Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 708: [Things you want to do but you have no time to do]

On January 2, Wang Jun and Gardner went to Los Angeles together.

The prisoner was temporarily taken into custody, waiting for the shooting. Wang Jun arrived at the hospital at 7 am and saw a young couple arguing at the door. The blonde girl stopped a taxi and walked away.

The black-haired man was downcast and reached for his hand, but didn't open his mouth. He saw Wang Jun and smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Albert... Are you arguing with your girlfriend?" Wang Jun greeted him.

At this time, not many people passed by the door of the hospital.

"Yeah, she thinks I'm not doing business right and I'm free." Albert smiled bitterly.

"Aren't you officially working in the central hospital? She doesn't want you to drive an ambulance?" Wang Jun asked.

"No, I don't want to continue working in the hospital." Albert shook his head. "I'm here to submit the resignation letter."

The young man's full name is Albert Swann, and his family is in Sacramento. He went to high school in Los Angeles. After graduation, he wandered around here.

Know Wang Jun because he is Wang Leying's life-saving benefactor.

Leying fell ill while playing in Venice Beach, fortunately stopped the taxi that Albert drove, otherwise it might not be able to be rescued if he was sent to the hospital.

Albert learned some first aid knowledge, gave her a simple heart recovery, drove several red lights in a row, staged the speed of life and death, and sent Leying from the seaside suburbs to the hospital, which was twice as fast as the normal ambulance. .

Wang Jun flew to Los Angeles. After knowing how dangerous the situation was, he thanked Albert very much and wanted to visit Guan Guan immediately with him, pouring wine in a big bowl, killing chickens and taking blood, and the hospital ended.

Only then did Albert know that Wang Jun's sister was saved, and thought he was just an ordinary person.

This matter was reported on the news, because he was driving a red light to save people from driving, and did not cause a car accident. His driver's license was not revoked.

The Central Hospital knew that he had excellent driving skills and was familiar with the roads of Los Angeles. He also decided to be an ambulance driver. Relying on this gimmick also got news and advertised the hospital.

Despite the high salary, more than two months passed, Albert was not happy to drive an ambulance.

When Wang Jun asked, he knew how troublesome it was to drive an ambulance. There were more than a dozen items. If you didn't do well, you would be deducted points.

Wang Jun always wanted to repay his gratitude. Albert didn't need it. This resignation gave him a chance.

"I'll go with you to resign, and then don't leave. At noon I invite you to dinner and find a job for you."

"Hey, I'm afraid I won't do a long job, so don't help me find it, thank you."


"I changed sixteen jobs, this is the seventeenth."


After handing in the resignation, Wang Jun and Albert went to the ward together.

He chatted with Leying for half an hour and left the ward. She can't be tired now and needs a good rest. The injections are mainly nutritional injections, preparing for the operation, and it is not too late to talk later.

Usually there is only one escort, Yuan Hao is more active than Wang Jun.

Wang Jun found a restaurant near the hospital and asked after ordering: "Albert, tell me what you want to do. Open a store or do business. I will invest for you and you will be a manager."

"This is where my headache is. I don't know what I want to do, and I changed my job again and again. But Emily feels that I am too immature, and I don't know if there is a future with me." Albert laughed. Road.

"Your family conditions should not be bad? It looks like you have no pressure at all."

"Yeah, middle-class family, I don't want to bite old, just to mix myself in Los Angeles, but I can't find enthusiasm for all jobs, it's really troublesome."

Albert did not specify what his parents were doing, but Wang Jun knew that the lives of middle-class American families were very moist.

Eat and chat. For the first time, Wang Jun took the time to understand this benefactor.

He is of mixed Chinese ethnicity, his mother is Chinese-Chinese, his father is American, and he was born in Los Angeles.

The mixed-race gave Swan a beautiful face, and he was selected to star in several TV series after graduating from high school in Los Angeles.

But at the same time, mixed blood also brought him a lot of obstacles. The modeled American drama industry hopes that actors of Asian descent all have pure Oriental faces, but his over-Western face is not so popular, so he can only run the dragon. , Never played an important role.

He met Emily while running the dragon in the American drama "Brothers and Sisters". After ula graduated from university, it took three minutes to do anything. Driving a taxi was also a whim, helping friends for a few days.

Wang Jun sighed: "It seems that you are destined to save Alyssa."

"I think so."

After chatting for a while, Albert did not intend to open a store. Wang Jun asked him if he was interested in finance. He agreed.

He studied economics in college. His parents wanted him to go back to take over the furniture factory at home. He was not interested in being a carpenter or designer.

Xia Baowen had been to the hospital many times before. They knew that Wang Jun wanted to introduce him as an intermediary. Vivic's business is not only in New York, but also has offices in Los Angeles, Albert does not have to leave.

Wang Jun called Xia Baowen and asked about it in the afternoon.

Xia Baowen immediately agreed. In addition to the mind, the Indians depended on solidarity. The first thing they look for when looking for employees is not ability, but whether the person can trust it.

His reason for optimizing Albert is that "sensual people are more sincere."

At night, Wang Jun left the hospital and lived directly in Theron's apartment.

He also started thinking, what should he do after his sister is ill?

This time it is too much trouble with the alliance, it can be regarded as a jade burnt. Stern, such a "dictator", will certainly not give him a good look in a short time.

He never had time to rest and became extremely leisurely. Being nervous and suddenly doing nothing, he was not used to it.

Theron asked: "The Bull Classic ideally talks to you, why don't you see him? Don't you want to come back next year?"

"In any case, I want to wait for my sister to get well. Even if I continue to play, I don't want to go back to the bull."


"Because everyone likes California and wants to develop here, you are also in Los Angeles, so I also want to come here." Wang Jun smiled.

Theron smiled and said: "Abby must be very depressed to hear that."

"But I believe she will support me. The Bulls boss just wanted to make money on me. When I was in trouble, the management didn't help me talk, and I still said bad things on the news. I suspended the game and wanted to take the opportunity to calculate me If I renew the contract in advance, do I still have to give them face?" Wang Jun hummed, he was always so kind and resentful.

"Don't you join the Lakers or Clippers in the future?"

"Let’s talk, UU reading Lei will help me consider, as well as the officials of the league, all I have to do is take a vacation, and wait for the basketball people to find me. I have to do some things I wanted to do but I have no time to do it. Thing."

"such as?"

"For example, guest TV, movies, making movies with you." Wang Jun laughed.

When he and Abby participated in "Fast Forward", Theron was envious, and when making "The Hangover", he said that it would be interesting to make a long movie.

Theron froze for a moment and asked with a smile: "A commercial?"

"Anything will do, I'm afraid there is no box office, no one invests, no script."

"You can shoot if you want to shoot. The most important thing in Hollywood is the script. But you have to practice acting on TV first, and then talk about it after the movie. "Hangover" I think you are doing well."

Wang Jun didn't believe it. Where did the acting come from?

ps(To be continued.)

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