In the regular season, the Thunder averaged not worse than the Kings, and have home advantage.

Before the start of the game, the host analyzed the lineup of the two sides and thought that Westbrook and Aldridge played well. If the opponents were exploded, the Thunder had great hopes of winning.

This kind of analysis is obviously superfluous. Modern basketball has no clear counterpoint, especially point guards and insiders, often misaligned, the king will not let Curry go to defend Westbrook.

The two sides started out without an orthodox center.

Five Kings: Curry, Wang Jun, Battier, James, Martin.

The Thunder five: Westbrook, Sefolosha, Durant, Ibaka, Aldridge.

This is the Thunder's usual lineup. They are not afraid of the opponent's lack of power inside. If there are strong men, let Collison and Bai Ade go up against them.

The King did it more thoroughly, and he didn't have a meat shield. It was Kuriga's four strikers. If it weren't for Curry's three-point super-accuracy, which reached 45.5% this season, he would play Ray Allen.

The Thunder attacked first and the game started.

The King is staring, Battier defends Durant, Wang Jun against Westbrook, James against Aldridge.

This is not the same as the Spurs formation. The joint defense must have loopholes. Ade and Durant are too special. The big men rely on jump shots. The joint defense is equivalent to letting them take the wrong position.

Many old experts used to think it was a soft egg, but now they have to admit that a big man who can shoot is more powerful.

Westbrook held the ball outside, Aldridge midfield pick-and-roll helped him get rid of Wang Jun, James immediately changed defense.

Both sides know the truth, and Wei Shao knows how difficult Wang Jun is to prevent breakthroughs, and does not make unnecessary attempts. James was also not inferior in speed, traversing blocked the breakthrough route.

Many teams play the Thunder, and then they have to be on the team. Few insiders can prevent Wei Shao's breakthrough, but the King is an exception.

Wei Shao's pressure is not small, the ball goes around to find his teammates. Wang Jun in the middle blocked himself against Aldridge. Wei Shao took the ball to the bottom line and handed it to Durant 60 degrees on the right.

Durant singled out Battier, stopped the jumper in one step, ignored the closed eyes, and scored. 0 to 2.

Adelman knows that Durant is not afraid to seal his eyes, but Battier's stats are huge stars, but Battier's defense inside, controlling rebounds, and fast breaks are not as good as James, so let him be the most suitable on the side.

Wang Jun can prevent Durant, but when he goes, Wei Shao will have to hand it to Curry, which is also inappropriate.

Can't you let Battier go to defend against Flosa? It would be better to let Ray Allen play.

The coach seems to be an easy job. Actually, it is difficult to do well, and the workload is not small. Before the war, the plan must be considered from all aspects, otherwise no more stars may win.

The experience of the U.S. national team is the best example. From 2000 to the successive failures, until the old K became the head coach, the dream team only lost to Greece from 2006 to now. 2006 still lost because of an unreasonable lineup, Brand often has to play center.

The king attacked, Wang Jun took the ball from outside, and all of them pulled away. The man defending him was Sefolosha.

The Thunder is also person-to-person, Durant is only responsible for Battier, simple task.

Wang Jun led into the three-point line on the right side, dribbling behind his left hand to make a jumper, avoid the block, and missed the shot under interference.

Ibaka grabbed a rebound and immediately counterattacked. Westbrook picked up Curry to head the ball, bowed his head and rushed to the inside, made a quick layup and did not enter without interference. Curry didn't just squeeze the soft persimmon.

After the rebound was received by James, it was given to Battier. Battier passed on Wang Jun again. The king also counterattacked. Wang Jun caught the ball on the right and made a wandering step. Sefolosha didn't eat it and blocked it.

He chose to throw in the middle, evaded the block, and missed without interference. The rebound was received by Ibaka.

Zhang reasonable sighed: "Wang Jun missed two shots, Sefolosha's defense is really good, followed."

"No matter how bad the offense is, the Thunder will let him start, but he can't play for too long, it is equal to less personal offense." Yu Jia laughed.

Zhang reasonable nodded: "He defended Paul a 14-1 in the regular season, not afraid of misplacement, but unfortunately not shooting."

Sefolosha won respect and contract for himself with a strong defense. His mind is calm and he can clearly judge the opponent's breakthrough route. He can clearly capture the opponent's slack moment and rarely be subjected to numerous fake actions. Confused.

In the Thunder, he often has to make up for the team's weak inside defense. Some people say that he is like a never-ending devil, shrouded in the eyes of his opponent.

His annual salary is only 3.4 million US dollars, and soon showed the reason why the price is so low, Curry defends him from becoming a weakness, and can also help Durant on the bottom line.

Durant nearly conceded the ball and barely passed it to the open, and Seflosa missed the basket.

He can get a mobile phone meeting easily, often daring not to vote. Most shots are open, even so, he shot only 43.2% in the regular season, 4.8 points, 3 rebounds and 1.1 assists.

Wang Jun tried a pick-and-roll match. Martin was only 206cm tall. The pick-and-roll effect was far inferior to that of Vucevic's power center. Sefolosha quickly caught up from the side and formed a double-team.

Martin cut away, Wang Jun blocked Ade's bad pass in front of him, and distributed it to James James. The latter hung Martin again, and the opportunity was missed. Ade retired slowly, mainly responsible for the bottom line and the basket.

When Martin catches the ball, Ade doesn't dare to throw it and passes the ball again.

James catches the ball and breaks it to the right hand with a crotch. The right shoulder gently probes, as if to break from the middle, and then changes to the left to take a step past Ibaka. Pulling the ball three steps, the movement is very perfect.

Adelman allowed James to single out Ibaka. It was the right decision. Don't look at Ibaka's defense for a while, after all, he is an insider, and he is not as effective as Sefolosha in breaking through.

As soon as James entered the penalty area, it was a big killer who turned over the river and jumped into the water.

Arder was tall, jumped up under the rim, and the highest point of his hand was just pressing on James's wrist. The ball was scored. 2 to 2.

Zhang reasonable shouted: "Such a goal is very morale, too fierce."

Yu Jia said: "Last year against the Thunder, James also broke out. To deal with him must be able to prevent a breakthrough. Ibaka defends the outside line. The effect is definitely not as good as the assisted defense block. The defensive expert dealt with Wang Jun and couldn't pull away. ."

Durant catches the ball from outside, UU reads and turns his face frame towards Battier to make a "big arm loop", only the air is caught. Battier had studied him thoroughly.

Durant lost his shooting rhythm and scored a goal for Wei Shao. The latter broke through the middle and challenged James again, changing step by step.

Wei Shao realized the essence of the breakthrough action of the crotch dribble change direction, and used the attack elements of the crotch dribble's steering, acceleration, and change tricks to the extreme. When the defensive player meets the short soldiers, a sword is sealed.

James was shaken half a position, turned around and had no time to jump, Wei Shao had stopped the jumper and the ball was scored. 2 to 4.

This has become his iconic action, used frequently, it is difficult to be guarded against when it feels good.

The fans at home felt very enjoyable, and the opening stars started to compete, mainly singles.

There are definitely many singles in these two teams. It is not bad to change defense after pick-and-roll. The meaning is not simple. The easiest way is to point the needle to the wheat and see who is stronger.


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