Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 877: [Change the joint defense, killer skills]

The King lost two games in a row, causing management turmoil.

According to media reports, the King’s manager was about to replace him. He also listed a few people who might succeed Jeff Petrie, lest the world would not be chaotic.

Vivek Rana Dave is indeed very dissatisfied with Petri's work, and believes that his mid-term recruitment will be unfavorable. If the King is eliminated, he must be responsible.

Vivic's idea is this.

Dior is a free man in the middle, why not dig into the team? If the Spurs did not have Dior, with Bonner and Split, how could they beat the King?

It's no wonder that Petri, when Dior was cut, Martin was already on the team, and it wouldn't make much sense to have another short guy inside.

Seeing fame, Dior is still a bit worse, but Martin won the finals MVP.

As for Dior's good performance in the Spurs, who would know that he was so fierce when he arrived at Popovich's team and directly regained his second spring? If you want to be accurate, you have to find a traversal as a manager.

The coaching staff studied the countermeasures together and planned to change the joint defense. Battier and Curry were on the flank, Wang Jun was in the middle, and James and Martin were on the bottom line.

Vucevic entered the bench, and cooperated with Thomas' pick and roll to take on the offensive task in the second quarter. Substitute against Split, his defensive weakness will not be too obvious.

Offensively, Adelman didn't have a very good way, he could only play small ball tactics, relying on star ability.

The only thing that changed was that he wanted Jerebko to fight more, adding a three-point shooting point, further reducing Vucevic's playing time, and strengthening the defense of outside shots.

Popovich also did mobilization work on the team during training, and did not allow players to be careless. If the third game is lost, the series will have variables. Conversely, to win the game, the player is in an absolutely favorable position psychologically.

This is a major decisive battle between the two sides. Before the game, people are predicting the outcome.

Spurs fans believe that the time has come to rush to the crown again, while Kings fans are mostly pessimistic.

Especially James fans, they began to doubt the strength of the idol.

When he first arrived at the King, some people said that James sacrificed data for the team as a whole, and his strength was not inferior. Wang Jun was even stronger.

Now no one can say such a thing anymore. James can't play head-to-head. The outside can't dare to vote. What sacrifice?

Many people on the Internet laughed at James, especially Comey likes to compare him with Kobe, and described James as a burden.

Although Kobe has not won the championship in the past two years, at least he is loyal, at least he is the team leader. James hugs his thighs, not taking responsibility, wasting his talent, he will rely on his body, Barabara Barbara...

All day, Kobe was described as a crippled person. The independent leader, Ke Mi, is really unbearable. He has been fishing for two consecutive years. Isn't he honest? Fifty steps and a hundred steps, no wonder people are always annoying.

The Spurs' home atmosphere was very warm. When the Kings played, the home fans gave a neat boo.

Some fans waved the sign "soft egg" at James, and the "renegade" provoked it. Leaving the knight to be the king's second home will be a stain that he will never wash away.

Adelman also had no confidence in James. This game directly made him a blue collar, mainly responsible for preventing pick-and-roll and controlling the backcourt rebounds to launch a fast break. In positional battles, James is responsible for the organization, waiting for opportunities from the periphery, rather than shooting and holding the ball.

The main task of the main task is handed over to Wang Jun, and the king has no time to engage in experiments to play any dual-core.

James's expression seemed to be determined, but it was very uncomfortable. It is indeed easy for him and Wang Jun to win the championship, but being a younger brother is not what he wants.

Now he can only do the job of the younger brother, and he still has to do well. Losing to the veteran Spurs, I am afraid that he will be told for a lifetime and bear the main responsibility for the loss. He has already carried the burden of trying to win or lose.

Wang Jun’s mentality is different from that of James. He is still very calm. He has a strong desire to win, but he will not be cranky.

After winning the fifth championship, only Kobe Bryant and him have the same number of rings. In the history of the NBA, only twenty people can get five or more championship rings.

He has a high position in the league, losing, just a small twist in his career, there is a chance to surpass his predecessors in the future.

Lost, not the end of the world. Therefore, he can adjust his emotions to face the challenge, and thinking too much will only have the opposite effect.

The Spurs' starting lineup remains unchanged. Parker, Leonard, Prince, Dior, Duncan.

Zhang Li looked at the list and said: "The Kings made adjustments starting, Curry, Wang Jun, Battier, James, Martin. This is a five-team lineup, no center. Vucevic failed to find his place, defense Too bad, sitting on the bench today."

Yu Jia sighed: "This season the King lost to the center position. The offense is almost okay. Someone on the team can attack. They lack a defensive big man. This is really terrible. In the summer, the King's recruitment must first consider Inside."

Zhang reasonable said: "Chris Kaman is a free man, it would be nice if he could cut his salary to the King. But it depends on his choice, it is estimated that there will be a team willing to pay him a high salary."

Popovich saw that the king was not a big man and hoped Duncan would seize the opportunity and perform well.

Duncan won the jump and the game began.

Wang Jun faced Parker in the middle, which is an important adjustment and Adelman's killer.

In the first two games, he did not arrange Wang Jun to defend the opponent's core, but stayed on the offensive end. Curry's defense against Parker was not successful.

Wang Jun is very good against Prince and Gino Belgium. Now the team needs him to do more.

Parker accelerated with the ball, took a step to the right, dunked the crotch to the left, gave a slight pause, and then quickly changed direction to the right.

His continuous fake movements are well connected, Wang Jun's judgment is accurate, and the speed is also very fast, always in front of Parker.

Parker passed the ball out to Dior, James followed, interfering in front of him. Dior scored the ball to Prince, who hung it to Duncan again.

Without vigorous efforts, Martin concentrated all his attention on defense, and his concentration made him stronger than the regular season.

In the 2003 Finals, Martin played against Duncan at the Nets, when Duncan played in the top ten in the history of the Finals. He averaged 24.2 points, 17 rebounds and 5.3 assists. He shot 49.5% from the field and had an efficiency of 32.

After the game, many people said that Martin's explosion was the main reason why the Nets lost.

Since then, Martin has been determined to take revenge on Duncan, UU reading but no chance. He stayed in the Nuggets for six years, and the data fell all the way. He went to CBA and was laid off, and his career fell to the bottom.

Now the King lets Martin start and the coach trusts him. Even if it was forced, it made him very comfortable and regained his confidence.

Duncan is not that MVP. In order to ensure the state of weight loss, Martin was unable to squeeze the power down, turned around and missed the shot, James grabbed the rebound and launched a counterattack.

Wang Jun catches the ball and turns to the frontcourt, attracting Prince and giving the ball to Curry who follows up.

Curry took a dribble with a quick stop and then withdrew. He took a step outside the three-point line to grab a shot. He took Wang Jun's early road. The shot was divided into three main points to make up for the lack of body and quality. The range was getting further and further.

Parker responded a little slower and didn't cover it. The ball made a beautiful arc and went hollow into the net. 3 to 0.

Curry is an adventurer arranged by Adelman. He can make bold shots. His three-point shooting percentage is among the best in three consecutive seasons, about 45%, which is higher than Wang Jun.

PS (to be continued ~^~)

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