Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 783: [Is it already old? 】

The "Zen Master" sent Shannon Brown with superb fitness and replaced Fisher. ~~щww~suimеng~lā

This is a forced substitution. Brown's three-pointer is not as reliable as Fisher and Blake, and he has no organizational ability, but he is the strongest defender in the body. He has better defense in place and often sends out shocking caps.

Playing Fisher is a misplacement, which is the king's advantage. Adelman also immediately replaced. Veteran Miller, Curry, replaced Yi Jianlian and Ray Allen.

The King's three-pointer is still very strong, without Tygibson, because of poor shooting. Milletzer should be better, and better in anti-Bynum.

Bynum went out to pick-and-roll for Kobe. Miller flew out as far as possible. The people behind chased the shot, making him unable to shoot comfortably and empty Bynum.

Kobe passed the ball, Bynum led the ball to rush in to dunk, Miller fouled.

Bynum made two free throws. 30 to 11.

On the offensive end, Wang Jun ran to catch the ball. Midway and Miller made a pick-and-roll breakthrough on the left, which attracted Bynum to switch to the bottom line and observed Kobe's running position with the afterglow of his eyes.

Kobe was chased, Wang Jun stopped in a hurry, his waist and abdomen jumped up and turned halfway to pass the ball to Miller.

Miller immediately took the ball and shot it with a toe, but no matter how slow he was, he was a 211CM big man. Kobe turned around and had no time to block it.

Miller practiced shooting in this position in the team, the open space seized the opportunity, a sharp hit. 33 to 11.

Zhang reasonable shouted: "Great, all the King's players broke out, and it was another three-pointer."

Yu Jia said: "As long as the team is caught, the Lakers defense line is full of holes, and the five kings are good at shooting."

Artest finally received the pass, Peggy succeeded, and he made a sharp stop on the left side to hit the iron. He has been running back with his turn. His hand is very cold. Miller is holding Bynum. Wang Jun grabbed a backboard rebound. .

He immediately launched a counterattack and passed Curry James, who forced a layup against Kobe. This kind of tank layup by James is a trick. Kobe has already fouled a foul and has not dared to pull.

James scored a layup. 35 to 11.

The "Zen Master" was replaced again. Odom took over, replaced Bynum, lowered the height of the court, and enhanced mobility. The Lakers obviously couldn't run the king.

Kobe received a breakthrough, attracted Wang Jun, James to pass the ball, Odom scored a jumper. 35 to 13.

The King attacked and James singled Artest on the left.

Artest's defense mainly relied on hard hitting and crushing opponents with a muscle. James is not afraid of fighting muscles, he is not only muscular, but also fast.

In the Pacers, Artest was the most successful player against James. By this season, he was getting slower and slower. Last season, he and Pierce played Tai Chi.

James gently took two shots, and suddenly started, taking a big step to accelerate the breakthrough with his right foot. Artest could only follow him sideways. When the low position James backed the ball, he leaned on Artest and turned quickly to the middle.

Artest stuck to James and did not lose his position, but he could not cover it after turning around and throwing. The difference between the two bounces was obvious. James scored from close range, 37 to 13.

When the technical consciousness is similar, people who are destined for a better body are stronger.

The "Zen Master" was helpless on the sidelines. He saw that James had become stronger. In the 2009 finals, James rarely attacked on his back. At that time, let alone Artest, Ariza could deflate him in the post.

This season James has developed his ability to turn his back, which is even more difficult to defend. Thanks to Wang Jun and too much nagging, James worked hard to catch up with him, and finally got rid of the "back scum" evaluation.

The Lakers attacked, Bryant received the ball through cover, and was stared by James. This time Wang Jun didn't get involved and followed Odom.

Kobe Bryant succeeded in breaking through the bottom line. The tie rod avoided the James side cover and went back to the basketball. 37 to 15.

Although he scored, it was very difficult to score and did not attract a double-team.

The King attacked and James singled Artest again. This time he broke through the middle and jumped for a layup, which resulted in a foul. After two free throws, 39 to 15.

The Lakers attacked, Kobe Bryant singled out James, and then tried to defend against the bottom line, turned to the middle, Curry actively contracted. Kobe Bryant scored the ball out, Brown missed a three-pointer.

Zhuang is strong enough. Brown's three-pointer is not as reliable as the other two defenders. Wang Jun stuck the empty-cut Gasol, grabbed a backcourt rebound and immediately counterattacked.

James received a pass from Curry in the front field and faced Artest again on the left. Artest's pressure was so great that he lowered his weight and dared not relax.

Wang Jun on the right and Miller got rid of Kobe without a screen, and received a James score.

Miller's perimeter attracted defense, and James was deeply in position.

Wang Jun attracted Gasol to the left to change the defense, and the ball was given to the right 70-miller. Miller didn't shoot after a sway from within the three-point line, and lifted the ball to the right low position above Kobe's head.

James was comfortable with the ball, turned to the bottom line, and leaned on Artest's right hand to avoid the block and missed the board.

Wang Jun also cut in the middle in time, grabbed a rebound from the frontcourt and directly scored with one hand. 41 to 15.

Yu Jia shouted: "Wang Jun has another offensive rebound. He still has a way to score without holding the ball and grab it himself."

A slow-motion video was released on the big screen. Zhang Heli said: "He predicts accurately and cuts quickly, even if he is a little lax, Kobe has done his best."

The Lakers attacked, and Odom received a Kobe Bryant goal after screening for Brown. He misplaced Curry and hit a 3-pointer. 41 to 18.

The king attacked, Miller screened Curry outside, and Wang Jun ran to the low 45 degrees from the right corner. Miller catches the ball on the right side and again passes the pass, hanging to the running Wang Jun.

Kobe tried his best to defend. He didn't expect the game to be like this, completely one-sided. Every time Wang Jun catches the ball, he feels like going in.

Wang Jun took the ball in the face, stepped on the right foot, and made a breakthrough with his left foot. Kobe failed to block this step. He could only follow him sideways, raising his hand to interfere.

With no one to defend, Wang Jun jumped to the basket and kicked his feet with all his strength. He shoved the ball with his hands to avoid the Kobe cover. He directly smashed the ball into the basket with a folding back buckle.

43 to 18, personal 13th.

Kobe is in the background. If he fouls, he can, but he still wants to stay on the court. A large number of fans stood up and applauded, and some female fans screamed.

Van Gundy said with a smile: "It's another top five. I really want to know after this game, will anyone think Kobe and Wang Jun are the same level of players?"

McBrin said: "Kobe Bryant is not a one-on-one opponent, which was proved a few years ago. Now that the King has James to attract defense, UU reads If the whole game is played like this, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Maybe it's garbage time again." Joan Barry sighed.

Kobe Bryant was trying to get one out of the three-point line. Wang Jun blocked his eyes and missed the ball.

Miller snatched a rebound to Curry, who drove the ball behind to avoid Brown and passed Wang Jun.

Wang Jun took the half on the right side, suddenly stopped after a quick stop, and withdrew. Two meters from the three-point line grabbed a three-pointer. No one grabbed a rebound. He was surprised and avoided Kobe's block.

The shot was unreasonable and disturbed, but it was very positive and hit the box.

46 to 18, individual 16th.

Wang Jun raised his right fist and smiled back.

Wang Jun didn't say anything nonsense, but Bryant's heart was cold.

Am I already old?


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