessels of the Scarlet Eyed Saint Lion Luoluo.

In other words, he tried his best and risked his life to jump onto the body of the red-eyed ground lion, but he was able to restrict his movement for a short time. With his power alone, he wanted to strangle the red-eyed holy beast. difficult. No, it should be quite difficult.

Gu Zhong had discovered this a long time ago, but he also felt strange that the Scarlet-Eyed Saint Lion was clearly not injured and looked very angry, so why not fight back?

Just like the set of nunchakus that Lu Jinsong had just played, the Scarlet Eyed Saint Beast was also puzzling.

Could it be that this red-eyed lion was attracted by the performance of Brother Stick? Can't bear to hurt this good guy with a stick?

There is still a set of explanations for the ancient leader. At this time, the small department provided a brand new idea for the ancient leader.

"This independent space has recognized you as the master, and the things in it will also be affected by your thoughts."

"I advise you to be less emotional and look at the problem objectively."


"Okay, I understand."

It is true that the world is sober, and he directly criticized Gu Zhong for being emotional, but let alone, what the Xiaoxi said is really so reasonable, didn't the only ancient head think that the trial was too difficult, and he was in Lu Jinsong When I took out the nunchaku, the mood was very ups and downs, and the red-eye sacred beast was affected by him, so he was merciful...

Come on, if that's the case, this pot is worth it.

However, he was indeed prepared to stop intervening, and at the same time he kept hinting to the Red Eyed Saint Lion, although he didn't know if it would be useful, he could check whether Xiaoxi's statement was true.


The red pupil holy lion who did not resist much roared wildly, his hands clenched into fists, and angrily and accurately grabbed Lu Jinsong's body.

If this claw goes down, if you can't dodge it, people can guess something big.

Gu Zhong's eyes widened, and he raised his head inconceivably to watch this scene. The co-authoring really said to the little department that the red-eye sacred lion's previous water release behavior was actually influenced by his emotions...

That being the case, he had to harden his heart even more, even if this stick brother, who made him feel kind, was in danger of his life, Gu Zhong could not break the rules of the trial field.


"Brother, run away!"

"Jin loose! Let go!"

Some disciples and elders discovered Lu Jinsong's situation and yelled loudly. They wanted to step forward to help, but they were dragged by a group of red-eyed ground lions and could not get out.

I can only cast his gaze towards Lu Jinsong's location in horror and worry, praying that he can let go and escape the disaster.

However, Lu Jinsong seemed to have walked into a dead end. Even though he could hardly feel the presence of his limbs now, even if he knew he might die, the barrier that prevented him from entering the Primal Spirit Realm still existed.

In his opinion, the Scarlet Eyed Saint Lion is the leader of this group of spirit beasts. If it can be defeated, it should not be difficult to break through the Primordial Spirit Realm.

However, he had been deadlocked with the red pupil holy lion for a long time, but there was not even the slightest sign of breaking through. This will inevitably make him feel frustrated and desperate.

Obviously, they are only one step away from the Primordial Spirit Realm, and the ancient master has already brought them to the door, if he can't cross this threshold by his ability.

He had no face to see Gu Zhong, his master and his sect brothers and sisters.


Just as the red-eyed holy lion's fists were about to fall on Lu Jinsong's thin body, a roar from the depths of his throat, centered on Lu Jinsong, turned into a circle of sound waves that spread out.

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