Super Master System

Chapter 1046: Learn now sell now


Gu Zhong and Chaos Poison King rushed from the storage room, carrying Ye Huan with heavy pressure on their shoulders, as if seeing light in a dark world.


"Head! The head is here!!"

A group of disciples and elders' dim faces suddenly burst into strong vitality, Gu Zhong threw out a flame, dispelled the dozen poisonous corpses in front of him, and walked quickly to Ye Huan's side, and glanced with concern. He Xingyue turned around and said to the people: "I'm sorry, just chatting, I almost forgot you all."


The corners of everyone's mouth twitched.

So they all thought that the head of Gu had been killed, but he was talking to others in it? This is also big enough.

Gu Zhong stopped explaining, and continued: "Don't panic, everyone, this seat has a way to subdue these poisonous corpses."

The elders and disciples didn't care whether what Gu Zhong said was true or false, but their bodies couldn't help leaning against Gu Zhong.

"Head, what can you do, I see Junior Sister He..."

Ye Huan had forgotten Gu Zhong because he was chatting and chatting. He was speechless for a while. Our boss still has no rules and rules as usual.

He should have thought of this long ago. Now the ancient clock began to sell Guanzi in front of everyone. Ye Huan, as the person who knew the ancient clock best at the scene, naturally knew that only when He Xingyue was mentioned, the ancient chief would become active.

Otherwise, it must be to create a momentum in front of these people, and then pretend to be forced.

Sure enough, thinking that Xiao Yueyue was still in a coma, Gu Zhong immediately winked at the Chaos Poison King and motioned him to quickly dispose of these poisonous corpses.

Chaos Poison King curled his mouth and shook his hands. At some point, a stone plate appeared in his hand, and he fiddled with it twice at random.

The hundreds of poisonous corpses that were launching an attack suddenly froze in place, as if sealed by some power. Gu Zhong's eyes lit up, and his gaze fell on the stone plate in the hands of Chaos Poison King.

The function of this stone plate seems to be able to control the actions of the poisonous corpse.

Okay, okay, this old poisonous monster is still not honest enough. If he asks him if there is any good thing, he won't say anything. Let’s reveal the stuff. Gu Zhong secretly wrote down the matter and prepared to find a chance to thoroughly clean up the old poisonous monster. The bottom searched all the time, even the kind of underpants.

The others were also dumbfounded. A stone that looks ordinary, simply fiddled with it twice, and all the poisonous corpses are still still, this is incredible!

At the same time, it also made them feel that they just looked like a fool.

"Okay, solved."

Gu Zhong spread out his hands, and then he hugged He Xingyue carefully around the dead poisonous corpses, placing her on the stone bed in the palace beside her.

Was beckoned to the Chaos Poison King in the distance.

The Chaos Poison King had been waiting at the entrance, and seeing the ancient bell calling him, he had to walk towards the ancient bell.

But as soon as he moved his feet, Ming Yin Yao stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "These poisonous corpses take orders from you, why on earth do you want to harm us?"

"who are you?"

"It's okay, let him come over."

Ming Yin Yao was a little embarrassed: "The head, the disciple is worried that he will harm He... Junior Sister, after all, Junior Sister He's injury may not be related to this person."

Gu Zhong glanced at Ming Yin Yao in amazement. Why did Ming Yin Yao’s mouth become so sweet after chatting with Chaos Poison King for a while? The call of "head" really made Gu Zhong feel at ease.

"It's okay, let him come over."

Gu Zhong said that Ming Yin Yao was very puzzled by Gu Zhong's persistence, but he still put down the arm blocking the Chaos Poison King, the moment his eyes touched the Chaos Poison King.

The disdain and contempt that burst from the opponent's eyes only made him feel a tremor in his heart and soul, which made Ming Yin Yao a little more jealous of the Chaos Poison King.

"Who is this?"

Chaos Poison King walked to Gu Zhong, Ye Huan also asked the same question as Ming Yin Yao.

Intuition told him that although this person seemed weak for some reason, his strength was definitely good.

Being able to control the poisonous corpse, I am afraid that Ming Yin Yao's concerns are not entirely unreasonable. The movement of the fighting inside just now, I'm afraid this old man is the initiator.

Ye Huan was right about this, but Chaos Poison King's aura was weak, and it was completely abused by the ancient head.

All the people present were not fools, and soon realized that they all looked at the Chaos Poison King with defensive eyes, and at the same time raised a little vigilance.

"Oh." Gu Zhong sighed helplessly. He wanted to rescue Xiao Yueyue first, but since they all have big prejudices against the old poisonous monsters. Gu Zhong decided to explain to them first.

"My slave." Gu Zhong's explanation was very simple and rude. It was such a simple four words that almost made the Chaos Poison King run away on the spot.

Hi, can you save some face for the old man? ?


Everyone looked surprised.

"Ahem, Lord... the head..."

In the presence of so many people, it is really difficult for Chaos Poison King to call out the word "master" to the little white face of Gu Zhong, and he is just like Ye Huan, called Gu Zhong's head.

In order to quickly pick up this topic, Chaos Poison King is now learning and selling, drawing Gu Zhong's attention to He Xingyue.

"To touch the corpse poison on her, just melt a drop of Qiluo Xianpin's juice into the soup and feed her to drink it."

"Okay, you better not lie to me, otherwise you know the consequences."

Gu Zhong didn't say much any more. With a sway of his hand, a bowl of hot soup appeared in his empty left palm.

According to the old poisonous monster, he used his spiritual power to force a drop of pure juice from Qiluo's immortal product into the bowl, and carefully fed it to He Xingyue to drink it.

Holding the soul of the old poisonous monster in his hand, Gu Zhong can believe anything he said, because he felt that since the old poisonous monster chose to live a humiliating life, he would want to live forever, not just a few more seconds. .

Of course, as long as he is loyal enough, with the strength of this old poisonous monster, Gu Zhong must be reused, but since it is reused, there must be a certain evaluation period. As for the length of the evaluation period, look at Gu Palm The door is in a mood.

After taking the decoction, the corpse-like gray on He Xingyue's face quickly faded, which is the effect of the medicine.

Worthy of being an immortal product, within two minutes, He Xingyue regained his usual stunning appearance, and some strange physical signs that had grown out disappeared.

After a few more minutes, He Xingyue blinked her hazy beautiful eyes and looked at a group of nervous elders in doubt, and said curiously: "Where am I?"


The stone wall of confinement was opened slowly by Chaos Poison King cracking.

It was a tunnel that spread upwards, dark and gloomy, everyone walked all the way, and finally appeared outside.


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