Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 845: [Hot! Chinese Kongfu! 】

Many NBA players gathered in New York, focusing on labor negotiations.

Stars with the right to speak make suggestions and express their thoughts; those who are not qualified to participate in the negotiations can only inquire about the news through some channels, and they are panicked.

Superstars took the huge salary given by the club, and once the lockout caused the lack of games in the new season, their losses seemed to be even greater. However, these big-name players have an extremely tough attitude in labor negotiations, and are called the "hawks" among the players.

Alliance stars, including Garnett and Durant, have issued cruel words, saying they will fight with the capital to the end.

Garnett expressed his willingness to give up his annual salary of 18.8 million US dollars next season, and Durant said that the original labor agreement is very good, there is no need to change, the players will never compromise.

The funny thing is that this group of people poses a tough face, and is about to "seek welfare" for all NBA players. In fact, the big names have already made a lot of money, especially Garnett, the first salary league in the league.

In stark contrast to the hawks, those role players are unobtrusive on the court and have no attention outside the court. Playing basketball is more like a breadwinner for them. They are the biggest victims of lockouts.

It is a pity that, similar to the status on the court, role players do not have much say in labor negotiations and can only bear it silently.

The lockout affects the next season's game, resulting in star salary damage, and will not fundamentally affect their quality of life.

Ordinary players who do not have advertising endorsements or commercial cooperation are out of luck.

For example, Whiteside and Wang Jun, a little brother, are frugal and usually have a hobby of collecting vouchers. They don’t go to high-end restaurants to eat and drive a broken-down used car. Half of his basic salary is tax deducted, and his daily expenses are not much.

So, long before the lockout appeared, many NBA players had already begun to plan their way out, and some people were ready to go to overseas leagues for gold.

Wang Jun is the busiest and continues to film.

He originally had a lot of plays, and he was still able to grab a play. The screenwriter added some action plays to him. Because he showed what he usually trained, and shocked the crew of the crew.

Breathing and endurance training are nothing in the movie. Some movements in bounce training and flexibility training are too exaggerated. Wang Jun is now more than enough to be a parkour coach or yoga coach, and his muscles are completely pulled away.

Russian stand-ups and straight horses are simple moves for him. He can't play ordinary people.

He can support both arms and cross his legs in a volley.

He grabbed the ladder with both hands, and his body was able to come across 180 degrees and pause for a few seconds.

Playing horizontal bars, he is exaggerated in endless movements and can pretend to walk on flat ground. In fact, he does all this through the waist and abdominal muscles and super upper limb strength.

These movements all appeared in the movie. The protagonist practiced iron board bridge at night, without bed, sleeping chair, head and feet support.

In an action scene, Wang Jun jumped into the volley for three consecutive kicks, making Brad Allen look stupid. This action Jackie Chan, Jet Li can not do.

Wang Jun’s move is not an eight pole fist, but an inspiration from watching Yan Zidan’s movies.

The difference is that he jumps much higher than Donnie Yen, and also joins Carter's 360-degree turn action method. After kicking in the air, he completed a 180-degree clockwise half-turn and the last kick was a side kick.

This kind of action just twists itself into a twist, which affects the strength of kicking, and has no practical value. The first two feet can only be counted as tramples, and they are not powerful, but they are beautiful.

The opponent defended the first two shots, and it was difficult to block the third foot. He looked like he had hanged Weiya. After landing, his muscles were tight, and he looked explosive at first sight.

During the filming, Wang Jun's upper body, the wheat-colored muscle lines are clear, and the shine is shiny, and the charm is amazing.

This is because he had to apply a little olive oil on his body before shooting.

Olive oil is a greenish yellow non-drying oil with a clear scent. Its chemical components are oleic acid, palmitic acid and linoleic acid ester, which can be used for edible and medical purposes. It has the functions of moisturizing the skin, anti-crack sunscreen, and has the effect of accelerating the treatment of muscle and ligament damage or skin abrasion.

Legend has it that in ancient Greece, the goddess Athena gave an olive tree here as a symbol of peace, abundance, health and strength in order to name the ancient Greek city with her own name, marking freedom and happiness.

The ancient Greeks admired Athena very much. From 776 BC, at the Olympia Games every four years, the winners of all competitions were awarded the crown of garlands made of olive branches as a supreme award. Later, in the annual olive harvest season, carnival celebrations and sports competitions are held.

Participants are all naked and apply olive oil all over their bodies to show their strength, purity and nobility. This custom was inherited by bodybuilding and became an indispensable auxiliary means of the sport.

Before the climax of the film, everyone knows that the box office will be a big success. Wang Jun's figure is so good, his facial features are tough, and his image is better than his predecessor action star.

As long as he takes off his jacket, it will allow many audiences to release hormones in the cinema.

Prior to this, there was no action star in the world whose physical qualities were comparable to those of Wang Jun. People with better qualities than him did not work hard. His incredible actions have never appeared in movies.

Innovative things are the easiest to attract the audience.

The other three protagonists are much weaker than Wang Jun, and can only be used as a foil. Fortunately, they are also in good shape and can be used as "vase" to support the full value of the film together.

The Hemsworth action drama added elements of professional wrestling, like Clark in the King of Fighters, very brave. His size also seems to be a wrestler.

The other two are free-fighting, so it seems old-fashioned. The director can come up with some tricks, and they are too late to learn and sell now, and fail to meet the director's requirements.

After discussing with the producers, they decided to immediately start publicizing and released a short video of Wang Jun shooting action scenes on Youtube.

A real shot without post-production immediately became popular online.

Chinese kung fu has also become popular, and it has set off a kung fu fever in the United States. Many people choose to go to the Chinese martial arts to learn kung fu instead of karate or taekwondo. Wang Jun indirectly helped some of his compatriots.

"He is simply a live-action version of the double-cut dragon, with a thunderbolt whirlwind leg."

"God-man is **** everywhere, those three are actors, Wang Jun is really a special soldier level."

"Wang Jun and Theron actually filmed separately. What happened to UU reading Daddario collaborated with him for the second time."

"Actually, someone really believes that Wang Jun can be a special force? He also has a better body and is purely hype. To defraud money when the movie is released, he must be far behind the real special forces."

Some people applauded, others said that for the show, the attention of the film is getting higher and higher.

There is also news that the contract signed by Wang Jun broke, and the remuneration of the film was increased. As long as the box office sold, he would make a lot of money, even exceeding the annual salary of the NBA for a season.

This made many actors jealous, and some people began to question Wang Jun's acting skills, feeling unfair to Hollywood actors.

There are a limited number of movies made each year, and there are always more than a hundred people performing. Hollywood has never been fair. It is useless to question. This movie Wang Jun is the biggest selling point. He also participated in the creation of the script. It is certainly not enough to give him a little money like the upper part.

Wang Jun agreed that Theron would not agree. In Hollywood, Theron is also very energetic.


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