Super Master System

Chapter 1068: You are already a mature system

Every time an item is refreshed, no matter what level it is, it only costs a little contribution value to redeem it.


After refreshing the exchange system, the page appears gray, and a luminous talisman paper appears in the middle area, which is the spirit-attracting talisman that the ancient master just spent a lot of money to exchange.


Gu Zhong, the boss with staring eyes, said that the rarity is three stars! It is said that I missed this time and would never have a chance to meet in the next life? !


This kid is lucky too. For such a result, the small department is also very speechless. Refreshing the page can even flash a charm to attract spirits.

Isn't this slap yourself in the face? It is a pity that these probabilistic operations are not within its controllable range.

I guess you won’t be able to listen to any ancient bells now, but don’t you explain it? of course not!

The authority of the system cannot be lost, "That...maybe you haven't refreshed it for a long time, and the lucky value accumulated to a certain extent, just happened to burst today."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I'd better redeem this Spirit Attracting Talisman before I can contribute 1 point. It's a good deal, isn't it."

Gu Zhong could swear that this was the first time Xiao Department had said so much to him, Xiao Department began to be anxious.


Gu Zhong snorted very sickly, and then honestly accepted the second spirit charm. "

During the apprenticeship situation, the little department continued with a smile: "This wave is equivalent to the host only spending 50001 points of contribution points to exchange for two spirit-attracting charms, which is absolutely bloody..."

"is it?"

"If I remember correctly, it seems that I have a chance to redeem it with just a little contribution value..."

"I don't know which one is more profitable?"

Although the dialogue between Gu Zhong and Xiao Xi was expressionless, from Gu Zhong's tone, one can imagine how he gritted his teeth and said this sentence.

"The harm...I said it was a beautiful accident."

"The host should stop struggling."

"A beautiful accident?"

"Would you like to refresh this seat again..."

There has always been only the humble part of the ancient head in front of the system father, and he finally caught the handle of the small department, and the ancient head naturally has to go to the end.

"Okay! You swipe!"

Xiao Xi replied very stubbornly.

It is absolutely impossible for the exchange mall to display two Samsung rare items at once, and there is still confidence in this self-made data.


Without saying anything, Gu Zhong pulled down the system panel again.

"Ding, refresh successfully"

This should be the first time, Xiao Xi listened to the same mechanical sound as himself, but became nervous for no reason.

"Heart-warming gift box?"

Looking at the gift box-like pattern that appeared on the page, Gu Zhangmen felt that he had been sold.

Apart from anything else, the exchange value of 1 point is successfully redeemed, and I want to see if this heart-warming gift pack can be issued with a charm to attract spirits.

"Hmph, little department, little department, just say, do you have another host outside, or why do you treat me like this."


The head of Gu seems to have wronged his father, but in fact he has already thought out various compensation plans.

"No, right?"

The probability of refreshing to the heart-warming gift package set by the system is one in ten thousand, can this be brushed? The heart-warming gift pack is not without a chance to draw the charm of spirit...

It is even possible to find items that are more rare than the Talisman, but the probability of finding rare items is also one in ten thousand.

The little department panicked. If it didn't reach it, it would be one ten thousandth and then multiplied by one ten thousandth. It was almost impossible to have a probability event, but if it did, it would be a 100% event.

"Ding, the heart-warming gift box has been opened." There was a wave of light in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host, get the supreme underwear × 1..."

"Extreme socks×1, supreme underwear×1..."

The ancient clock, which had been prepared to tie a small stroke, suddenly twitched violently after hearing the prompt tone.

"What the hell??"

"Heart-warming gift package, it's heart-warming..."

"The supreme underwear that will never be worn, you can wear it to the host to become an immortal."

Xiao Xi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was said that Gu Zhong, the non-chief chief, could not have good luck twice in a row.

"Screw you."

"You can smoke duck eggs if you wear it all the time."


Gu Zhong waved his hand, the plan of the pit system failed, Gu Zhong put his mind back to business.

"With the charm of attracting spirits, this seat has a chance to defeat the emperor dragon beast."

"That's not sure, it depends on your character."

"I can only guarantee that the Spirit Attracting Talisman is worth this price."

"Value 1 point contribution value?"

"of course not!"


The small type of anger wants to beat people, and the ancient clock has enough skin. From returning to the ancient tree of the gods, the small type means that what kind of increase the spirit-inducing talisman can bring depends on his character. And the skin tone of the ancient master today...

If you are lucky, 1 point contribution value is used to scavenge the spirit charm. If you are not lucky, you will open a set of underwear suits.

As long as it does not help, you should buy the problem! Challenge the emperor dragon beast to complete the task of the system, you are already a mature system, you must learn to actively help the host complete the task.


"Brothers! Go!"


Under the ancient tree of the gods, the flowers of the disciples and others were about to thank, and when they heard the call of the ancient master, they all woke up from the state of confusion.

"All cheer up, we are ready to go to the eighth floor to challenge the emperor dragon beast."

The ancient master who possessed two spirit-inducing charms was undoubtedly more confident than when he had just learned of the cultivation base of the emperor dragon beast.

What's more, I got a pair of supreme underwear... Even if there is an accident when I will fight the Emperor Dragon Beast, at least I can guarantee the happiness of the lower body is not...

Even this point can be thoughtful enough, enough to show that this time the ancient head is really going to spare it.

Although the disciples don't know where the confidence of the leader comes from, it can be seen that the leader is very excited now, no matter what, it is better to set off than to wait here. Coupled with the period of rest during the previous period when the headmaster Gu was stunned, their injuries have almost recovered.

Soon, the twelve disciples, including He Xingyue and Ye Huan, quickly entered the state.

" does it feel like something is missing?"

"Where is Xiaotian?"

He was about to take out the headmaster order and enter the ancient headmaster on the eighth floor.

Only then did I remember why the God Shaking Tiger had disappeared, and his little tiger sister, at such a critical moment, wouldn't these two tigers come to see them off?

Gu Zhong found that the eyes of his disciples were all looking behind him, and he turned his head sharply. In the sight of Gu Master, two tiger beasts cuddling and kissing each other appeared.


"No eyes, no eyes!" Is the tiger juice so open now? ? !

In this regard, Little Tiger Girl said, hey, people are beasts, dare to love and hate, don’t you have as many rules as humans!

Gu Zhong quickly turned his head, cleared his throat and said: "We are still not using light bulbs! Let's attack!"

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