Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 884: [Most like sky hook, time problem]

In the third quarter, Aldridge played badly under James's defense. The soft features were unobstructed. He could not break through his face and could not squeeze James from his back.

Ade is not afraid of people who are taller than himself and stronger than himself. He can pull out shots with his mobility to help his opponents helpless. Against the short defender, he is more accurate in shooting.

He and Bosh are in the same situation. The most annoying thing is the power center who is good at attacking the basket. It is the power **** who makes him difficult to turn around. James and Wang Jun are of this type. Moreover, these two players are stars who can "wrest" with their opponents and rarely get fouled without a ball.

Crawford, the only referee who dared to blow the star's foul without a ball and body hair foul, has retired to rest, and now the star can get some preferential treatment when defending.

James is also excellent in breakthroughs, reducing Wei Shao's shooting percentage. It is not a good idea to meet him.

Heading Wang Jun directly, trying to break through is even more difficult than James. Wang Jun's flexibility is better than that of James, and his lateral movement and direction change are better.

Wei Shao's assists came mainly from the break to attract the ball after the break, instead of directly passing the ball to the empty place. Ibaka and Ade's ability to respond is average, and the Thunder can't cooperate with the breakthrough.

The two stars played poorly, and the scoring task fell on the team boss Durant. He singled Battier with high efficiency and scored 18 points in a single quarter to help the team bite the score.

77 to 75, the Thunder's defensive strength also came up this quarter.

Adelman adjusted his tactics, and in the last quarter became James anti-Durant, Jerebko came on the 4th position against Ibaka, the outside line was Wang Jun, Curry, and center Vucevic.

Durant was accustomed to Battier's rhythm of anti-outburst and anti-throwing. Suddenly, he struggled with the muscles of James. It was difficult to make movements immediately, and he consumed more energy.

Vucevic and Wang Jun played a pick-and-roll match to help him avoid Severosha's entanglement.

Vucevic didn't cut the ball and set the equal-pointer in the high position. After Wang Jun accelerated to get rid of it, Ade didn't follow the defense, nor did it. If Wang Jun is in the bottom line, if Sefolosha doesn't chase, Ade can't prevent the breakthrough.

Once Sefolosha chased and formed a trap, the middle was empty again.

Ade must block it, otherwise Wang Jun can lay up for a layup, and his speed is already one of the fastest in the 2nd position.

Wang Jun scored 8 points and assisted Jerebko to make a three-pointer. Vucevic received a double-handed dunk in the basket. The difference was widened again, and Brooks was forced to call a timeout.

Zhang reasonable smiled: "Wang Jun solves the problem by his personal ability. He has scored 34 points, 4 rebounds and 8 assists. He is likely to win a large double-double. Vucevic is also good today, not many shots. Living."

Yu Jia said: "Jerebko is a soldier today, and his defense against Ibaka has not become a loophole. Ibaka's ball attack is too bad, he can't play in the low post, and he can't pass. He can only jump outside."

Zhang reasonable nodded: "If Ibaka can practice the low post, he can become an All-Star by virtue of his mid-range shooting ability. Compared with last season, he has not improved fast enough."

After the timeout, the Thunder's offense did not improve.

Adelman sent Wang Jun to defend against Durant and Curry against Westbrook, which caused the Thunder to attack Curry.

Curry didn't have much running on both ends of the offense and defense. With the rotation of Ray Allen and Thomas, the playing time was not long, and the physical strength was still very good. It would not let Wei Shao pass easily.

Durant's physical strength has also dropped, and Wang Jun can't get rid of his close body and is not easy to catch the ball. He turned twice to face the defensive jumper and missed under the interference.

Wei Shao couldn't do anything, increased his breakthroughs, struck a shot near the rim, and shot 1 of 4 under the interference of James and Curry.

At this time, some people who watched the ball online began to say that Visor defended Durant from death.

Durant's offensive ability to hold the ball is not as good as that of Wei Wei. His height is mainly based on a jump shot. Without the physical strength, he will give the ball to him and wait for death.

