Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 826: [Grabbing 7 battles, peak morale]

Wang Jun was right, Nowitzki was more nervous and stressed than James.

As long as he wins another game, the Mavericks knock out the king, and Nowitzki is a hero, and the evaluation will definitely improve. Eliminate Kobe first, then Wang Jun and James, and the most popular star in the league has been defeated by him.

However, the King is a famous devil at home, and rarely loses at home. The key tie-break, can the Mavericks pull their teeth in the tiger's mouth?

Thinking of this, Nowitzki would have difficulty calming down.

In the past years, he always failed. James has been in the league in 2003 and has been losing the shadows, but he entered the league in 98.

Moreover, King James can't be supported by Wang Jun, Nowitzki is the Mavericks star, the team can't do it, he needs to hold on, the position is different.

The media also analyzed that this season is the last chance for the Mavericks to win the championship, summer certainly can not guarantee the complete lineup.

Crawford, Perkins, and Barea are all free men, and the Mavericks don't have enough salary to keep them high.

All this is because of the renewal of Haywood last summer, the blue-collar center data dropped to 4.4 points and 5.2 rebounds, 57.4% shooting rate is useless no matter how high, free throws made 0.9 of 2.5 shots, 36.2% shooting rate, unfortunately What's more, Mavericks just renewed his super long contract with 55 million in 6 years.

With this big pit, the Mavericks have a hard time renewing their contract with Perkins, and there is no reason to sign a blue collar with a high salary.

The King's management was not idle, and helped the team in other ways. Some of Albert Swan's original proposals now come in handy.

Several Kings retired stars appeared in the audience together, wearing Kings jerseys, saying "to be with the team".

Bobby Jackson, Divac, Weber, and Christie also waved to the audience before the opening.

In addition, the King uniformly issued a commemorative T-shirt to the fans, turning the field into a blue ocean, and the team's morale was unprecedentedly high before the game began.

Zhang reasonably commented: "Today the Kings have amazing morale at home. I believe they will not give the Mavericks a chance to thunder. They have not been defeated twice by the same team at home this season.

Yu Jia said: "James' performance in this series is disappointing. I don't know if Adelman will give Wang Jun unlimited shots today. His tie-breaking game with the Celtics is still fresh in my memory. ."

The king started five people: Curry, Ray Allen, Wang Jun, James, Miller.

This is a new attempt, because the Mavericks never start with Barea, and Miller has less pressure on pick-and-roll. He has a good response to the pass, can shoot three points, and starts the game, which can better distribute the player's physical strength.

Mavericks starters: Kidd, Terry, Marion, Nowitzki, Perkins.

Terry started by letting Kidd defend James. Two games had amazing results.

But this time James is playing power forward, Kidd is the main defense, Nowitzki has to defend against Allen, obviously misplaced.

Perkins jumped the ball to win, the game began, Wang Jun stared at Terry, James is responsible for Nowitzki, man-to-man defense.

The Mavericks played very slowly, it was the style of the first game, and the outside patiently looked for opportunities. Kidd's mastery of rhythm control can make teammates play very comfortable.

After entering the playoffs, Kidd averaged 9.7 points per game and shot 41.4% from the 3-point range, which is more stable than the regular season.

In the last five seconds, the ball passed into Terry's hands, he and Perkins pick and roll, Wang Jun chasing and defending Terry with Miller. Terry couldn't score any more points after attracting defense, and had to shoot Perkins directly, too late to bring it to the basket.

Terry withdrew a jumper, almost made a mistake, and barely made a shot under the interference of Miller. The ball missed. Wang Jun was stuck in the middle of the road and grabbed the rebound in the backcourt and handed it to James.

Wang Jun’s idea is to play fast breaks. Adelman still decided to stabilize. The counterattack may play a beautiful attack, and may also increase turnovers.

They have to make as few mistakes as possible to grab the 7 at a price they cannot afford.

James took to the frontcourt, Kidd was half a head shorter than him, he could organize calmly.

Ray Allen and Curry stood on the left to attract defense, Wang Jun and Miller made a ball-free screen to get rid of Marion, and ran to the right. James passed the ball from close range and Miller also stood in the middle.

Wang Jun catches the ball frame and walks, holding the ball with both hands, Marion chases up and raises his hand to interfere.

Wang Jun took a step forward to the bull's horn and took a step to find the envelope. Perkins stepped forward and blocked, and Wang Jun passed the ball to Miller from behind.

Miller missed the ball and moved to the inside with a step. James cut deep into the middle and jumped to the pass, landing on Kidd and turned to the right bottom line.

James gave full play to his advantage. His weight is much heavier than Kidd. It is not easy to play with the ball. He can't stop Kidd from entering the penalty area.

If James couldn't play anymore near the basket, he could find a piece of tofu and hit him dead. He hit the board with his right hand and pressed Kidd to score. 2 to 0.

Perkins was attracted by Wang Jun, and Nowitzki did not make up for defense. Shorting Ray Allen is something the whole league will not do.

The King is different from the past, giving up Princeton, the three men set a equal-pointer, the main is the triangle offense, only James and Wang Jun run, so it is easy to form a weak side singles opportunity.

Princeton is not applicable at all times, playing the Mavericks is not harmful.

The Mavericks attacked, and Nowitzki passed the ball. James immediately pressed tight and used his strength. The two major players are in confrontation. Unless the referee is a black whistle, it is impossible to easily blow James against the foul.

Nowitzki was unable to move for two steps, far away from the rim, and scored for Terry.

Terry holds the ball and Perkins picks and rolls. Wang Jun switches to Perkins, blocking his position and not allowing it to cut open. On the side, Ray Allen releases Marion and Miller to trap Terry.

Peja is not allowed to play, in order to be more mobile, you can always include the star. The Mavericks are different from the Kings. The two are not good at shooting and can be properly short.

Terry scored the ball, Marion took the ball and dribble one step, the left mid-range jumper missed.

After leaving the sun, Marion had fewer and fewer shots, scoring mainly by air-cutting and back play. The "throw hot potato" posture has not changed, and his mid-range shot has missed his head.

In the last game, the King's defense was effective, but the Mavericks were too accurate. The King's own offense didn't open before he lost.

James got the rebound, and he drove the ball slowly through the half.

Just like before, Wang Junzhong Road covered the running position without the ball, and received the ball to the bottom line. Miller Middle Road stood still. Wang Jun took a step toward 45 degrees without rushing. UU reading facing Marion controlled basketball.

James cut again, Wang Jun jumped up and hung the ball in, close cooperation.

Kidd's physique is at a disadvantage, unable to take the lead, otherwise James can directly dunk.

James leaned back, turned the ball to the middle of the mask with his left hand, and squeezed Kidd with the ball in his hands. The rest of his eyes watched Nowitzki's movement.

As long as the bottom line makes up for defense, the split is an excellent three-point opportunity.

Nowitzki didn't make up the defense, Perkins retreated, and Miller immediately called in the middle.

James jumped half-turn and turned the ball to the periphery. Miller received the ball and swayed the ball, attracting left Terry to make up the defense, and scored 50 degrees on the left.

Curry was empty and he made a solid three-pointer. 5 to 0.

The opening king took the initiative.

PS (to be continued.):

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