Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 806: [Zhongxing Celebrates and Gets a Success]

The other actors 6 continued.

Koror Moritz became the third most popular actor of the night, overshadowing "Snow White" Alexandra Daddario.

Relying on one, her popularity has soared, and she seems to have a big star.

In an interview, Koror said that Wang Jun was his master and took a photo with him.

The guest lineup is very strong. The famous Bradley Cooper and girlfriend Zoe Saldana, "Captain America" ​​Chris Evans, and "Duke" Channing Tatum were all present. Theron also found Johnny Depp to help out. They had participated in the Pirates of the Caribbean's screening before and supported each other.

Evans reached the peak of his career and embraced the thigh of "Marvel". Although the movie is very general, like the trailer of the Avengers, it still kills a lot of films.

He said a lot in an interview, to a certain extent, he won the title.

A Jiali and Xia Baowen also came as guests, attracting reporters to interview. The two are not actors, but the star of life and death because of the Kings. No other team boss has a handsome son and beautiful daughter.

A Jiali behaved generously and was better at answering questions than her brother.

A sports reporter asked: "Wang Jun repeatedly missed training during the regular season to participate in entertainment business activities. Do you support his behavior?"

A Jiali said with a smile: "Of course, he will not affect the playing state. After retiring, he rested for nearly two years. He did not go to the arena for systematic training. This season has not weakened. We believe he can help the King win the championship. ."

This example can't be refuted. Now Wang Jun is still a star ticket player, it seems that he doesn't need to spend all day training in the arena.

The reporter asked: "Are you optimistic about this movie?"

"I heard them talk about the script, it must be very exciting." A Jiali laughed.

Assistant team manager Albert Swan and girlfriend Emily Wankap also came to the scene to help out, they came to brush a sense of presence.

Theron recommended it casually, Emily became the heroine of the American drama, and was called "Loli face Yu Jie Qi aura" by the crew, just the people they need.

Emily ran for many years and finally got into the celebrity circle.

Walking on the red carpet and giving an interview, after the event, the theater seats were filled. As the starring actors, Wang Jun, Theron and Abby found a quiet place and the movie started.

They just watched the audience's reaction. The movie has already seen the sample and it feels good.

The movie is very attractive as soon as it opens, the simple war scene, Theron's shape stunning the audience, completely at the level of scourge.

Many fans are talking. "Is she really 35 years old? How is that possible, it looks like 25."

"Why would Magic Mirror think that Snow White is more beautiful than her? It's far worse."

"No way, I want to find a more beautiful one to play Snow White, it's hard to find."

Hearing the nearby discussion, Theron's mouth always had an arc.

When Abby played, the unlucky Daddario was pressed again. Some people think that Abby is better than Snow White, but unfortunately a few shots will "get the box."

Then, Snow White showed the halo of the fairy tale protagonist. Immortality, natural affinity, animal communication skills, and luck is full. Not too much accident, she can pick up a pet egg to hatch high-level Warcraft.

So, as soon as she landed, she met a horse and took her to escape. Daddario's baby face is not like a fairy, there is a body to make up for it, and a big welfare.

She is galloping horses, her upper body is magnificent, can it be described by the word "shock"? The male audience in the cinema was shocked.

Her invincible vitality is overflowing between raising her hands and throwing her hands. The charm of the outer softness and inner rigidity and the amorous feelings has spread out among the waves, even if the appearance is still a bit green, it is also amazing.

Wang Jun finally appeared, setting off a small theater.

After the war, the field was very quiet. The audience was afraid of missing any details. The shooting was already very handsome. After the special effects were completed, Wang Jun felt that he was cool.

Compared with his episode with one enemy and one hundred episodes, the fighting of the X-Men series is scum. When Wang Jun jumped three consecutive kicks and kicked the last two enemies, there was a cool breath in the theater.

"The fight is too smooth, and the figure is good, much more handsome than Jet Li and Jackie Chan."

"A new generation of Kung Fu superstars appear, is this a mirror? In the end, even a trip of three feet is a game console."

The inspiration for martial arts design is from the game console, not the authentic octopus. Wang Jun likes the King of Fighters game very much, and the biggest charm of the King of Fighters series is the Lianzhao. With the guidance of Chinese martial arts, the movie's martial arts are too successful.

There are also people from Marvel, and the people in charge are thinking about trying to get a Chinese hero in Marvel movies. The fight between the two films released this year has caused many people to complain, compared with Wang Jun, the gap is really one heaven and one underground.

The plot that the hunter and the queen met surprised the audience, and the plot they expected reversed.

Back in the village, the younger audience began to be excited again. The seven cute girls adopted by the hunters played together, and Kolo Moritz also showed a kung fu.

Snow White learns kung fu with the hunter. The queen turns into a prince to trick the princess, tempting her to eat a poisoned apple. When she wants to **** her yang, she is run by the hunter.

The princess didn't hang after eating the poisoned apple. "Poison Resistant 1oo" was relieved after diarrhea, which caused the audience to laugh.

The hunter divided his abilities into seven, taught seven babies to use abilities, and taught Snow White Kung Fu. This plot caused a lot of jokes, and the audience was repeatedly amused.

The movie has caused countless laughs before the final war, and everyone knows that this film will be a great success.

After losing his ability, the hunter grew old within a few days and became an old grandfather, fighting against the queen with the rebel army.

Kolo Moritz used the "multiplier technique" to become a giant, knocking down many enemies and opening the city gate. When she grows up, she has a frontal close-up, her eyes are a little bit in the middle, her nostrils are skyward, the proud laughter is full of magic, and it has caused countless audiences to laugh.

The princess rides on the same horse as the unbreakable Sanwa. Sanwa acts as a shield, and the way to protect the princess is also very funny.

In the last pass of the cool ability, the seven dolls and the grandfather shattered the magic mirror, defeated the queen, and left the castle to hide merit and fame.

The ending explained the relationship line, UU read, Snow White ascended the throne, stood on the windowsill and looked into the distance, I don’t know who to miss; the hunter took her aging queen to hide in the mountains.

The audience applauded warmly, and many small audiences were still unsatisfied, shouting "too cool!"

The main actors, directors, and producers all went to the front row to pay tribute to the audience and answer some questions from the audience.

Wang Jun is the most popular, and fans keep asking.

"Wang, I think you played well. How do you practice acting?"

"Charlie taught well, and besides friends, this is a child. I and them have no pressure on the play. I actually don't know what acting is, just what I think."

An audience member asked: "Will there be a sequel to this movie?"

Producer Wang Jun replied: "I'm not sure for the time being, if there is a suitable script, maybe a sequel will be made."


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