Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 701: [Oath not rest, optimistic]

At the beginning of July, Wang Jun and Abby attended the premiere of Theron's movie "Superman".

This incident made headlines in entertainment news again, grabbing the limelight of starring Will Smith.

Smith and Wang Jun have known each other for a long time, and jokingly called it a slam dunk and wanted to be PK with him. The actual organizer was very happy, and Wang Jun was very eye-catching when he attended. The rumours of the two girlfriends have caused countless media speculation, even with the movie.

The premiere was very lively, and there were many entertainment stars, Stuart Townsend, Keanu Reeves, and so on. These two people stood together very distinctively, like two extremes, one light and one dark, killing countless films.

Chinese actress Liu Yifei also attended the premiere, wearing a colorful dress, youthful and beautiful, and greeted Wang Jun for a while.

In April of this year, "King Fu King" starring female No. 1 was released in North America. Because of Jet Li and Jackie Chan, the box office was not bad.

Wang Jun watched this movie, it was amazing. When the grandson was holding a gold hoop to make trouble in Tiangong, he still only spoke the language. When he was rescued from the stone, he was already able to thank his dear Skywalker in fluent English. 500 years... Sun Wukong must have been practicing English in the stone.

"Superman" is also a typical popcorn movie. Theron felt bored and only made money, but Wang Jun watched it very enjoyably. He likes this commercial most.

Funny, special effects, superman, beauty, with these elements, even if the plot has no depth, what does it matter?

Theron said that he would do commercials since then because he likes it.

Abby found that the two had a common language in entertainment, talked, intimate, and jealous. She didn't come out angrily, otherwise she would really make big international news.

Nominally, she has always been Wang Jun's decent girlfriend, and Theron is his buddy.

After another week, Wang Jun and Abby returned to China together.

Abby is responsible for interviewing the Chinese men’s basketball team, while Theron is busy working, attending various events and promoting movies around the world.

At the airport, the welcome ceremony was even grander than the last time Wang Jun returned, and the major media sent reporters for interviews.

He was the pride of China when he won the championship; he was the strongest star in China when he won the championship; he became a national hero after winning the World Championship; he became the national business card for the third championship.

Today, Wang Jun has been deified in China, he is the world's first star in basketball, even Kobe's popularity is still far away.

The finals were advertised as the pinnacle of two superstars, but the result was a one-sided sweep, and of course Kobe could no longer compare with Wang Jun.

In the words of Japanese secondary and secondary disease fans, this is like Takiya Genji challenging Lin Tianhui in the movie "Blood High School". Kobe Bryant has been very dragged in the playoffs, defeated many opponents, and finally came to the end, two punches against BOSS was KO... instantly returned to before liberation.

After the interview, Wang Jun also saw the director Zhang of the Basketball Association. The other party kept laughing with each other while eating, and Wang Jun didn't say anything embarrassing to him, only when nothing happened.

In 2008, the Stankovic Cup basketball game started in Hangzhou. Both Wang Jun and Yao Ming will play and run-in training locally.

Wang Junben was optimistic about the Olympics, but he was a little disappointed after a day of joint training. The overall strength of the team is still too bad.

When training alone, he asked Yi Jianlian: "How are you doing three-point training? Have you been training?"

"I have practiced." Yi Jianlian nodded honestly.

"Then you can vote for me for a while?" Wang Jun said expectantly. This is related to whether the Chinese team can open up the inside space, as long as he is as accurate as Wang Zhizhi, the game will be much better.

As a result, Yi Jianlian shot and ironed in various positions, and the CIC was okay. The three-point score was not reliable and could not be used as a conventional weapon.

Yi Jianlian cast a bit awkward for a while, and walked to Wang Jun. He looked down like a child who had made a mistake and asked for corrections.

Wang Jun froze for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "I can't seem to correct anything."


Wang Jun went on to say: "You can't shoot quickly. You practiced this time and reminded me of a movie."

"What movie?" Yi Jianlian asked.

""Ouchi Secret Agent Zero and Zero Hair."" Wang Jun said with a gesture of right hand piercing into the sky. "Emperor, this trick is the flying fairy."

"..." Yi Jianlian covered his face with one hand, he knew the next line of the movie was "He is playing you emperor."

Sure enough, is my three-point shooting terrible?

Yi Jianlian and Wang Jun scored three points. It was really the same as not practicing. He could only take it slowly.

Wang Jun's shooting percentage is not very long. His training shot is more than 80%, and his condition is as good as 90%, but his range has become farther.

He dared to vote two meters away from the three-point line and was able to move in. The guards watching the national team were stunned. They are used to CBA's three-point line, which is shorter than the NBA. For Wang Jun, the international three-point line is too short.

After practicing for a few days, Wang Jun felt that these teammates did not make much progress compared to 2006 and were more worried about the prospects of the game.

The dream eight team list has been released, a group of big-name players, the lineup is quite reasonable, how to look at the Chinese team is not like winning.

Wang Jun is much less difficult to win in the NBA, even playing the Celtics is only facing three stars, this time facing a group, pulling out more than personal ability, no worse than those three.

What makes him even more depressed is that before the Stankovic Cup, there was a little unpleasantness on the team. It is not very hard to train players.

During a training class, Yunus blamed a player for his mistakes and felt he was not focused enough.

Yunas looked at his slack, and said ironically: "Can you practice any worse? I kicked you out of the national team."

There is nothing wrong with this attitude. Actually installed B with the coach, turned his head away under the eyes of all eyes, and claimed to withdraw from training.

Then Yao Ming roared behind him: "If you dare to walk out of this door now, I won't let you play the Beijing Olympics!"

So he did not dare to be angry, and returned to the court to continue his practice with a black face.

Wang Jun didn't say a word beside him, and he was too lazy to see this kind of thing when he was training in the World Championships. Although famous, he is not familiar with the national team and his teammates, Yao Ming is more prestigious and senior.

In his heart, he painted an X for this teammate. No matter how good his physical fitness is, this lazy style will definitely be abandoned in the future. Poor shooting, playing CBA may rely on the body to be a role player, playing the NBA and dreaming, UU reading to NBDL may not be able to brush the data.

In the Stankovic Cup, Wang Jun and Yao Ming performed very well and played long enough. They won three games at home and easily defeated Serbia, Angola and Russia to win the championship.

Wang Jun, Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian were selected as the best team in the Sri Lanka Cup, but the opponent is too weak to be proud of.

This small champion media has been hyped up, attracting unanimous applause from fans, not swearing to hold the men's basketball to the sky, this is purely putting pressure on the team, failure to win the championship.

Wang Jun was very low-key in an interview. "We are not the strongest team in the lineup. It is not easy to play against Dream 8. It is of course the best to win the championship at home. I can accept it even if I lose, provided everyone fights hard."

After training, Wang Jun couldn't be optimistic either. The core is still those of 2006. The newly selected teenagers have no data in the CBA. The international competition experience is poor, and they can't count on their physical fitness alone.

How far the Chinese team goes depends on what level the NBA Trident can play.

PS (To be continued.)

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