Only by breaking in and attracting the outs can we drive the whole team. Only when the outside line is thrown out can we have a chance to live. The closer to the basket, the higher the hit rate, and the same truth.

Wei Shao often blamed the Thunder for defeat, don't look at him as tall, the task of topping the explosive pack at the critical moment is always his.

In order to chase the points, the Thunder replaced the three-point shooter Cook and Sefolosha rested.

Wang Jun's pressure diminished and the offensive end singled out two consecutive goals. Durant defended him for two rounds and was easily passed. The Thunder was powerless.

114 to 95, the Kings win away.

Wang Jun has 38 points, 5 rebounds, 9 assists and 1 steal. His shooting percentage is 68%. With this kind of performance, the Thunder can't win.

Durant scored more points, 46 points, 10 rebounds and 3 assists, shooting 50%, and efficiency in the final quarter decreased. He scored mainly by heads-up, passing in general, and could not drive his teammates well.

The Thunder lost their home advantage, and more people are optimistic about the King.

ESPN columnist Nicholas said: "The King has now made up for the center's disadvantage. Martin started playing small ball tactics. They can better limit the breakthrough. The Thunder's lineup is restrained by the King. They have no one who can hit the basket."

"Hook" Jabal said: "The King's inside is good at preventing pick-and-roll and breaking. The disadvantage is that the protection of the basket is not enough. At this time, the Thunder should consider handing the ball to Aldridge to play more in the low post. He is definitely a hit. Underestimated inside, with skill and excellent shots, he only averaged 14 shots per game."

At the end of the regular season, Jabal evaluated the inside of the league on the show, and gave the praise especially to a player, he is the Thunder star Aldridge.

Jabal said: "I know there is a player who plays in the low post in the same way as I was back then. He is LaMarcus Aldridge. He can skillfully use hook shots and is a very efficient player. He can play inside He can score, turn around, and jump shots at 12 feet. He is really omnipotent."

With 14.1 shots per game, Ade scored 18 points, 8.2 rebounds and 1.8 assists, which is why Tian hook is optimistic about him.

Jeff Van Gundy was also upset for Adelaide. "He was too low-key, he was supersonic as soon as he entered the league. This was supposed to be his team. Durant and Westbrook got more ball rights than him. I can't understand the intention of the head coach, Weiss. Brook is not very efficient and his scoring ability is overestimated."

Van Gundy's basketball philosophy will definitely allow the inside and shooting guards to be the core, he does not look down on Wei Shao.

Two celebrities commented on the Thunder, Brooks was not far from get out of class.

In the second game, Brooks began arranging tactics for Aldridge, first pick-and-roll, and then low singles.

Adelaide's straight-arm jumper has the charm of Rashid Wallace. This trick Wang Jun can't cover. After being misaligned, he can only try to be close to his body and disrupt his shooting rhythm with small movements.

Adelaide turned around and hooked, Martin and James could not cover it, and they were too tall.

Aldridge opened, Durant still maintained a high shooting rate against Battier, both of them scored 30+, Westbrook also had a comprehensive performance of 14 points, 7 rebounds and 8 assists.

Thunder pulled back a strong game, UU reading www.uukanshu. The total score of com is 1:1.

Just seeing some hope and moving to the king's home, the Thunder won't work again.

They lost to the bench, Thomas broke out, scored 20+, and singled out Fisher and Jackson.

James also performed very hard, breaking through the Thunder's defense time and time again, Wang Jun attracted defense in the periphery, waiting for a chance to shoot a three-pointer, reducing the number of shots.

Ibaka couldn't prevent James one-on-one, Sefolosha didn't play a role, only followed Wang Jun on the periphery to watch the excitement.

In the fourth game, Durant was finally denied one time. Battier closed his eyes and could not resist or replace the main defense. The effect was obtained. Durant made only 8 of 24 shots and made four turnovers.

Westbrook was also in a poor state, unable to jump in, missed a jumper, and the Thunder relied on Ade.

At the end of the game 104 to 77, the King's Thunder is ugly. After getting the match points, it is only a matter of time before they advance.


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