Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 841: [Who do you want to be a teammate with? 】

Before going to the island, a reporter interviewed Wang Jun and asked him what he thought of the lockout.

Wang Jun said: "I hope the season can start as scheduled, I will try my best to do it."

The reporter asked: "What do you think of the players' salary now? Can they accept a salary reduction?"

"You still have to ask a professional about this. I'm better at doing other things than accounting."

This question is actually nonsense. Who doesn't want to make more money? But this cannot be answered, the agent Ryan Hughes specially reminded Wang Jun to perfunctory.

If he says he wants to earn more, he will be promoted as greedy, even if he deserves the money.

If you are too lazy to settle accounts, you will not look greedy, but will not take money seriously.

Wang Jun made most of his money by advertising endorsements, following Vivic's stocks, movies, videos, etc. He really doesn't care about the NBA labor agreement, and he can accept any result.

As soon as the interview was broadcast, there were many fans discussing it online.

"Wang Jun doesn't care about the lockout, maybe he wants the season to start later."

"If there is a lockout, can Wang Jun come to play CBA? I'm curious how many points he can get if he plays CBA."

"It seems that he will not return to China this year, always staying in the United States and not coming back to do activities. How can there be such a star? Kobe has been coming every year."

Many fans hope that Wang Jun can return to China to do activities. Nike hopes more, but he cannot convince him.

Making movies is entertainment for Wang Jun, and returning to China to do basketball activities is a torment for him.

As long as he went back, he was constantly entertained, signed and signed sour, he had to say a lot of polite words, he couldn't go out, he had to go with his bodyguard, and there was no freedom.

If the celebrity wants to live like that, he thinks there is no fun at all.

Many players do go to China every year during the holidays. Ask those of the shoe company, 80% will disdain. Now anyone who comes to China is said to be a Chinese business. In fact, some people simply borrow money from this name.

However, it is not so easy to get money. In recent years, because of Wang Jun, not many black stars have sought after.

It's easy to fall in love and hard to get along with.

After experiencing the initial heat, the Chinese market is no longer easy for all NBA players to dabble in, except for the top superstars, even the star players, it is not good to nuggets on China's "rich mine".

Anything will open step by step after the initial ignorance. Imagine that in the NBA, Damon Jones, who was a dumb guy in the NBA, could enjoy king-level treatment in China, attend an event, and three makeup artists took turns to make up for it. Even more ridiculous is that a group of retired old stars can also go to China to enjoy the treatment of the king.

Now, even Kobe and Wade's appeal in China has dropped a lot, after all, it is Wang Jun's defeat.

After Wang Jun went to the island, he refused all interviews and enjoyed the vacation.

The film has been a training camp plot for several days in a row, through some foreshadowing to let people understand the specialty and character of other protagonists.

The three major problems of the training camp, young master, are not incompetent, mixed eating and waiting to die. On the contrary, they are the best to complete the training, and the instructor can't take them.

Others completed the transformation through military training and "perseverance education." These three physiques are capable of breeding soldiers, but they have only some bad habits.

Without any drama, Wang Jun played in the resort villa.

Albert Swan and his girlfriend Emily Wancap, brothers and sisters of Xia Baowen, Wang Leying and Yuan Hao also came together on holiday. Only Song Ting and his parents stayed in the Los Angeles villa and managed the restaurant business in Los Angeles.

Emily and Ajiali played PS live football together. They both had terrible skills, but invented a new style of play. They lost 0-3 before anyone else.

The main point of this gameplay is to control the players to shovel the other side. The game is terminated when there are fewer than 7 players on the side of the field, and the loss is 0 to 3.

In short, the two of them are playing foul games, and all kinds of extreme violent tackles, it is normal to directly kick the opponent into a serious injury.

Moreover, they only use Barcelona and Real Madrid, no other teams. A classic football game, stunned by them playing "C Ronaldo must die", "Messi must die", "forward striker all die" game...

Seeing the two girls giggling, Wang Jun was covered with black lines and asked, "Albert, Emily usually hits you often?"

"how is this possible?"

"It's impossible. Her violent tendency is too obvious. If it's a man, she should be someone like De Jong in the Netherlands or Pepe in Portugal." Wang Jun narrowed his eyes and murmured.

Swan shrunk his neck and took out a small notebook and smiled: "Don't watch them play, tell me the right thing, but I want to work."

"You say it."

Swan studied all the completely free men in the summer and made a list of players who might come to the King for Wang Jun to choose.

"Troy Murphy, a big man who can make a 3-pointer."

"PASS, this cargo defense is too bad, I can get 100 points for his pick-and-roll protection." Wang Jun hummed.


"He and Murphy are the same type. We were teammates on the Nets. God, I don't want to see him anymore. He is not suitable for playing in the NBA."

Wang Jun paused and asked: "The Hornets David West is also a free man. Can he dig him? Can defend and can shoot."

Swann shook his head. "He is not on the list. It is estimated that he will have an annual salary of 10 million. We can't sign directly if we exceed the salary cap. We can only trade. The Hornets should let him go directly instead of signing and then changing."

"Okay, you can say something else."

"Batier." Swan read a resounding name.

"He can do it, can shoot three-pointers to defend, suitable for the team system." Wang Jun laughed.

Swan put a check mark on the book and was ready to call when appropriate. Battier is a famous 3D player, 33 years old is not too old, can keep up with the pace of the game.

He went on: "Michael Reed."

"He can't do it anymore, it was visible last season."

"Josh Howard."

Wang Jun sighed. "Brother, renewal of Jerebko is more useful than this guy who smokes marijuana. He can make three points, but he has no chance to show himself."

"Jerebko will try his best to renew the contract. He is a free agent, but he doesn't know whether other teams will give him a premium contract, and the annual salary of less than 3 million can be accepted." Swan explained.

"There is a team that digs people. I suggest matching. He is very honest and works hard. This type of big shot is not easy to find." Wang Junzheng said.

"Okay, UU reading will then renew his contract. Meeting your ideas is the top priority of the management. I just need to say to Jeff."

"Trust me, that's right." Wang Jun enjoys this feeling of being the boss, and the team is so good at seeing him as the leader.

"If Yi Jianlian leaves, we still need to reinforce the striker. How about De Marre-Carroll? Will shoot, 203CM forward swing, and move fast."

"Cut off by the rocket? Is he useful?"

"I'm not sure, but he is very young. He was the 27th rookie in the first round of 2009 and has the potential to be tapped. There are not many strongmen in the free market this year. I think it's worth a gamble."

Wang Jun thought for a while, he didn't have any better suggestions, it is better to sell his personal feelings, so that Swan can also feel the sense of accomplishment.

"Then he, give a basic salary, otherwise it will be a year."

Swan laughed: "It may also be only half a year, and I don't know when it will shut down."

PS (to be continued ~^~)

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