Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 716: 【Snow White and 7 Gourd Chaptery】

Wang Jun went back to Chicago, took the three pets to Los Angeles, and sold the house to an agent. ≥≥

The incident was overwhelmed, Chicago was another big shock, the Bulls fans blasted the management, and Chinese fans complained online every day.

"He really doesn't want to play basketball anymore, the house is sold, how can he come back in Chicago in the future?"

"The boss is right, Wang Jun really has no professional ethics. If he walks away, does he not know what loyalty is?" I don't know what job this fan is. If you work in a private company, will you be loyal to the unwilling to pay for a lifetime What about the boss?

"The Bulls are looking for the wrong coach. He knows that Thibodeau used Van Gundy and used him. Can this game look good?"

"It's not the coach's reason? Wang Jun is away. The team has fewer breakthroughs and counterattacks. Oden and Chandler can't see much difference. He blows too much. Can such a blue collar rule the league?"

Wang Jun retired, and Chinese fans still revolve around the Bulls, not the other two teams.

Yi Jianlian's team league is the last one in the league, no one pays attention to the king's life and death, even if the TV5 live broadcast has no ratings.

The King always lags behind the score at the start of the game. It is normal to lose 2o in a single quarter. Instead, he loses less when he is on the bench. There are a few people who are willing to defend.

The Rockets West ranked ninth, grabbing the No. 1 pick, and not ruthlessly hanging, half dead. Adelman did have two goals, and made the marginal man Weaver alive. Landry also played better and better, retaining the hope of the playoffs.

But even if the Rockets finally got lucky in the playoffs, they would go home for at least one more round. Yao Ming wants to leave now, and staying with the Rockets has no future.

At present, the league promotes Vs24, and it is the Cavaliers and Lakers that rank the first two in the Eastern and Western regular seasons.

The online questioning has not stopped, the Lakers are better, but the three high inside Kobe Bryant, the strength of this season is crushed, often ending the fight in three quarters.

The Cavaliers are too controversial, as James moves more and more. In an interview, he justified that he didn't walk, which is called "crab step", which makes people speechless.

David Stern didn't talk to Wang Jun and cold-handled him. As long as someone could replace Wang Jun, he would be retired forever, and the president was also tempered.

After discussing with Hughes, Wang Jun waited for the alliance to come to the door. As long as Stern asks for him, he can get a little benefit in the comeback, offset the previous negative effects, or get the right to become a completely free man. He didn't want to talk to the Bulls' management when he came back, signing and then changing, and the relationship between the two parties has already disappeared.

Now let's see what nBa can do, and who is more patient, Wang Jun and the league.

On this day, Theron received three more scripts, two of which were written by unknown screenwriters, and the other script was from Hosin-Armini, a veteran screenwriter who was nominated for an Oscar in 1998 for "Dove Wings." , Best Adapted Screenplay Award.

The content of the first love script is slapstick.

Men and women meet unexpectedly, fall in love, all kinds of hypocrisy, all kinds of misunderstandings, and then missed. A few years later, the two met again. The man was unmarried and the woman was unmarried. Still feeling, they finally came together. A large number of such scripts.

The other is a crime-solving drama, where the heroine helps the heroine clean up the wrongdoing, a serious story. There are too many such shows, and Alexandra Daddario has relied on the relationship to enter a new crew called "The Soul Detective". In the Los Angeles filming, two episodes appeared and played an internship forensic. .

Horsin's script is adapted from the well-known Snow White called "Snow White and the Hunter". The subject was bright, it seemed that the hunter defeated the prince and became the protagonist, and had something to do with the princess.

The story is very simple. The evil queen asks who is the most beautiful in Magic Mirror. Magic Mirror says that it is Snow White when she grows up. The monster queen wants to absorb Snow White's yang and stay young forever. It is a pity that the Princess took the opportunity to run away.

The queen found the downbeat hunter to catch the princess. As a result, the hunter fought in the forest, wielding a big axe of hunger and thirst, and released Wushuang to kill a group of soldiers to save the princess.

The two embarked on the road of escape together, with the help of the seven dwarfs and the prince of soy sauce.

The princess was poisoned by the poisonous apple, and the soy prince turned into a melancholy Zhang Xinzhe, and sighed, "I put my love into the water, love is more sad than not," and went cool. The hunter kissed the princess after expressing affectionately.

Then a group of people went back to the castle to kill the queen, and the princess and prince lived a good life. The hunter turned away, hiding the merits and fame.

After looking at the settings, Theron commented: "This thing should not be photographed, neither adults nor children are suitable for watching."

"Yeah, there is no bright spot." Wang Jun also vomited. "There is not even a capable person on the side of Snow White. Why did you defeat the magical queen of beauty? And the queen was **** and killed again, won't you play something else in the movie? Look at the war Police, if you increase the ability element, it will definitely be much better than this."

"How to add?" Theron asked.

"It's very simple...I think this film should still be made like this." Wang Jun suddenly remembered a cartoon he watched when he was a kid. It happened to be seven dwarves, which was more useful than the seven around Snow White.

He tells stories, and Abby, Leying and Theron listen together.

The background in the front is similar, and the setting of the actor is changed.

He is a hunter with multiple abilities, handsome and tall. In the forest he accidentally met the princess, rescued her, and asked the queen for some news.

Snow White and the hunter returned to a quiet village. Now the hunter has adopted seven orphans and is the guardian of the village. He will not age and miss his lover.

Snow White accidentally discovered that the hunter's lover is the evil queen, and the two of them appeared the magic mirror in an adventure and gained mysterious power. The magic mirror blackened the queen, and the hunter left her.

Snow White persuaded the hunter to help her volunteers recapture the kingdom and destroy the magic mirror.

The hunter divided his magic power among the seven adopted children, so that they can use the ability at the same time, not only one at a time, so as to defeat the queen. The hunter who lost his strength is getting old.

The abilities of the seven children are different. They are powerful and infinitely large; they have clairvoyant eyes and downwind ears; they have steel bodies and are inaccessible; they have fire control and water control; they have the ability to stealth; there is another Open space door, teleport. UU Reading

Finally, under the leadership of the hunter, the seven children helped Snow White to recover successfully, smashed the magic mirror, and the queen became old and regained consciousness.

The ending princess ascended the throne, and the two old men went into seclusion with seven baby.

After listening to laughter, Leying's stomach hurt. Except that one child does not have a treasure gourd, isn't this Snow White and the seven gourd baby!

Theron looked at Wang Jun's eyes. "Wow. You're very exciting! If you do this, it's much more exciting than this script. As long as the special effects are done well and the picture is gorgeous enough, it may become a good film adaptation. It can attract adults as well. Attract children, but the investment is definitely not small."

Abby nodded and said: "I think it's also very interesting, the supporting roles are very good."

"Uh... I just broke it." Wang Junhan said, he just wanted to tell a joke, but only his sister was amused.

Are you really good at being serious? Have you made a mistake!

ps (to be continued.) 8

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