Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 750: [Hardcore, famous! 】

The Lakers defeated the Thunder in a tiebreak at home and reached the Western Conference finals. ~~щww~suimеng~lā

The game was very thrilling, and the Thunder once led by 16 points.

Durant and Aldridge played consecutively in the second half. Kobe overtook the score with two midrange shots at the last moment. Odom scored 2+1 and locked the victory.

Many people thought that Wang Jun would target Kobe and the Black Lakers in the playoffs. After all, the opponent he was suspended from was the Lakers.

As a result, these people were beaten, and Wang Jun behaved like a **** secretary. From the first round, he was optimistic about the Lakers winning.

In fact, Wang Jun was also optimistic about the Lakers last season, but the fans of the two started to scold. Wang Jun picks up Kobe's fault because he thinks he can become stronger, instead of using an inefficient attack.

He practiced with James in the summer and made James worse, but no one knew.

This series has a lot of tendency to explain, Wang Jun and Barkley mocked Durant.

It's no wonder that they are hard at work, Durant's performance is too bad, relying on jumpers, less offensive means, it seems unable to defend against Artest defense.

In the entire series, he only made 7.2 shots in 20.5 attempts, with a 35% shooting rate. As the core of the team, he clearly failed.

The Durant series averaged 25 points per game. Most of the points were scored by free throws, averaging 10.3 times per game. The trick is "a big swing back!"

This is the name given by the fans. The main point is that Durant leans forward as close as possible to the defenders. When the defenders reach out, they can’t catch their ears and steal the bell with the thunder. Hand, and then smashed the ball towards the basket, there is no need to care whether or not to enter, there are free throws.

This way of touching porcelain is LOW burst, is this **** a basketball game?

Compared to Durant, Kobe played even better, making 12 of 25 shots, 3 of 4 3-pointers, and 5 of 7 free throws, getting 32 points, 7 rebounds and 3 assists.

On the other side, the Suns killed the Jazz 4 to 1, and met with the Lakers.

In the Western Conference finals, Wang Jun went to the Lakers home to be a guest, but this time he went to CCTV5 instead of TN*T.

Chinese fans also want to listen to Wang Jun’s commentary, always going to TN*T, he attracted some extreme fans, saying that he is a "banana man."

Before the game started, the three talked about Kobe's finger injury.

Yu Jia said: "Some fans send text messages to ask: I heard Kobe is only playing with seven fingers, is it true?"

Zhang reasonable replied: "This is an exaggeration. Kobe injured his index finger in December this season. It is time to raise it. His little finger and ring finger were injured before."

Yu Jia added: "As an ordinary person, many people can't imagine shooting after a broken finger. Kobe Bryant didn't play when he was an All-Star. He showed his finger in an interview. It was swollen like a gourd. His spirit is really worth it. Praise."

Wang Jun also read the message. "This netizen sent a text message asking: Is Kobe Bryant the most injured player in history? Who else has been injured more often than he did?"

"Famous general." Wang Jun paused and asked himself: "This question is very interesting. Although I don't know much about history, I think the most famous player with the most injuries is Zheng He. The record he created in the Ming Dynasty is unparalleled. Broken." (It’s never been better to be injured at 12)

Zheng! with? !

Zhang reasonable, who was drinking tea, sprayed it directly.

Yu Jia froze for a moment, covering his face with one hand.

Uncle, this is a live broadcast, is it too much to play like this?

Wang Jun and Barkley and Smith have this style in TN*T. They can pull from basketball to playing cards, and they can watch a dunk and pull to a certain movie.

The two CCTV5s are rarely open-minded, and the audience in front of the TV is laughing crazy. Have they ever seen a serious nonsense from a domestic commentator?

The game started, the sun has the motivation to move forward, mainly anti-guest.

Nash has made the playoffs 12 times and has never played in the finals. This time he came to the door again.

Stoudemire and Richardson succeeded, and the Suns started 7-0. The Lakers only scored for the first time after playing for 2 minutes, but they have since strengthened their defense and made the Suns' shooting rate drop. In the last 5 minutes of the quarter, the Sun only scored a goal. After the Lakers played a wave of 18-4, they went beyond 35-26 in one fell swoop.

Odom arranged the first 7 points of this wave of attack, and also grabbed 6 rebounds in the first half, in a state of bravery.

Wang Jun of the ball talked about it. "If I were to choose a star to be the second player in the summer, I would never choose Stardamer."

Zhang reasonable asked: "Why?"

Wang Jun said: "The most important thing in defense is to interfere with the shooting. Stoudemire prefers to make an airy Changhong block. How can there be so many opportunities for him to show bouncing? And he only averages more than 1 block per game, which means , Most of the time he showed bouncing, he was flicked by his opponent."

In the second quarter, Bynum still can't single Robin Lopez.

Bynum's low-level technique is not very outstanding, mainly rely on the body to eat hard, Lopez 213CM, 120 kg body weight is not afraid of any center.

Bynum can only defend, Jackson replaced him after playing for a while, replaced Gasol, Odom pulled out, to create a breakthrough space for Kobe, this move will be effective immediately.

Kobe singled out Tony Allen, but singled out Richardson and Hill had too obvious an advantage. He can jump shots and get to the basket by swinging out of the rhythm and technology.

In the past, Sun and Bell and Marion were good at defense. Now the number one defensive expert on the team is veteran Hill. After the pick-and-roll, Fry and Stoudemire are even worse.

Kobe attracted a double-team and it was a good opportunity to split the ball. Without allowing Bynum and Mbenga to play, the Lakers and others can shoot at long range.

The two sides are attacking from start to finish, and the Lakers defense Stoudemire, Frye, and Nash are also difficult to coordinate with the pick-and-roll. A lap shooter on the periphery, two people play the pick-and-roll. Marion is gone, and Dudley and Frye are better with three points.

Zhang reasonable asked Wang Jun to evaluate Frye.

Wang Jun said: "He is a very good player in the system, and he can definitely get a big contract. I chatted with Yi Jianlian and suggested that he play like this. It doesn't need to be strong muscles. Don't practice strength, just pull out the shot. Guaranteed shooting percentage. Will help the team."

It is difficult to expect Yi Jianlian to become Aldridge and Bosh, so that Frye will be qualified, and it will not be a problem to mix in the NBA.

The Lakers beat the Suns 128 to 107, Kobe Bryant made 13 of 23 shots, 3 of 6 three-pointers, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com made 11 of 12 free throws, scored 40 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists.

Gasol made 10 of 13 shots, 1 of 1 free throws, 21 points, 4 rebounds, 5 assists and 2 blocks, very stable.

Substitute Odom had 19 points, 19 rebounds and 3 assists, suppressing Stadamer was surprising, Stoudemire had only 23 points, 3 rebounds and 2 assists.

Wang Jun was happy to comment on the game: "I firmly believe that the Lakers and the Celtics will play in the finals. Looking at today's situation, the Lakers will definitely eliminate the sun."

Yu Jia asked: "Are you coming back next season, if you are not in the Bulls, are you confident to beat the Lakers to win the championship? They are really strong now."

Wang Jun smiled and said: "I think the Lakers are very lucky. If I don't retire, this problem may not be mentioned. I will certainly defeat the Lakers."

Both of them are stunned. Wang Jun's words are equivalent to issuing a championship declaration, and he has not announced what team he is going to.

Confidence is too full!

PS (To be continued.)

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