Super Master System

Chapter 1077: Isn't it the end of Gulang?

The female emperor dragon's eyes were faint, she plunged her dragon spear into the deep soil, stood up on her body, looked at the direction of the fall of the ancient clock, and said: "I still overestimate you, Father, etc. How can I meet someone who hasn't waited for tens of thousands of years so easily."

"Humans are really impatient creatures. If you are fully prepared for another challenge in a few hundred years, you may still have a chance. It's a pity...sigh..."

She shook her head, no longer paying attention to the ancient clock, but turned her gaze to He Xingyue, Ye Huan and others: "You go, you don't want to kill any more today."

Ye Huan glared at the female emperor dragon with an angry expression, and Chaos Poison King also had a dark face, thinking to himself, the ancient bell is gone, how can we go?

But soon, he suddenly realized that his original spirit was still pinched in his hands by Gu Zhong, and if Gu Zhong was really gone, he could not have no influence at all.

So, he walked in front of the Empress Dragon, and based on his qualifications, it would be worthwhile to have a face-to-face conversation with the Empress Dragon.

And this female emperor dragon is not without the power to fight. "To go, Gu Zhong is also going with us."

"He can't go."

"How do you know he can't leave?"

The female emperor dragon's face was angry, where did this guy come from, he looked like a ghost, still whistling and crooked here.

Just when the female emperor dragon was extremely impatient and wanted to blast the Chaos Poison King with a punch, her expression changed abruptly, and she suddenly looked back at the deep forest where the ancient clock had fallen. There was a burst of stronger aura. Change.


In the eyes of the female emperor Dragon, there was unexpected and unusual emotions overflowing, and she saw her slender hand raised, and the majestic aura swept out, directly rolling up the ruins of the ancient bell.

As the fallen trees were lifted off, the disciples' eyes gradually changed from anger and despair at the beginning to surprise and ecstasy.

In the messy woods not far away, a figure with a broken body and a faint silver light slowly rises from it, and what is most shocking is that there are all kinds of weird hanging on the body of that figure. Black equipment.

Only Ye Huan and He Xingyue knew exactly what these gadgets were hanging on the ancient clock.

Laser guns, rifles, pistols, and sniper rifles...especially in the left and right hands of the head of Gu, each holding several pitch-black spherical objects.

The silver light not only envelops the ancient bell, but also encompasses the strangely shaped hidden weapon on the ancient bell.

All the muzzles hung on the ancient clock were aimed at the female emperor dragon. The pitch-black muzzle was deep, and there seemed to be a terrifying light flowing inside.

The female emperor dragon looked at Gu Zhong with a very strange look. Gu Zhong could survive, relying on the silver body to absorb the fatal damage for him.

However, at this moment, Gu Zhong lifted his dusty but still handsome face, and grinned at the Empress Dragon. Eight white glowing teeth are exposed.

"Hey, the battle is not over yet."

"You have been making the move just now, now it's my turn."

When the voice fell, Gu Zhong's face also became cold at this moment, dozens of various muzzles hanging on his body, all turned the gun body to lock the female dragon, and there was a terrorist force in it. Come together.

The confusion and confusion on the face of the Empress Dragon, locked by dozens of small black hole-like muzzles, all show that she is facing these strange "weapons" that she has never seen or even heard of. At a loss.

But in the next second, a deep chill surged from the bottom of her heart. In the muzzle of the cheat book, there were countless orange energy **** of different sizes and orange colors, as well as dazzling orange light beams. Interspersed among them, the periphery of dozens of orange energy **** of different sizes and different speeds is surrounded by circles of silver light.


However, without waiting for her to think about it, dozens of energy **** had already whizzed in. In the next instant, Gu Zhong detonated the magic bullet in his hand, and the sound of shocking explosions suddenly resounded from the sky and the earth.


When those energy **** were about to approach the Empress Dragon, the orange light beams exploded, turning into a rich earth element that solidified in the Empress Dragon’s body into a physical space. In addition, there was also the ultimate Phoenix Meteor and Lotus Fire all over her. Burning, and then, in the ears of the female emperor dragon, once again bursts of earth-shaking roaring bodies, the space seemed to start to shatter at this time.

The earth and fire elements raged all over the female emperor dragon, madly invading the air and land around her.

The female emperor dragon tried to summon the dragon scale armor to defend against the attacks of these elemental attributes, but when a piece of thick armor covers her body, the power of silver will quickly erode into her with the incomparable earth and fire elements. body of.

The dragon scale not only can't play a defensive role, but even accelerates the elemental power to attack her.

What are those things? !

The female emperor dragon can no longer remain calm, because the things that subvert her cognition hanging on Gu Zhong can burst out such pure earth and fire element power.

Are those weapons that condense elemental attributes? The solidification of the earth element greatly restricted her body's movement, and the constant gathering of the Phoenix Meteor Emperor Lotus Fire, which was constantly strengthening, was even more irritating to her. If she did not take any measures.

Sooner or later, she would have to burn her internal wounds, but, in the torrent of elements, all the whistling sounds that came to remind her, Gu Zhong's attack did not stop.

Until now, the Empress Long had to admit that in this wave of energy bombing, her scalp was already numb, and she did not expect that Gu Zhong's counterattack would be so fierce and decisive.

These weird energy balls, as long as they get close to her, they will immediately disperse into extremely rich earth and fire elements.

What martial skill is this? ? For the Empress Dragon, this wave of Gu Zhong's operation was even more terrifying than the wild realm he had previously used.

Although the Reckless Field is powerful, it has also caused her inner jealousy to a certain extent, but she at least knows how to deal with it. After all, with her cultivation base, she can completely deal with any attack by Gu Zhong.

Didn't the ancient master give up using thermal weapons at the beginning? How do you still have to rely on improved modern weapons to turn around?

This isn't Gu Lang's talents... I've also used the Reckless Realm, and the Talisman of Attracting Spirits... Still can't beat this female dragon, the Gu master can only return to his old line.

It's just that some improvements have been made on the original basis to achieve the current effect. Originally, weapons such as laser guns use magic cores as energy sources. The higher the level of the magic cores, the stronger the explosion of power. .

But the female emperor dragon was originally the king of beasts, using the spirit beast and the magic core of the sacred beast as the energy source to attack the emperor dragon beast, she was afraid that it would not cause her damage, but would encourage her awe.

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