Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 838: [Recruitment, be respected]

People who have been pregnant for more than four months need proper exercise, and Abby is willing to go to watch them and make movies and take a vacation on the island.

Everyone lived in Los Angeles for a while. The sight glass ended on June 18. In addition to the Chinese young master played by Wang Jun, other important roles were also determined. The shooting location was close, and the crew was quickly formed.

The young master of Australia was won by Chris Hemsworth. He is 193cm tall and leans on a good figure.

After filming "Raytheon", the popularity has soared, 3D screening of 448 million worldwide, currently ranked seventh in Marvel movies, but only one movie is outstanding, and the value has not yet surpassed.

Before he took the film "The Avengers", the film pay was only 2 million US dollars, which was a little higher, and 3 million won.

IT master Qian Ning-Tatum appeared in 185CM, whose height is short. The main talent in the film is the computer, and he is also responsible for showing his figure. The fighting plot is not much, and the pay is 3 million.

The African master has a lower pay, and found an ordinary black actor named Chadwick Bosman. He is 183cm tall, has a strong athletic ability, and has a fit figure. The pay is $1.2 million.

Bosman won the role relying on action, can flip, can split.

As an unqualified person, his film salary is not low, and Jay Chou only shot 1.1 million in "Green Hornet". He used to run a long way in American dramas such as "Spiritual Detective", "Fire Detective", and so on.

This role is a must. In the United States, if there is no important black character in a play, it is possible for the defendant to be racist.

Some black people are sensitive to this point, and they call "discrimination" when there is little trouble, but never say the reason for being discriminated. Many black people are smuggling, drug trafficking, robbery, and strong J doing all sorts of things, no matter what skin color they are, they will not be respected.

The villains have two important roles. The undercover instructor is played by Taylor Mayn, with a height of 206CM and a weight of 110 kg, which is bigger than Wang Jun. In 2000, he played the saber-toothed tiger in the first part of the X-Men.

Because he was too tall, he didn't make many movies and didn't fit many characters.

Another super special forces villain was acquired by Canadian actor Stephen Amel. He is a handsome guy with a Chinese face, 185cm tall and strong muscles.

This dude is a non-influential actor. Last year he played a small werewolf role in "The Vampire Diaries" and showed his face. 13 episodes appeared, 14 episodes were starved by the protagonist Stafan, and died very miserably.

After the sight glass results were announced, Amel was broken and called all his friends: "I'm going to make a movie with Wang Jun!"

In fact, he played only a small role, and was killed by Wang Jun after a fight, and died very badly.

The female number one is Alexandra Daddario, who plays the daughter of the chief instructor in the film.

Female No. 2 Brian Brown, an actor running around in the American drama, has a lot of resume roles, and began filming in 1999, but it is not famous.

She plays a female instructor, the only survivor among the instructors.

The chief instructor didn't find a famous actor. Anyway, it was a cannon fodder. No one cared about his interaction with the protagonists. Young people were the selling point of this drama.

The movie title "Young Master Story" has been announced, and the English name "sonsoftherich".

Looking at the topic, many fans suspect that this is a comedy or a romantic movie. When the trailer comes out and finds that it is a "boom", I don't know what I think.

The director is Matthew Vaughan of "Haibian King". "X-Men First War" directed by him has just been released. Wang Jun went to watch it and is currently the box office champion in North America.

The style that Matthew is good at is to play cool, whether it is the fight of super killing girls in "Haibian King", or whether Magneto pulls out the submarine with super powers, it is cool.

This film is going to be directly made into R-class, giving Matthew the most room to show his violent aesthetics. The only headache is not knowing whether it can be released in China.

There is a very powerful department in China called the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. Any film other than "Xi Yang Yang and Big Big Wolf" may be cut down. The plot of "Doing A Dream" to beat the big bear in the eyes of them may cultivate a group of criminals. Come.

As for the reason why the tearing devil can pass, because the tearing is Japanese...

In July, the movie will start shooting in Los Angeles.

On June 25, the 2011 NBA Draft was held at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey, and was broadcast live by ESPN throughout the United States.

The draft lottery is already over. The Clippers won the top lottery, and there will be a grand event where the two top picks will join forces.

As Xinrich's contract expired, they didn't need to consider the issue of signing a big-name point guard and chose Kerry Irving. As long as Yao Ming is no longer injured, the Clippers are promising in the new season.

The Timberwolves selected Derek Williams, the template swingman for Beasley.

The Raptors explored the Turkish insider Ines-Kante, who can shoot and has technology, and the template is the trailblazer Horford. They need inside to replace Bosh's position.

The Cavaliers chose Tristan Thompson in fourth place, a super power forward. Coupled with Cousins, Valejo and others on the team, the inside lineup is not weak.

The Trail Blazers picked up another inside, Valanciunas.

The Blazers have always been known as the center's grave. The center is particularly vulnerable to injury. Last year, Al Horford did not escape the doom of reimbursement. A strong man's chest muscles were actually torn.

Seeing that he was selected by the Blazers, Valanciunas looked ugly, and smiled bitterly as he walked onto the stage.

This is a curse.

Why not join the NBA first?

He has a contract with the European team, but he can delay it. It would be great if he could trade.

The Wizards selected Jane Vesely in sixth place, a big man who can shoot. The scene of a kiss from his beautiful girlfriend shocked the audience.

The Bobcats selected center Bi Yongbo in seventh place.

With the exception of Irving, this rookie is all inside.

In the eighth place, the Pistons chose the guard, Brandon Knight.

In the ninth place, the Jazz selected guard Kamba Walker, which seemed to herald Deron Williams leaving the team and entering the countdown.

Wang Jun didn't take a closer look. The king's draft pick was traded to the Cavaliers. Both draft picks are in the second round. The king's end and the Celtics' 55th place are late enough.

Next he just focused on the selection of several important opponents.

The Bulls selected striker Singleton as the 15th, and the NCAA's famous defensive defender replaced Matt Barnes, who was leaving the team.

The Thunder chose point guard Reggie Jackson, a combo guard who is good at scoring. In order to enhance the attack power of the second team, the management does not want to renew the contract with Mills, who is only 183cm tall.

The Heat selected point guard Norris Cole. UU reading No. 1 is still their weakness.

The Bucks chose swingman Jimmy Butler. Reed's contract finally expired. The Bucks will definitely not renew his contract. The Bucks of Reed Pit, with an annual salary of 18.3 million last season, went home for fishing in the first round.

Butler has good luck and is likely to be reused in the rookie season. Skiles looks at his physical fitness and defensive ability and can be a substitute for Jefferson and Delfino.

The Cavaliers 30th selected the swingman Kyle Singler and helped Duke University win the NCAA Championship in 2010.

In the second round of a group of unknown people, the Kings selected Itoiwan Moore with the Celtics draft picks, and 60 chose Isaiah Thomas with two defenders.

Thomas is only 175cm tall, can shoot mid-range and long distances, is fast, has good college data, and has little performance in the championship.

Management recruited in the direction Wang Jun wanted, and he felt respected again after last season's draft.

PS (to be continued.):

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