Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 850: [Interview, pros and cons]

Albert Swan is a typical alliance "loophole".

Few people know that he is an assistant to the King’s manager. In August, A Jiali and Xia Bowen both went home. He continued to follow Wang Jun as a friend.

They discuss basketball, discuss the signing, and no one can control, including the color of the jersey, the king's management should ask Wang Jun.

The current NBA team logo rules stipulate that each team registers three sets of uniforms each year.

The main color of home clothing must be mainly light, supplemented by the colors of other teams; the color of away clothing must be clearly different from the home. Team uniforms other than home and away are called alternate costumes. Previously registered jerseys, you can choose to wear at the "Vintage Night" theme event.

Most teams have chosen white as the home jersey. This is the shallowest. The Kings are no exception. It is simple and clear.

For the new away jersey, the King chose purple. The design of the jersey was inspired by the King's jersey from the late 1990s to the early 21st century. It has a tribute to the classic.

Swan asked Wang Jun mainly about the third set of alternate jerseys, which he can wear often if he wants. The three colors to be selected include black, purple and red.

"Black doesn't like it. Although Zijin is popular, but there is a suspicion of following the trend, do we still need to follow the Lakers? Of course I choose red, Chinese red, the best is like the Chinese flag, and the font of the player's name should be like a bar Dragon." Wang Jun said his thoughts.

"Like Saint Seiya, the dragon on the back?" Swann asked with a smile.

Wang Jun paused for a moment, waking up like a dream. "Forget it, it's too second grade... Don't do it, the color is Chinese red."

Most Chinese people like red and happy. Especially in the New Year to wear a red game, I feel good luck.

Wang Jun imagined that if he uniformly issued Chinese red T-shirts in the playoffs, the momentum would be absolutely terrifying.

Swan replied to Petrie that the manager immediately made a final decision and set the third jersey for China Red, and Wang Jun often wore it if he liked it. This will not only please Wang Jun, but also Chinese fans.

After the 2008 Olympics, China's economy has developed rapidly, and the level of fans' consumption has increased.

Paul and Anthony recently opened the China Tour, and both claimed that if the lockout cannot find a solution, they will consider coming to the Chinese League to play.

Dwight Howard also expressed serious consideration to play in the CBA, people can not help but imagine, maybe next season fans can see their heroic appearance on the CBA field.

When he went to the Philippines to participate in the star game, Kevin Durant has made it clear: "I have a 50% chance of playing overseas." His recent interview with the US media also confirmed this news again.

Of course, like other people who want to play overseas, whether Durant chooses to leave the United States depends on the progress of NBA labor negotiations.

The most anxious person is Deron Williams, who has already determined that he will go to Turkey to play, and switching to overseas has become a hot topic.

This is a good choice for players, which can not only increase the number on the bank account, but also enrich their life experience. However, it is unlikely that many players will follow suit.

The reason is simple. Overseas leagues will not have enough money to attract many NBA players, and the salary is too low. In the end, there may only be so many people out.

CBA has become the most attractive place for NBA players. Many people expressed their desire to join. On this point, CCTV5 reporter Xu Xuejiao conducted an exclusive interview with Wang Jun to let him talk about his views.

They are old acquaintances. The interview was conducted in Wang Jun’s Beverly Hills Villa. Photographer Li Xian shot it, and fans can visit Wang Jun’s mansion by the way. It must be very interesting.

Driving into the manor, the two of them walked through the tree-lined path under the leadership of Wang Jun. Xu Xuejiao saw Garfield and his mother leopard "Caterina" chasing and playing on the lawn, rushing towards them, scared She jumped.

"Don't be afraid, they are here to say hello." Wang Jun smiled.

The two leopards rubbed against Wang Jun and called twice. Katrina and Garfield are able to communicate and come here often and are familiar.

Wang Jun rubbed their bodies and waved their hands towards the distance, and they ran away again. Leopards are happier here than in Chicago, and the yard is like their playground.

"Is it photographed?" Xu Xuejiao asked.

Li Xian makes an OK gesture.

After entering the house for a visit, he greeted Wang Jun's family and greeted Abby for a while before Xu Xuejiao started talking about basketball.

The previous content will definitely attract the audience. Fans know that Wang Jun has a big house in Los Angeles. The interview broadcasted, there will be many people who envy his life.

Xu Xuejiao asked: "Now there are many NBA players who are willing to play in the Chinese CBA. What do you think of this? Is it a good thing for Chinese basketball?"

Wang Jun thought for a while and smiled: "I don't think a lot of NBA players are flocking to China. It's a good thing for CBA, and it is probably a big hidden danger."

"Why?" Xu Xuejiao was taken aback.

Wang Jun explained: "There is a clear gap between the strength of NBA players and CBA players. An NBA marginal player, role players may become 30+ stars. In this way, CBA teams will definitely let foreign aid be the core and affect the cultivation of local stars."

Xu Xuejiao nodded, China has stars, but the overall basketball level has not improved in recent years.

Wang Jun went on to say: "And the lockout is only temporary. After the NBA starts, most people will definitely have to come back. CBA fans are accustomed to watching high-level foreign aid games. Maybe they will raise their tastes. In the future, the level of recruitment must be improved to meet the fans. , Or increase the quota of foreign aid, this is not conducive to the development of local stars, can not be used as the core to play, not enough ball rights."

Wang Jun thought after seeing the performance of the national team. Now that the male basketball players are not of a high standard, if foreign aid is sought, a group of club role players will play the main role in the national team. How can they compete with other teams on the international arena?

Xu Xuejiao asked: "If it's not good, how do you think it should be solved?"

"I don't know about this. Let me manage the league or the team must not do well. There are pros and cons to everything. This problem is left to the people of the basketball association to think about it. I don't mean."

The sports school can't produce a few outstanding players in ten years. Wang Jun wants to let the Chinese basketball team also play the draft, but there is no such environment at all.

Xu Xuejiao asked: "If the season is closed, would you consider going back to China to play CBA?"

"No, I don't believe that the whole season will be cancelled. At most, as few as in 98, I will guarantee that I will wait until the season starts."

They talked about other things for a while, the outlook for next season, etc., the interview ended.

The interview announced that fans who wanted to know how many points Wang Jun could score in the CBA were disappointed.

Even if Wang Jun wants to play, the Basketball Association may also obstruct, and now the relationship between the Basketball Association and Wang Jun is not good. They didn’t make money to make money. When they retired, they left them very faceless. They made a big joke and shuffled their cards.

Wang Jun came back to perform a few games and left. Where did the abused local star face go? How to attract fans in the future? These are what the basketball association needs to consider.

Wang Jun said that it is not a good thing for NBA stars to play CBA. It seems to be disrespectful of CBA, but also like talking coldly, which makes the basketball association people more depressed.

The men's basketball Asian games can't win, the fans should be depressed.


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