Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 778: [Infatuated, extreme offensive]

On November 1, the King finally ushered in the home opener against the Toronto Raptors. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

In the first two games, the Raptors lost. After Bosh left, the team's strength can be described by a "rotten" word, not only without the core, but also without the fighting spirit.

The Raptors have no salary space. In the summer, only a few role players have been introduced. Powerful stars are reluctant to join the Raptors. The geographical location alone is prohibitive.

New additions include Nuggets' Linas Kreza, Sun's Barbosa, the Rockets cut off Luther Head, rookie insider Ed Davis.

The first two are not bad, but they are far from the stars. Now the Raptors' boss is Lor Deng, both offensive and defensive are good. The weakness is the long shot. The Bulls are only Wang Jun's younger brother, three headed or four headed.

Therefore, the Kings players did not put the Raptors in their eyes, only as a warm-up against the Lakers.

After the game started, the two sides launched a fierce confrontation.

Tejibson started, and did nothing under the defense of "rebounding mobster" Evans. In order to defend the fast defender Joni Flynn, he also quickly paid the price of two fouls.

Flynn was a rookie selected by the Raptors at the 10th pick last season. He started 81 games in the first season. The speed and breakthrough are impressive. Just like the replica TJ Ford, he averaged 32 minutes, 14.9 points and 2.6 rebounds. 4.7 assists.

This season he continues to sit firmly in the starting position and plays a role in the system. But back to the defensive end, Flynn, who is only 183cm tall, has become an obvious black hole that can't prevent anyone.

If on other teams, Flynn may only be a marginal man, and the Raptors have failed.

The starting position of Sony Weems and center Baggnani in the 2nd position is not good. After Peja played, the King's attack was unstoppable.

After screening, Baggnani faced Wang Jun and couldn't stop the breakthrough. As soon as the bottom line was caught, the middle road became free. Yi Jianlian was always emptied.

Wang Jun scored 18 points and 4 assists in a single quarter. James went for a triple-double, 6 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists.

Yi Jianlian squeezed away Flynn, cut the ball three times, dunked a layup, also made a three-pointer, made two fouls and made 13 points and 3 rebounds in a single quarter.

The three men helped the King lead 44 to 33.

In the second quarter, James continued to take the bench, and Wang Jun rested. This was Adelman's attempt. After the second half, Wang Jun was put on. James rested to ensure that there was a strong point of attack on the court to attract the team.

The Raptors got on both guards of Jarrett Jack and Barbosa. The orthodox swingman Julian White was too weak offense and defensive.

James blew up in front of Kleiza, broke all fouls and made 4 free throws, faced Jack for a three-pointer to catch the ball, counterattack off substitute center David Anderson, one-handed dunk.

He led the team to play a wave of 9-0, continue to increase the score, the Raptors adjustment method is to replace Lor Deng in advance.

The adjustment is useless. Ray Allen can get a good chance to get rid of the ball by Miller pick-and-roll. Even if he doesn't shoot directly, David Anderson's defense is too bad and it is easy to pass.

This Australian center's offense is not very good, soft like a noodle, when Miller hit the ball to the east and west, he was not stable.

The Rockets signed Anderson to add a big shot that can be pulled away after Yao Ming left. Anderson can shoot three points and have a range, but not every big man who can shoot is Nowitzki, this is not the case True soft eggs.

After 6 minutes, Wang Jun came on the court and James took a break to change the core to lead the attack.

Adelman is a perfectionist on the offensive end. Regardless of how much the team leads, he doesn't want to let the team without a core lead, always maintain a strong threat. In this way, Ray Allen does not need to hold the ball to attack, his ball rights are reduced, and the efficiency is much worse than the two big stars.

In the first half, the Kings led by 20 points 85 to 65. The veterans have always had problems defending. Wang Jun and James did not work hard to help defend and rely on the offensive to solve their opponents.

In the second half, the two went together and had no intention of keeping their hands.

Lor Deng's defensive ability was affirmed in the second season, he was struggling against a James, more defense. When Peja appeared on the 4th guest appearance, the Raptors couldn't contain them, watching the two calmly singles.

Bagnani became the worst player, and Wang Jun passed out when he rushed out. He watched Wang Jun stop the jumper when he went out slowly. He withdrew the jumper and scored, playing as easily as training.

This is the most feared thing inside. There is no way to prevent Wang Jun from being misaligned. He is the most comprehensive in position 2.

In contrast, James is easier to deal with, because he will choose to break through most of the time, a few shots, there are traces to follow.

The Raptors manager who had just signed a five-year 50 million contract with Bagnani looks very ugly. His defense is obviously not worth ten million, and he can't even grab rebounds.

Few big players can open space on the court like Bagnani. His shots are quick and smooth, and the first step after the fake is also very threatening. There are very few people whose rebounding ability will be as bad as him, and let the opponents expect the defensive end.

Since 2006, he has never brought much help to the team. The Raptors have been losing games in various sad ways. He seems to be the next Villanueva.

What makes the Raptors coaches even more depressed is that the score hasn't increased to the point where they can't catch up, so the stars don't go down to rest and maintain their advantage.

In fact, even if there are two defensive loopholes in the field, with the defensive capabilities of James, Wang Jun and Lei Allen, the Raptors will not be scored so many points.

These three are very tacit, the defense is not staring at people, increased gambling steals, help prevent steals. Grabbing is a fast break performance. If you can't grab it, you can make it easy for your opponent to shoot, and not afraid of being reversed.

The rhythm is fast, the passes are many, the king's gorgeous attack makes the fans fascinated, and some of them cheer and their voices are dumb.

In the final 146 to 120, the Kings won 26 points.

This score was only scored at regular times, and the commentators were dumbfounded.

Barkley lamented: "This year the Kings may break the team's average scoring record in a single season. They are offensive. They are not very defensive on the defensive end. They are the ultimate offensive basketball."

Smith checked the information and said: "The Nuggets scored the strongest in the previous single season. In the 1981-82 season, UU Kanshu 82 regular-season games, the Nuggets scored more than 100 games, averaging up to 126.5 points, Set the highest scoring record for an NBA team in a single season. The King can definitely challenge this record."

CCTV5 cares more about player data. Wang Jun made 15 of 23 shots in 36 minutes, 4 of 8 3-pointers, and 7 of 8 free throws. He scored 41 points, 3 rebounds, 5 assists and 3 steals.

James made a triple-double, 28 points, 13 rebounds, 11 assists and 2 steals.

Yi Jianlian was 20+ again, 8 of 12 shots, 1 of 2 3-pointers, 4 of 4 free throws, 21 points, 8 rebounds and 2 assists.

Zhang reasonable smiled and said: "At present, Wang Jun, James and Yi Jianlian have the most points. If you want to play like this, Yi Jianlian may also be selected for the All-Star Game."

Yu Jiaying said: "I think Yi Jianlian's selection this season is almost certain. Not only has his data improved significantly, his shooting percentage has also increased to 52%, which is the level of the super inside."

Of course, the Super Insider can't talk, but playing around the superstars is often shorted, and Yi Jianlian's data burst!

PS (To be continued.)

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