Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 848: 【Director Xie with a big brain hole】

Wang Jun was interviewed by many news media at the finish line.

The reporter asked: "You are nearly ten minutes ahead of the second place, you have achieved excellent results, and won the championship in other fields, do you have any thoughts?"

"I'm very happy. After all, I have done a terrific thing. When I was old, it was a precious memory." Wang Jun paused and smiled: "I can actually go faster, but I'm just afraid that someone will treat me like this The aliens caught up and studied, so yesterday I didn’t do my best to run, and today’s obstacle race has run out of energy."

The reporter asked: "Do you think the four friends in the crew can complete this challenge?"

"Maybe they can, but they are not professional athletes. They mainly look at luck and perseverance."

Wang Jun did not dare to pack the tickets, so they would not be able to complete the job and would lose face. The actor's fitness is mainly for the beautiful muscles, and the physical strength can not be compared with his top athletes.

The reporter asked: "Some video clips from movies are published online. Many people want to know that your fighting movements are made under normal circumstances?"

"No special effects, no Wia, but I can't perform in my current state, and I can't jump." Wang Jun smiled.

The reporter asked about the NBA and the lockout again, and Wang Jun casually passed on a few words.

The four asked Wang Jun to wait for more than an hour, after all, it was finished.

Yesterday they arrived at the island at 12 o'clock in the morning. Today is even more embarrassed. Because of obstacles such as carrying buckets over standing water, anyone who participates in today's competition is a clay figure.

They were filled with emotion in the interview, especially Hemsworth, he said: "I remembered playing a game in the mud when shooting Thor, and today I realized that feeling again, so tired."

The reporter asked: "As an actor, how do you stick to the end?"

"I kept telling myself in my heart that as long as I can stick to the end, I can pick up my hammer." Hemsworth smiled.

Next year, "The Avengers" will be released, and he will advertise his movie.

Tatum rested for a long time before slowing down, and said in an interview: "This is an unforgettable experience, but I'm sure I don't want to think about it in the future, it's too painful."

Black actor Bosman said: "If we come alone, I'm afraid we can't stick to the end and support each other. We did it."

"We cooperated very well this time, and there will be tacit understanding in the movie." Amer smiled.

The reporter who interviewed him vomited: What kind of tacit agreement can you have with them in a villain movie? Killed tacitly?

To put it bluntly, the four people didn't want to leave the team. When they saw that the other party didn't give up, they had to stick their teeth.

They all know the habits of the media. Whoever does not complete it will definitely pull it out in the news to make a comparison, and then it will become a tragedy for the crew.

The four muscular men have strong self-esteem and do not want to be treated as weak.

The five successfully passed, and Wang Jun also took the first place, and there was a lot of media news that evening. Wang Jun’s game video was posted online, and fans saw his performance in the obstacle course.

Some interview clips were also released, and lively discussions started online.

"Wang Junzhenniu, I doubt he will not participate in the basketball game next year at the Olympic Games, and may participate in other events."

"If he won the gold medal in the Olympic triathlon, it would be too strong."

"I'm definitely going to watch this movie. They all say that the group of people with great speed and passion is great. Can they complete this competition?"

"Speed ​​and Passion 6" plans to start shooting next year. Director Lin Yibin gave up the idea of ​​asking Wang Jun to make a cameo again. Everyone has come up with an action scene. How can they satisfy the cameo?

After two days of rest after the training, the five talents returned to the crew. The holiday was extended to a week, the producer was not angry because of it, but was very happy, the effect of the promotion was better than he expected.

Participants also benefited in varying degrees. Many businesses contacted Ryan Hughes and wanted to find Wang Jun as an endorsement, including the fitness club.

The most unexpected thing for Wang Jun is that he received a long-distance call from China.

"Mr. Wang, hello, take the liberty to contact, did you bother you?"

Wang Jun was a bit familiar with the sound and asked, "Hello, which one?"

"I was Xie Rong, the former deputy director of the Basketball Association. We have met many times and have eaten together. I wonder if you have any impressions?"

"Director Xie, hello, of course there is an impression, what's the matter?"

Xie Rong smiled and asked: "I want to ask, will you join the Chinese men's basketball team next year?"

"I have permanently withdrawn from the national team and will not go back." Wang Jun smiled. Many people have asked about this, he always refused, and did not find a reason.

He didn't see Xie Rong in 2008, he didn't ask much, and he didn't know that the other party was changing departments.

"You don't want to go back to the men's basketball, it's easy to handle. Are you interested in representing China in other projects?" Xie Rong asked excitedly.

"Huh?" Wang Jun didn't think about it, and smiled: "Why do you guys in the Basketball Association still persuade me to participate in other projects, what is the situation?"

"I've been away from the Basketball Association for a long time, and now I work in the Bicycle Fencing Sports Management Center..."

Xie Rong briefly introduced him to this department, responsible for the management of bicycles, fencing, modern pentathlon, triathlon, and equestrian five Olympic Games, specifically undertaking the daily training, competition, logistics services, scientific research guarantee of the five sports national teams Management, etc.

There are a lot of responsibilities, but the five are all unpopular sports, and there are not many fans in China. Xie Rong didn't have much oil and water, and it was difficult for the Olympics to win the championship and achieve political results.

Now he sees an opportunity, hoping that Wang Jun can represent the Chinese team to participate in the triathlon Olympic Games, Wang Jun is likely to create miracles.

Wang Jun smiled and asked: "Doesn't the Olympic athletes need to be selected? There are qualifiers or something, I have no time to participate in that."

Xie Rong hurriedly said: "You don't need to participate in the selection, as long as you are willing to participate in the Olympics. You have won the Alcatraz triathlon championship, and that honor is enough. No one will question you. This is an opportunity to win glory for the country. Bian can handle all the formalities for you."

"Then I am definitely willing, you are right, this is to win glory for the country." Wang Jun immediately agreed. It is a great honor to win a gold medal on behalf of the country.

The 2008 Olympic men's basketball team only won a silver medal, which is a big regret in Wang Jun's life.

With the men's basketball team rushing to gold, he didn't want to try any more. Without him and Yao Ming, the men's basketball team in Asia dared to lose to Iran. UU reads www. has no confidence in taking these teammates to win the dream team.

If there is only a poor offense, there is a way. The problem is that this team is poor, especially the defense is bad. There are too many empty cuts and pick-and-rolls in modern basketball, let alone Wang Jun. God can’t win the United States with a men’s basketball unless he can defend five.

"Then that's the deal? Thank you, I will send the details to your mailbox, didn't you change it?"

"No. You know my agent Ryan Hughes. I'm filming recently. I can talk to him about anything." Wang Jun laughed.

"Okay, I know."

Xie Rong is very excited. He needs a super star in the Chinese Olympics. In 2008, Liu Xiang retired and disappointed many people. If Wang Jun's triathlon won the championship, it will definitely attract infinite attention. He can also earn political achievements, which is a major event.

At the beginning, Xie Rong was very depressed when he was left running. He watched Wang Jun recently participate in the 24 hour frog obstacle competition.

PS (to be continued ~^~)

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