Super Master System

Chapter 1094: True to true

The Gu Sect who reluctantly made a decision, accompanied by the continuous beeping sound in his ear, the Gu Sect headed into the grass, sinking into his dreamland.


Sunlight shines through the gaps in the leaves and shines on the lush grass.


A very lazy man's voice sounded, and the head of Gu sat up from the grass. With a slight movement of his mind, a group of extremely powerful aura gathered between his palms.

The cultivation base is restored? Gu Zhong’s eyes flashed with surprises, and the feeling that he was full of aura when he opened his eyes was simply too comfortable.

Looked up at the sky, this is the whole night?

He quickly opened the system panel to check, Gu Zhong was surprised to find that the number of disciples had increased from 10,000 to 29,008, huh? How can there be more data than Qin Shangyan reported before?

"Because the assigned elders' cultivation base is too low, the system automatically counts them as disciples."

"Oh, I see."

"That's not right, then Palace Master Tang and the disciples of the original Jueyin Valley, why didn't they count in the data."

Gu Zhong said, pulling the panel to the task column, the progress of the seventh-level side task one has already gone through more than half, and the final frame is 8156/10000.

But this should be without adding the data of Tang Jiabao and the tutors of the Cangshan Academy. In the days of teaching students in the academy, the instructors did not slack off to practice.

The monthly resources received every month, the marrow pill, the spirit gathering pill and other auxiliary cultivation resources have helped a group of instructors to rise from the original true pill state to the peak of the true pill state, and Tang Jiabao has been in the extinction state from the beginning. One layer, climbing all the way, to the fifth layer of the realm of extinction.

Don't underestimate this speed. After all, like Tang Jiabao and the instructors, just like the assigned elders, the cultivation method and speed have long been solidified.

Sometimes it’s common to not be able to improve one level of cultivation in one year, to increase one level in three to five years, and to break through a big realm in ninety years.

This is still in the case of sufficient resources to supply, regardless of the fact that these assigned elders look at the scenery, they have a good reputation in the outside world, but they have been so sad that they have been overtaken by their own disciples for many years, and only they know it.

Sometimes it has to be admitted that the blue is better than blue. The new generation rises from the sect, which is good for them, but this will inevitably impact their own enthusiasm for cultivation, and even some elders have secretly given up on the bottleneck. Sprint, put your mind on teaching disciples.

There are many of them, and some have not given up. Just like the five elders, they have been in retreat for nine out of ten years. The progress of the cultivation base has been turned into scum by Yun Fanchen and Ming Yin Yao.

This also caused his temperament to become more and more irritable, and less disciplined and taught to his own disciples than other elders, but he was too harsh on them.

Therefore, like the situation of Tang Jiabao and the instructor of Cangshan Academy, talking about it can definitely shock the entire senior generation of Da Chu.

Speaking of it, Qin Shangyan and other elders have worked hard to cultivate for nearly a hundred years, but in the end they are systematically classified as disciples. It is not a great irony to them.

Of course, as long as they don't know, this thing can be regarded as not happening, and it is not ironic. Besides, this is a good thing for Gu Zhong, at least it has pulled a little task bar.

At this time, the Xiao Department also answered Gu Zhong’s question very seriously: "At that time, the system entered the data according to the Seven Streams School, so they did not enter the disciple column."

"But now the system is based on third-rate..."

"Well... I understand."

According to Xiao Clan, Qin Shangyan and other elders were not worthy of becoming elders of third-rate sects, so the head of Gu accepted this group of "disciples" who could be his grandfather and even grandfather Zeng.

Not much to say, in order to complete the side mission, Gu Zhong went directly to the secret place square and decided to arrange the space-time speed domain in Cangshan. The location selection became a big problem.

Speaking of which, Gu Zhong is not familiar with Cangshan, he also knows the secret space and the secret treasure house in general, and the time and space speed domain is the most popular training place in the next assignment.

Naturally, he couldn't just find an open space and set it up, so in the end, Gu Zhong chose the secret place square as the storage place for the space-time speed domain. Only a few elders had access to the secret square in the past.

The new door rules cancel this rule. The secret place square can be entered and exited at will. At the same time, every month by completing the tasks set by the martial arts, you will receive rewards and the opportunity to enter the first three floors of the secret place treasure house to pick a treasure.

This is definitely an unprecedented reform for the distribution. In the past, they also had daily tasks to complete, but at most they were reimbursed for expenses, and the supply of resources was pitiful.

The reformed door rules undoubtedly greatly improved the enthusiasm of the disciples, and since the last time the Big Sword Gang and the Cloud Sea Palace invaded, the disciples took this opportunity to enter the secret place square.

If you have a precise understanding of these so-called "forbidden places" of the sect in your heart, you will naturally want to know more.

Today is the first day of the establishment of the Cangshan dispatch. The disciples were still skeptical about the new rules of many sects. Even though most of them were already eager to try, the disciple who dared to be the first to eat crabs had not yet appeared.

Therefore, when the ancient clock appeared, the secret square of Nuo Da was empty. The square that originally needed to be opened by a special technique was activated by the head token at the waist of the ancient head.

When he saw the secret treasure house for the first time, Gu Zhong asserted that there was an extremely pure spiritual vein under this treasure house, but he did not come out of the treasure house.

Gu Zhong knew that this was not the case. If there were real spiritual veins under the treasure house, the heads of the Cangshan Sect would not be able to put an amethyst source in use, and place it in it secretly to consume spiritual power.

The reason why the aura here is stronger than the outside world is mostly related to the eighth layer of the ancient tree of the gods and the spiritual source fruit.

Speaking of the spirit source fruit, Gu Zhong was also a little itchy. The previous cultivation base was not restored, and he could not refining it. Now that the cultivation base is restored, he did not refining the legendary ancient gods in the first time. Step on this secret place square.

Gu Zhong himself was almost moved by himself and cried. Therefore, the sect led by Gu Master can advance by leaps and bounds. From a five-person faction that nobody cares about, it has developed into a big Chu in just two years. Unknown third-rate martial art.

In addition to Gu Master's own excellent personal strength, his dedication to the construction of his disciples and sects cannot be ignored.

Just as the so-called one heart, the advantage is to cut gold, the ancient master and his disciples are sincere to the true heart, and the sect can have such rapid development.

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