Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 852: [Preseason canceled, Los Angeles pending]

At the end of September, the NBA labor and management still did not reach any agreement.

It is an irreconcilable contradiction that the boss is unwilling to pay high wages and the players are unwilling to lower their pay.

"CBS" also reported that there are rumors that the player union chairman Fisher was bought by the league president David Stern, intending to sacrifice player interests in exchange for his own future, there has been a conflict within the labor, the executive director of the player union Billy Hunter and Some union members questioned Fisher's loyalty.

These explosive contents pushed Fisher to the forefront.

Almost overnight, Fisher, regarded by the players as the eldest brother, became a lustful traitor, which forced Fisher to stand up and clarify. He wrote a letter to the players, stating that he had never betrayed, and those who deliberately rumored and tried to undermine labor unity would not succeed.

"Sports Business Daily" reporter interviewed Hunter by phone on the matter, and Hunter himself denied the outside rumors. He said that there was no disagreement with Fisher on the issue of revenue sharing ratio.

Even if Fisher is not undercover, many people on the Internet have begun to question his character. Looking at his previous experience, he seems to have done nothing good.

Seeing the disintegration of the Lakers F4 in 2004, Fisher immediately left and went to the Warriors and Jazz to hug his thighs, completely ignoring the Lakers' lack of a point guard and relying on Smash Parker.

At first glance, the Lakers began to recover, he was not good at mixing outside, and found that he was still making money in Los Angeles, so he returned to Los Angeles on the pretext of his daughter's medical treatment, and let the Jazz buy out the contract.

As soon as she bought out, Laoyu immediately announced that her daughter Tatum's situation was going in a good direction. As long as her condition did not deteriorate by the age of 4, she could relax slightly.

It was only May that the free market was not opened, and Fisher had not returned to Los Angeles. The hospital in Salt Lake City was able to treat the disease suddenly. Jazz fans are very angry about this, he obviously put a jazz together.

Fischer's state fell last season and was traded to the Rockets in the middle. He felt that there was no future. He immediately showed a poor professional attitude and demanded to buy out and hug the thunder thighs. Unfortunately, he was eliminated.

All in all, Fisher is not a good person, and his ability is not very good. The chairman and the insider are not the people inside and outside. They are the number one in recent years.

Under Fisher's leadership, the two sides are constantly whispering and wasting time. The 2011-12 training camp was delayed indefinitely, and 43 preseason games in the first week were canceled.

Wang Jun lives in a Los Angeles villa, and his mind is not on basketball. Even if the training camp opens at the end of September, he is too lazy to play because Abby's stomach is getting bigger and bigger, and his mood is still unstable.

She was angry a little bit unsatisfactory, and it was easy to cry. Wang Jun was depressed for this.

One day, Wang Jun looked at his muscles with his upper body naked in front of a large mirror, and Abby was angry.

"Can you not be so smug? Just your figure, okay? You know exercise all day long...not caring about me and your baby."

Then she ignored Wang Jun all night, and it was useless to persuade.

There was another time when Abby had a toothache. Wang Jun only knew when he was eating at noon. In the morning he was exercising, and Abby was very angry and said why he didn’t care about her in the morning, which was not as important as training and work.

In any case, she was in a bad mood. I vomited for more than two months after pregnancy. My parents were not around. Even if I was delicious, I still felt guilty.

She was also angry because her proud body was now seriously deformed. After the blessing, the goddess became an aunt, and the contrast was too great.

She also worried that Wang Jun had an affair with Alexandra on the set. The girl's figure was so hot that it was uncomfortable.

After the filming, she stayed at home for two weeks. Wang Jun and Abby went to the hospital for a review. The doctor said that she was out of control and it was normal. They were all caused by endocrine.

Women will become more sensitive than usual during pregnancy. They should watch more flowers and flowers, listen to soothing music, watch comedies, go out for a walk when they are comfortable, try to adjust their mood and divert their attention.

The above suggestions are useless. The useful thing is that the doctor said that when a woman is angry, she will want to cry and feel wronged, and then it will cause insufficient fetal oxygen supply and affect the growth of the child.

For the sake of the child's health, Abby resisted losing his temper, and Wang Jun finally relaxed.

He can now understand why Theron left Los Angeles to make a movie so that Abby can feel better.

If Theron shows love with him at home, Abby may be crazy. Now that he is at home and living as a monk, Aby will be a little touched.

In October, Wang Jun pushed off all large-scale events, neither on talk shows nor on variety shows, just shooting a few advertisements in Los Angeles.

He just stayed at home with Abby, waiting for the baby to be born. Abby saw that he wouldn't leave the house, and when he answered the phone, he let himself listen, no longer suspicious.

Other players have found their way, some went to Europe, some went to the Chinese CBA.

Yi Jianlian refused to play on behalf of Guangdong and chose to rest. In the Asian Championships in September, he led the Chinese men's basketball team to a one-point victory over Jordan to win the championship, got tickets for next year's Olympics, and won the MVP.

He believes that he will get a high salary and long contract, and does not want to spend time on the CBA.

According to reports, Shanxi Zhongyu has repeatedly contacted Kobe and provided Kobe with a very good contract. Kobe himself has no objection to the salary and treatment provided by the Shanxi team. The two sides have discussed the details of the contract.

Kobe is very promising to join the CBA league, but the new rules of foreign aid voted by the CBA bosses rejected Kobe's possibility to come to China.

In 2011, the CBA League Committee passed consultations and votes to finalize some matters.

First of all, active NBA players who have signed contracts with CBA teams must be free agents, that is, they cannot include unexecuted contracts in the NBA.

Second, active NBA players who have signed a contract with the CBA team must play for the CBA for a full season, and are not allowed to return to the United States immediately after the NBA lockout. According to this policy, because Kobe has a contract with the Los Angeles Lakers, it is impossible for Kobe to play on behalf of any CBA team.

Not only did Wang Jun feel that there are too many NBA players to play in China, Yao Ming also thinks so.

Regarding the foreign aid New Deal issue, Yao Ming said: "If the CBA league wants to develop healthily, we still have to be down-to-earth and do our work step by step. Those big NBA players can indeed cause a sensation in a short period of time. But in the long run, it is not conducive to the development of the league. I still don't want foreign workers to appear in the CBA field."

If the players come and can go at any time, they will not bring the championship to the team, they will only use the CBA team as a holiday cash machine, which is cheaper to account for?

With the introduction of these two restrictions, there are still well-known players who have come to China and are willing to be efficient for at least one season. JR Smith, Kenyon Martin, Wilson Chandler, Aron Brooks, Gerald Green, Josh Powell, etc.

This season, the CBA suddenly became "tall".

The rest of the players are just like Wang Jun, taking vacations or organizing training camps spontaneously to get together to ensure the state of the game and wait for the start of the new season.

The employers and employees are more patient, and it hurts the fans.

Regardless of the result, the fans have watched a lot of wonderful games. After Wang Jun retired, the NBA once again did stupid things, and the popularity inevitably declined.

PS (to be continued ~^~)

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