Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 776: [Traitor, weak]

The two went to the hotel buffet. James was very depressed. In the morning, he went out for a morning run and was scolded by fans. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

"We will pass you the ball at night to help you play 50+?" Wang Jun asked with a smile.

"No, I don't think it's good..." James shook his head.

"Even if they lose to the Cavaliers, they won't welcome you. Let me see what happened to me." Wang Jun smiled and ate a fried shrimp.

After thinking of the scene where Wang Jun was being booed, James was in a slightly better mood.

Wang Jun helped the team to win three championships and established the dynasty. The fans still booed. Is it normal for him to be booed?

James thought of watching the news online, and said depressed: "And Jordan fans dislike me and don't like me to continue wearing the number 23 after joining the King, saying that it is an insult to this number, why do they think so?"

"Because you are not as handsome as Jason Richardson? Or you are not as beautiful as Camby?" Wang Jun answered.

James smiled immediately. "You are right, I think too much."

Marcus Camby also wears size 23. According to this theory, he has long lost Jordan's face. His quirky shooting posture cannot be learned by most people.

Although Richardson got the data back, he has never been selected in the All-Star Game, and has only made two dunks, which is far inferior to James.

James did not insult the number. Jordan fans disliked it because James was the No. 2 player in the Kings wearing No. 23. It seems that this number should not be the second brother, only the eldest brother.

So, is it reasonable for James to pick Pippen's No. 33? He really wants to do that, it is estimated that his fans will have to run a part.

On the evening of October 29, the game started on time.

In order to prevent excited fans from making trouble at the stadium, the stadium has obviously increased the number of security personnel. When introducing the visiting team players, James received more than 20,000 fans in the audience.

The player ran out of the tunnel, and the roar of nearby fans seemed to nail James to the cross.

Although the Cavaliers banned fans from wearing or playing shirts or slogans with insulting words on James that night, many fans cited slogans such as "hate you", "traitor" and "bad man".

Owner Daniel Gilbert is not under pressure. He knows that James still wants to come back. If the fans are too busy, James will not be able to return without them.

Listening to the boos, Wang Jun still warmed up with a smile.

Adelman's tactics will not specify that someone has been the main attacker, asking for the sharing of the ball, and the lineup has changed a little.

Starting five: Curry, Wang Jun, Peja Stojakovic, James, Yi Jianlian.

Peja entered the starting lineup. In the last game, he made 3 of 5 three-pointers. In addition, he scored 11 points in one shot, which was very efficient. As long as he plays, he is a stable three point.

Cavaliers start: Udri, Anthony Parker, Garcia, Hickson, Valejo.

Mo Williams is the only Cavaliers to have been an All-Star. He was seriously injured in the preseason and is expected to rest for 6-8 weeks.

The King scored 40+ in the first quarter as he did on the field, leading by a big score.

The Cavaliers lacked an offensive point to hold the ball, Udri could not pass Curry, Parker could not play Wang Jun, passed back and forth to shoot the last person under interference, and two insiders rushed to the frontcourt rebounds.

Since the arrival of James, Wang Jun no longer takes backcourt rebounds as a task, and will quickly get off.

James stuck and grabbed a rebound. Yi Jianlian got the rebound and looked for James, who would lead to the frontcourt like stepping on the hot wheels.

The king's tactics are clever, because the outside line keeps running. The center is always in the middle and two 70-degree activities. It is a fixed area, without consuming too much physical strength, and can quickly return to defense.

Veteran Miller can do it. Of course, it is not difficult for Yi Jianlian. He has more quick-cutting capabilities than Miller. Defensive breakthroughs and interference shots are also better.

A few preseason games, plus last game, Yi Jianlian's confidence was raised. It's just catching the ball and shooting. No one interferes with him. If he can't do it well, what professional player?

He practiced three positions every day and persisted for two years. He received the ball, took off and shot. His rhythm was very good. His CIC was steady and he had a certain three-pointer.

He worked very hard and didn't practice his muscles, his progress was obvious.

The Cavaliers found that shorting Yi Jianlian wouldn't work. Single defense veteran Parker couldn't keep up with Wang Jun's speed, and a change of direction would be passed. On the Garcia defense, James started playing Parker and Hickson again, and it was still very easy.

In the boos of his hometown fans, James responded to all unfriendliness with a score.

Cavaliers coach Mike Brown was fired. The new coach is Byron Scott. He has poor defense and he has no response.

And Scott's offensive use is also very weird, with Jamison on the bench, Hickson's defense is very bad, and it is a loophole after the pick-and-roll.

In the second quarter, Scott let Jamison and rookie center Cousins ​​go together, Cousins ​​can't get the ball right, can't play the offensive ability, not to mention training.

Cousins ​​is a grumpy guy with a cramped brain, and is in conflict with the coach at college.

After the preseason game, he once talked to Scott, dissatisfied with the ball, hoping for more offensive opportunities.

He has found the wrong communication partner. Scott has conflicts with role players on every team and hates pricks. How can he listen to him?

As a result, not only did Scott not give Cousins ​​more ball rights, he also planned to limit his playing time, let Jamison take the bench, and let guard Daniel Gibson and Jamison cooperate.

Jamison has good statistics. The first game also helped the Cavaliers win the Celtics, which made Scott more confident and thought he was right.

As for Cousins' good quality and outstanding potential, he directly ignored it.

The Celtics can play, because the opponent's offense is poor, the Kings are not a defensive team, the Cavaliers spent the half.

Whenever James took the ball, the fans booed without hesitation. James was able to correct his position. He didn't shoot much in the first half. He responded and grabbed rebounds, scoring only 14 points.

In the third quarter, James continued to play. On the premise that Wang Jun attracted defense, he scored 10 points on 12 shots and scored 24 points in a single quarter.

Under his horrible play, the King led the Cavaliers by 36 points in the third quarter and entered garbage time. He and Wang Jun rested together as spectators.

Before the game, a fierce battle rendered by the media became a battle of strength and weakness, and many Cavaliers fans were leaving in advance.

126 to 90 in the end, UU reading www.uukanshu. King Com won two straight victories.

James had 38 points, 7 rebounds and 6 assists, and Wang Jun had 31 points, 3 rebounds, 4 assists and 2 steals, but the two of them were enough for the Cavaliers.

After the game, when asked if he regretted announcing his "decision" on a national television broadcast this summer, James replied: "I don't want to apologize. I always say that I have to make a decision and accept it."

Wang Jun was asked by the reporter the question of "holding his legs", and the two teamed up to beat their opponents in two consecutive games.

Wang Jun laughed: "We are too strong, should not be together? Then there should be such a trading rule in the league, the Lakers can team up, the Celtics can team up, Wang Jun and LeBron cannot, even if their ball The salary of the team is normal and there is no need to pay luxury taxes. Because they should be defeated by a group of people who pay luxury taxes. Do you think there will be such a rule? Or do you sympathize with the weak?

The reporter was speechless and too arrogant.

Are Kobe and Garnett so-called weak in his eyes?

PS (To be continued.)

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