Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 744: [Cerebral Disability Black, Chinese big mouth]

When Tony Allen entangled Kobe, the latter's shooting rate began to decline, the game only 40.2%. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

However, the Lakers still lead by a big score, because Gasol's shooting rate is too high, 13 shots made 9 goals, plus 6 free throws, the game scored 24 points, 11 rebounds and 3 assists.

Garnett also had 20 points and 8 rebounds, but was 8 of 18 from the field and 4 of 4 free throws.

Wang Jun was pleased and sprayed Garnett's offensive approaching the end.

"Comparing the data, you will find that the tough guy Garnett has averaged 4.8 free throws per game and 6.7 in his peak season. There is absolutely no lethality. He is a jumper outside. However, his opponent, the recognized softball Paul Gasol averaged 6.2 per game. Free throws, 7.7 peak seasons. Is the data sheet I checked really accurate? Except for the last two seasons, Garnett has averaged more minutes per game than Gasol."

Barkley said with a big laugh: "Speaking of him, you have been thinking about it for a long time? I don't want to take you through..."

"Did you say he was soft?" Smith asked.

"Of course I said." Buckley blinked, his expression very tempting to slap him.

The Lakers had no suspense to keep the advantage to the end, winning 102 to 84. After two games in the regular season, each team won one game.

After the game, online fans did not comment on the focus game. Many discussions started Wang Jun's commentary. The guests grabbed the limelight of the players and created a big miracle.

"It's too dark. Is he going to be a sprayer in the future? Big mouth skills can't be used for Buckley."

"I wipe, Wang Jun doesn't say, I don't know that Garnett's offense is softer than Gasol, and he knows well."

"If you don't play, you will only play tricks."

"Speaking of our inefficiency? The hit rate is low? I opened your eyes to see if there are a few more hits in the 2nd position? His comeback this season, I don't believe the Bulls can win the Lakers."

It is common for Komi to scold Wang Jun, and a "prince" who understands the ball can't stand it anymore. A data sheet is listed online to analyze Kobe's hit rate.

In fact, there are too many players with a higher hit rate than Kobe in the 2nd position, almost pulling out a 2nd position is higher than his hit rate, because there is something called true hit rate in this world.

The true shooting percentage is equal to the score divided by (2 times (the number of shots plus 0.44 times the number of free throws)).

Experts believe that this data can better reflect the efficiency and value of a player on the field. Because many guards are mainly three-pointers, the shooting rate is definitely lower than the players who are near the basket, but the scoring efficiency is high. So the true hit rate is the real hit rate, and many pseudo-fans simply do not know that there is such a thing.

The outside lines that rank in front of Kobe include Ray Allen, Ginobili, Redick, Maggette, Moro, Matthews, Afraro, etc.. Too many to enumerate. Write words in English if they are described in English. Can water half a chapter.

Known as the "blacksmith", Jason Kidd's true shooting percentage is ahead of Kobe, with more than 20 more.

Kobe's real shooting percentage is very low, and this season is even more outrageous. Where is he on the list? The answer is 94th in the league, ahead of the Rockets' second-round rookie from the Pistons, Chase Budinger.

The fans' evaluation of Budinger is just like his name.

This data is rarely mentioned. If you look at Kobe in terms of true shooting percentage and average number of hits per game in the first three years, his name can be Kobe Dangdang Dangdang Bryant.

The Lakers have the highest true shooting percentage. It is rare to receive Kobe's pass. Andrew Bynum, who has been scolded by Kobe. He is tenth in the league. He averaged 10.6 shots per game and scored 15 points and 8.3 rebounds.

Wang Jun's fourth championship season, played a lot of iron, the real shooting percentage ranked 29th in the league, far better than Kobe Bryant 70.

Then, the "prince" of this column of data was scolded by Ke Mi, and he was labeled with a label-Brain Disability Black!

Is the data so comparable? Comet will tell you the correct comparison method.

Kobe Bryant and other No. 2 players only compare data, and ignore the amount of playing time; to shoot shots with Iversonbi to prove that I am not strong; and O'Neal to make free throws to prove that the Lakers' three consecutive championships are not sharks; and Jordan is more than three points, which proves that our department is more comprehensive; compared with the rings of James, Wade, and Paul, they are just helping the fish!

Finally, compare with Wang Jun's age.

Wang Jun, what's so great about you bullying a veteran? When I was young when I was young... I couldn't say it. When I was young, I became a little brother for fat people.

David Stern also had a headache for such things as column data. He did not want to admit that Kobe was just an ordinary star who was held up to the sky. The biggest highlight was that he scored high shots for high shots and did not have the power to dominate.

A column of data, Kobe really can't compare to many people, even in the most peak season, the efficiency value is only the third in the league, and the overall efficiency is not ranked high in history, the league is 20th.

In short, Wang Jun said Kobe was not good, and almost aroused public indignation.

After a day off, he was a guest again and explained the Clippers VS Bulls game at the Staples Center.

Barkley asked: "Do you think the Bulls may still compete for the championship?"

Wang Jun said decisively: "Of course not, there is no one-hundredth chance this season, unless Crawford collects the boss's money and punishes the Bulls for every game. I heard that this product has come back to make money. "

Buckley laughed: "You just hate the bulls?"

"It’s not annoying, I’m just elaborating on the fact. Now the Bulls have only three points to stabilize Lewis. They all win on defense. Every day is a big barrage. We used to be the best offensive team. regret."

Smith asked: "Do you think Thibodeau is a bad coach? Should he be responsible for the bull's fall?"

"On the contrary, I think Thibodeau is very good. He is an underestimated coach, especially in arranging the defensive system. If the Bulls cut him off, the team that needs the coach will find him right." Wang Jun smiled.

The scene of the game was lethargic, and Barkley and Wang Jun talked about Yao Ming.

Buckley commented: "Deng Liwei didn't need Yao Ming to let him pick and roll high, it was a waste of the insider. If Yao Ming played low, even if the Clippers couldn't get up, there would be a chance to compete for the playoffs, not now. such."

Wang Jun shook his head: "I have different opinions this time. Yao Ming's speed is slow. If he doesn't play like this, he will be easily counter-attacked by opponents. After high pick-and-roll, he can return to defend the basket in time, reducing the low attack and reducing injuries. Chance. I think it's good."

Smith laughed: "You said that because of Yao Ming and your country?"

"Yeah. UU reading books"


In order to stabilize the defense and prevent the opponent from breaking through, Yao Ming played only 30 minutes per game in the new season and shared playing time with Camby.

Wang Jun’s assessment is: “It doesn’t matter. It’s not too late to wait until he has good teammates. Now he can make a healthy profit. It’s good for the Clippers to have a bunch of bad contracts. There are not many strong people.”

Buckley laughed: "Tim Thomas is your old teammate, aren't you saying that?"

"Thomas' attitude during training made me too lazy to talk, otherwise he would not be cut off by the Bulls that year." Wang Jun spouted happily.

Boss Sterling was not so happy. After the match, Wang Jun was angrily criticized and bully.

In two games, Wang Jun has offended many people. Some people on the Internet say he is a "Chinese big mouth."

PS (To be continued.)

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