Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 774: 【Landlord】

In the second quarter, Adelman sent the league's most attractive bench lineup, three former All-Stars, members of the national team, plus a quasi-star.

Bibby, Ray Allen, McGrady, Tajibson, Brad Miller.

The Bulls bench is too bad. Cj Watson, Brewer, Barnes, David Lee, Byron Mullens.

Oden didn't make it to the roster. He felt knee discomfort and his return time was to be determined.

In theory, the Bulls are the most suitable for the core, the owner of the ball is Oden, his talent is unmatched by the league.

He has become a glass man. He played three games in the preseason. Suddenly his knees were swollen. No one touched him. I didn't know how he hurt when watching the video.

After being scrapped by Brooks last season, let alone the coaching staff, management, and the boss are not optimistic about Oden as a star, he is still a good substitute.

As long as he can guarantee efficiency, do not hurt a season, and strive to sign and then change roles in the summer, the Bulls management will be thankful.

The Bulls fans are also very painful. They can't help but imagine how brilliant Durant would be if they were selected. That way, there may be two super scorers on the team. But at that time, they only regarded Durant's upper limit as another Lewis.

The King continued to occupy the initiative, Miller pulled out to cover, Gibson was responsible for the inside attack, and everyone else was looking for opportunities in the periphery.

Mullens is a rookie in the first round and has excellent shooting ability. The Bulls expect him to pull away and become an excellent insider, at least the kind of Troy Murphy.

He is softer than Murphy, and he is not allowed to shoot when there is interference, far worse than Murphy. A 213cm inside line averaged 368% shooting rate, 235% three-pointers, too ugly.

Mullens couldn't prevent the pick-and-roll and was fouled continuously. He quickly went to rest.

In the second half, James, Wang Jun and Curry came back, Ray Allen continued to play, the center was Yi Jianlian, and the king played a small ball tactic. The player keeps running through empty cuts and passes the ball until there is an empty or misplaced shot.

Chandler came back only as a blue collar. Offensively it didn't work, and he didn't have so many rebounds to defend.

84 to 44 in the half, the King led by 40 points.

Adelman left face for the Bulls who unveiled at home. The three main players changed their rest and the substitutes played in the second half. The Bulls came immediately and the power of Thibodeau's defensive system showed.

The King has a weakness. Once James and Wang Jun rest, there is no one who is good at attacking with the ball.

Bibby is mainly shooting, and McGrady's quickest first step has become the slowest first step, and he can only rely on height and wingspan to do his job. Peja is also catching the ball. Ray Allen was not responsible for holding the ball and attacking in the Celtics.

No one broke through to attract the doubles, make up defenses, and opened the space to shoot under the interference. Yi Jianlian was not as glorious as the first half and became an ordinary player.

The Bulls recovered some points. Wang Jun and James didn't play in the second half. In the end, the Kings won 119 to 97, and the team scored double figures.

Because the game was a bit dull in the last quarter, many fans chose to leave early. Barkley doesn't like this kind of game either, and keeps complaining about being bored.

Zhang reasonable commented: "Several old stars of the King have no strength at the time, they are role players. If there is not a big star, they will play very well."

Yu Jia said: "As long as James and Wang Jun go to the last one, I believe the situation will be completely different. Adelman has given the Bulls a face."

Zhang reasonable smiled and said: "If Wang Jun continues to lead by 40 points, I am afraid that the boos will be even stronger. He has a rest. There may be fans on the scene who want him to play. He can dedicate a wonderful goal."

After the game, Wang Jun, James and Yi Jianlian attended the press conference.

Wang Jun scored 23 points and 5 assists in 18 minutes. James scored 18 points, 7 rebounds and 8 assists in a triple-double. Yi Jianlian had 20 points and 8 rebounds.

The reporter asked Wang Jun to talk about his return to Chicago.

He said: "I expected the fans to boo me, and I have been booed on the road before, so I didn't care."

The reporter asked: "Can you tell me why you don't want to go back to the bull?"

Wang Jun smiled and said: "I won three championships for the Bulls, but the management never asked me for my opinions when recruiting. I don’t even think about my feelings even if I was tossing. I feel like I am their cash cow. That’s it. If I stay, then I’m like a tenant farmer who is loyal to the landlord. Now that I’m gone, like a landlord farmer, I don’t feel sorry for anyone.”

These words are a huge blow to the Bulls, and there will be enough superstars willing to join in the future.

Wang Jun spoke out at once, and he was kind to the management.

The reporter asked: "Did you feel unhappy if you didn't play in the second half?"

"It's enough to win. At the beginning of the season, break-in is very important. I am willing to obey the coach's arrangement. If I play against a weak player and play the whole game, it is not necessary to be my old club. I only hope that when I come later Fans don’t boo so loud. I’m afraid I can’t help but get a super high score here.”

James left the Cavaliers, even if some fans burned the jersey, the little emperor did not put a ruthless word on it, and wanted to go back, Wang Jun did not take this into account.

He will not return to the Bulls, so he can threaten the fans as he pleases.

This is no joke. If the ball is given to his main attack, the Bulls defense may not be able to withstand. At present, the Bulls barely make the playoffs.

James also implicitly complained about the Cavaliers' bad roster. "This is a team basketball that I have never experienced. Everyone keeps sharing the ball, running position, and then scoring easily. I love Princeton."

The reporter asked: "How do you evaluate Wang Jun?"

"He gave me a long-lost feeling. My teammates attracted double-teams. I scored easily. I might even be short. The opponent is not double-bound. He has countless ways to put the ball into the basket."

The Cavaliers say that James is not good. If his passing is not an assist, he will be said to be a pot dump. Teammates cannot attract a double-team.

The reporter asked a sensitive question. "In the king, who do you think is the core?"

James is not embarrassed by this. He said generously: "I and Wang are both core. We can use our personal abilities to drive the team. If we are present together, it will create opportunities for each other."

Yi Jianlian is very humble. UU Reading "I want to thank Wang Jun and LeBron. They are the best players. It is very comfortable to work with them. I will try to play my role in the team and help them."

The King continued to play away, the opponent was the Cavaliers.

A lot of speculation broke out in the media that night. Will James still spread magnesium powder? What will James boast about the Cavaliers and what level can he play?

The Cavaliers made their home appearance today and defeated the Celtics fighting back-to-back. They still look strong.

But after hearing about the King's performance, many fans have begun to worry. Cavaliers 2 and 3 are not strong, can they withstand the impact of Wang Jun and James?

That night, a group of people flew to Cleveland, and Wang Jun heard a long-lost system prompt on the plane.

In this game, he broke through a two-year bottleneck, and his training rose to level 75.

ps(To be continued.)


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