Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 697: [Can the Lakers guard against God]

Wang Jun was replaced two minutes in advance, the Celtics also replaced all the main force, the game entered garbage time. ◎,

109 to 79, the Bulls scored 30 points in an away game.

This is the Celtics' worst loss this season. They have been in trouble from the second half of the third quarter. Their energy is used to deal with Wang Jun's offense, confirming the sentence "offense is the best Defense".

Everyone in the Green Army was frustrated, and the 3-2 lead situation was reversed, falling from heaven to hell, which was too uncomfortable.

Rondo was abused and cried, finally realizing that his **** projection technique was an important reason why the team couldn't open the game.

The eyes of the Big Three are confused, and they do not want to believe that this is true. They have failed to win the Bulls. What should they do?

Rivers sighed, but didn't swallow his gun, congratulating Skiles, and hurriedly left the court.

Barkley said: "The Bulls advanced to the finals in such a way. Jordan scored 63 points on April 20, 1986, which was the highest score in the previous NBA playoffs. This record is now broken 22 years later. It’s the Bulls and Celtics again."

Smith said: "He shot fewer shots than Jordan, hit a higher percentage, almost swept the Bulls all score in the second half. After removing the free throw, he actually only made 34 shots, what efficiency is this?"

Wang Jun made 22 of 34 shots, 11 of 18 3-pointers, 9 of 10 free throws, 64 points, 8 rebounds and 7 assists.

A 61.1% three-point shooting percentage appeared in the division finals and it was almost over. Wang Jun didn't even have a physical coke, it was entirely his personal ability.

He had planned to use props at the end of the game, but it was too hot to save.

McBrin sighed: "Tonight Wang Jun ruled the stadium, everyone is his background. He broke the playoff scoring record, Slipper Freud set a 39-point record in 1987. , Tied Freud's record of 29 points in a single quarter."

Van Gundy laughed: "He also broke the playoff record for three-point attempts and hit records."

Brin shook his head and said: "This is normal, I think the audience will not be surprised, all the records of the next three points may be his."

On the CCTV5 side, Zhang reasonable introduction: "The Bulls have reached the finals for three consecutive years. Wang Jun has only missed the finals once since joining the NBA, creating a miracle."

Yu Jia said with a smile: "Failure in 2005 is normal. The Nets owner Bruce Ratner is recognized as the best. In just three years, he turned a super giant who won the championship for three consecutive years and won a championship. With the lottery team, after trading Kidd, the Nets recently won the top spot."

Zhang reasonable smiled: "I think the Bulls will definitely defend the title successfully, the Celtics with the strongest defense can't resist, can the Lakers defend against God?"

Now it is not only Zhang Reason who compares Wang Jun to God.

The number of "King of China" forums has exceeded 3.5 million, and they are heading towards 4 million. These are super "princes" who pay attention to various news information of Wang Jun.

As soon as the game was over, countless posts discussing the game were topped, and fans worshipped Wang Jun as a god. This is the most violent personal performance in the history of the playoffs, Jordan, Chamberlain have not done it.

After the game, the official random test Wang Jun's urine test was requested by the Celtics management. His performance in the second half seemed to be a stimulant.

Of course, nothing can be found. The league can only be attributed to Wang Jun's natural talent like Hamilton, and he can't run away. If there is a stimulant, the other bulls should also use it, they can all be invisible.

At the press conference, Wang Jun said excitedly: "I think this is the best game I have played at the moment, which is better than the regular season 88 points and 75 points. I love the playoffs more than the regular season. It feels completely different to get a high score for the weak and a high score for the Celtics."

A reporter immediately caught the loophole in his speech. "Do you think the Lakers are also weak? 75 points are scored against the Lakers."

"Oh, I'm overjoyed. This is a mistake. I don't mean that. Don't write news like that tomorrow. The finals haven't started yet. I don't want to lose all character." Wang Jun laughed.

The reporter asked Wang Jun to evaluate the performance of several teammates. Lewis did not play well in this series and wanted to pick something.

Wang Jun played black: "Everyone plays well and badly. I am no exception. At least when they don't play against the Celtics, they play 31 iron in a single game. Is there anything more excessive than that? ? And we played a team, and everyone won the game defensively. This is the perfect series."

After winning the game, the team will be on holiday. On June 6, the two sides will play the first game at the Bulls home court. The regular season record is better than the Lakers, the Bulls have home advantage in the finals, the schedule is still 2 as in previous years.

Wang Jun went home a lazy sleep until noon, and watched the news after dinner.

His amazing performance not only caused heated discussions among fans, the media wrote crazy articles, experts used their brains to study, and famous stars and stars also put forward their views and congratulated this **** record.

"Big Bird" Bird said with emotion: "I think God is pretending to be a bull player again. Last time he lost, he won the game this time. Why does he always pick the Celtics as opponents?"

The magician wrote on Twitter: "Wang Jun once again played the performance of a superstar and led the team to defeat the opponent. I can't wait to watch the finals."

Karl Malone said: "People were always discussing who was Jordan's successor. The accepted answer is Kobe. But Wang Jun, I don't know if I can see a player like him in the future."

Iverson said: "I am a big fan of Wang Jun, watching him play is a pleasure."

Vince Carter said: "He and Jordan are players of the same level. It is my most regrettable thing to fail to be his teammate all the time."

Barkley said: "It's amazing, he is only 25 years old, he is already one of the greatest players in NBA history."

Even Jordan was convinced. Congratulations to the Bulls for entering the finals at the same time: "Wang Jun is the strongest player in active service. He has surpassed Kobe."

There are also many young role players who regard Wang Jun as an example, and many veterans who are about to retire show that they are ready to join the Bulls to "hold their thighs" in the summer. This is a shortcut to mixing rings.

The Bulls fans are as happy as the New Year, UU reading discusses the upcoming finals.

"It's ironic. The Celtics were proud of the 19-3 when they opened the third quarter. Rondo probably thought he was already an MVP when he made a layup."

"I started to worry about the Lakers and Kobe. The Celtics who lost 90 points per game could not resist. How can the Lakers lose 101 points? If Wang Jun scored 60+ in the finals, it might be mentioned 100 years later. ."

"Comparing players, the Lakers have better internal data than the Bulls, and the small forward has the same strength. The outside is obviously losing. How do I think Kobe is the biggest weakness of the two sides?"

"Is there any suspense in winning or losing against Jordan, the poor man?"

"A lot of people say that the west is strong and the east is weak. I foresee that the mighty west will be ravaged by the weaker east."

Wang Jun watched the news for a while and closed the web page.

He has only one idea. The Bulls will win against the Lakers.

PS (To be continued.)

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