Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 796: [If you don’t win, don’t watch the show]

The two starters stood in the field with very serious expressions.

The king started five people: Curry, Wang Jun, James, Peja, Miller.

Five Celtics: Rondo, Martin, Pierce, Garnett, Shaker O'Neal.

Rivers sent O'Neal because he wanted him to bully the King's inside with a low attack. This year the Greens ranked third in the East, second only to the Bucks and the Heat.

But Barkley vomited the eastern team. After James and Wang Jun went to the west, they are now really strong in the west and weak in the east. There are few stars in the East, Howard is the most popular, and the Magic record is still poor.

Garnett jumped the ball to win, Rondo dribble to the frontcourt, O'Neal screened Martin and blocked Wang Jun.

Now that O'Neal is too heavy, the pick-and-roll effect is very good, and Wang Jun can't get around quickly. James defended Garnett, Miller came out fast enough, and Martin made a 3-pointer on a jumper. 0 to 3.

Martin returned with a smile and returned to Sacramento. He wanted to prove himself. He is currently the team's second scorer, averaging 18.1 points per game.

As a former core that left, he couldn't even hear boos, something he didn't expect. Unfortunately, this can only prove that his sense of existence is too weak to be optional. Fans are not sad to lose him.

Curry dribbled to the frontcourt, Wang Jun and Miller had no ball screen, and Garnett changed defense.

Wang Jun stopped short after receiving the ball, and immediately distributed it to Peja at the left corner.

The Green Army is a mixed defense, O'Neill fixed activities in the vicinity of the penalty area. Martin followed Wang Jun, Pierce defended James, Garnett switched to a pick-and-roll, and the periphery revolved to make up for O'Neal's lack of speed.

This defensive weakness is in the corner. Peja formed a misalignment as soon as he got the ball. O'Neal rushed out slowly. Peja caught the ball and jumped into the net. 3 to 3.

Wang Jun sent a simple assist in the opening, and the king gave his opponent a three-pointer.

The Celtics attacked and the Kings 122 defended. Miller couldn't make it in the post. Garnett screened outside, Martin attracted James defensive points, Wang Jun put Garnett one and a half distance, not close.

He intends to use his physical strength on the offensive end, the defense has reservations, and he does not prevent sudden shots.

Garnett pulled out his hand, and Wang Jun didn't even stretch his hand. He turned his head and glanced directly. The ball scored. 3 to 5.

If he misses the target, he will immediately make a fast break, and if he does, he does not matter.

When returning to defense, Garnett spat at Wang Junnian. "Why didn't you defend? Didn't you wake up?"

"Your fish with less than 15 points per game still needs to be guarded?" Wang Jun smiled back, spreading his hands, and an expression of "I'm afraid you won't think about it".

Garnett's green muscles burst, he played 31.2 minutes this season, only 14.9 points, the data is not very good.

He started to think about it, and put water on the defensive end. What is the purpose of Wang Jun?

Curry brought to the frontcourt to James, Wang Jun ran to the left side where O'Neal was, and James passed, Wang Jun leaned on Martin, left handed the ball and turned halfway to the left, backed back and shot back.

He dodged Martin's block at 45 degrees and played cricket. 5 to 5.

Kevin Martin has a height of 201CM and poor strength. He can only defend against the breakthrough of the defender and fear confrontation. His defensive ability is only average, not as good as Lei Allen, and even worse than Tony Allen, the average person can not prevent Wang Jun.

The Celtics attacked and O'Neal received Miller in the low post and squeezed away to score easily. Even if he retired nearby, he was still one of the most powerful players in the NBA.

The king attacked and Curry went to the front court to give James, who hung it to Wang Jun. Wang Jun leaned back on Martin on the left side, took the ball in his left hand, turned to 45 degrees, and withdrew. The exact same action as before, hit the board. 7 to 5.

He likes to train with ease. If he finds a good rhythm, he will cast. He knows that Martin can't get it. Martin hasn't put on a few caps since entering the league. His career average is 0.1, which is completely inconsistent with his 201CM height.

Garnett Road followed Miller, too far away to defend.

Old Miller is an ideal center to break the joint defense. In addition to the 131 joint defense, this is why the old K coach chose him to go to the national team. He has excellent psychological qualities and dares to take action at a critical moment.

Even if Miller can't, the Celtics are not good at framing Wang Jun today. Yi Jianlian's data has skyrocketed and is expected to become the fastest-growing player. All teams know that he can't be short. Yi Jianlian is the No. 3 scorer of the Kings this year, with a large percentage of mid-range shots.

Watching Wang Jun score continuously, Garnett was a little impatient. The last thing he wanted to see was Wang Jun's dynamism. During these two seasons, Wang Jun was unlucky.

Those who deserve to return will eventually return.

The Greens attacked, Martin got rid of Wang Jun by cover, and the ball attracted James defensive points to Garnett. Wang Jun still did not personally, Garnett did not vote, and passed to the empty Pierce.

Pierce had an advantage at this point, took the ball and walked past Peja, who was slower.

His bouncing power became weak, and his movements were still very beautiful. 7 to 7.

Pierce didn't smile when he returned to defense, frowning at James. Now he is very contradictory, just renewed the contract with the Green Army in the summer, the money is earned, in order to renew his contract, the Green Army let go of two good teammates. The outside defense is weak and he has his responsibility.

Buckley commented: "The Celtics played well at the beginning of the offense. This is good news. I hope they will bite the score to the final quarter. Who is the bad news who is responsible for defending Wang Jun? Intensity, Wang Jun may play super data. I believe many people have not forgotten the 2008 playoffs."

Smith nodded and said: "The King is not the same today as usual. It is not Princeton, but a triangle attack, and it is passed to Wang Jun single."

Martin is close to defending Wang Jun. With an unpredictable hunch, wouldn't he fight endlessly?

Before Wang Jun retired, playing the Bulls, the King would not let Martin defend, but now he can only make him stubborn, Pierce is too slow, it is easy to be passed, and was exploded by Wang Jun in 2008.

Wang Jun still did the same, leaning twice, turning around and retreating, with both hands in one fell swoop, but this time he didn't throw the ball.

Martin, who had just been familiar with Wang Jun's rhythm, was shaken and jumped with all his strength. Seeing his figure seemed to be flying into a kite.

Wang Jun jumped the ball forward and hit Martin. He lifted it with one hand and pushed it casually without touching the basket. The referee whistled and defended the foul.

Zhang reasonable smiled: "Martin is helpless, UU reading can only raise his hand, the Celtics let him defend is equal to score points, there is no one who saw Martin guard. The king firmly sent him away. It is also because the defense is too poor."

Yu Jia said: "Once the league touched the king of porcelain, this time was touched porcelain, Wang Jun made a good foul, and won the most free throws in the league in the last season before retiring. Today he attacked firmly, James has not played any ."

Wang Jun stood on the free throw line, took two shots and made a hollow shot; made two shots and made a hollow again. 9 to 7.

The rhythm of shooting has been integrated into his bones, it does not take too long to aim.

He scored his sixth point and played very easily, Rivers was not easy to watch on the sidelines.

What should I do? Wrapped in Wang Jun's words, he certainly won't win. The King has too many pitchers. Teams who can't bet on role players can all lose. It's ugly. There are James on the field.

If you don’t, you have to watch Wang Jun perform.

PS (to be continued.):

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