Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 684: [Placed in the challenger's position]

Before the game, many reporters interviewed the players and dug the news like in previous years.

The Spurs and Lakers fought against each other, and the reporters got their wish. In the 21st century, the Lakers and Spurs are incompatible.

In 2001, the Lakers bullied and bullied the Spurs. The Spurs returned to the Lakers in 2002. After the Spurs made a comeback, they still couldn't beat the Lakers. In 2003, the Spurs lost their salaries.

With O'Neill's departure, the two teams did not match up in the playoffs for three years.

Has the relationship between the Spurs and the Lakers been played down?

No, they are still rivals.

Spurs fans want to see the team ravaging the Lakers, and they will never miss it if they have a chance. Similarly, the Lakers fans are always willing to show off the honors the Zijin Legion has achieved.

The Bulls and Celtics all performed very low-key, and did not say that they would definitely eliminate the other party.

The Bulls were swept by the Celtics in the regular season, and should be low-key.

Ray Allen played abnormally in the playoffs, averaging only 10.3 points, shooting 36.6% from the field and 29.5% from three. Not to mention the "giant" in this data, even a good role player can't be called.

In addition to his poor condition, Ray Allen also has a conflict with point guard Rondo.

Rondo is a self-righteous man with a poor shooting, arrogant personality, constant **** on the court, and a frequent head fever.

In the first round of the playoffs, Rondo frequently battled against the air and was suppressed by Hinrich. After winning the first two games with the team, he was still arrogant, as if he was the key to winning.

After arriving at the Eagles home, Rondo was still a few steps away from the periphery. A lot of foresight breaks through the fever of the mind. Hinrich was selected to the second team of the defensive lineup last season, which is so easy to break through? Rondo was deflated again.

Ray Allen advised Rondo after the game. Rondo thought Aron was troublesome and the two quarreled. Contradictions gradually appeared.

Every time Ray Allen leaves a team, he is in conflict with his old team, and he is not a broad-minded person. As the 1996 golden generation, who has been selected for the All-Star several times, he was uncomfortable.

Garnett once admonished the "big baby" in the team, and Allen felt that he could also suppress the newcomer, but Rondo was dissatisfied.

Rondo's status is different from that of Big Baby. He is not willing to be the fourth best and wants more.

The Celtics have only one reliable point guard in these two seasons, and Rondo has gained a lot of playing time. Later in the season, the media touted the smallpox that he touted, and it made him incomparable.

No matter how angry the coach was afterwards, Rondo still had endless breakthroughs and mistakes, and Allen often ran out of position and could not receive the pass. He was not responsible for holding the ball and could only make some inexplicable shots. The efficiency was reasonable.

If the Green Army is fully united, they will not play seven games with two weak brigades.

The Celtics had passed the risk two times before, if the Bulls still play. Perhaps it is necessary to drink hate.

After training on the 19th, Rivers left Ray Allen and Rondo talking.

Rivers looked at the two of them, and hated the iron and said, "I don't care what kind of grudges you two have in the locker room. Now let me put it down. In the first two rounds, I played 7 games. You think the Cavaliers and the Eagles Is it better than the Bulls? To win the championship, you must unite!"

Both of them said nothing. A large number of fans on the Internet are bullish about the Bulls, because the Bulls certainly don't need seven games to play those two teams.

Rivers said in earnest: "I'm not talking nonsense. You two would think if you were eliminated by the Bulls, wouldn't you lose? You don't have a champion. Without mvp, Wang Jun doesn't contradict his teammates. Why do you make trouble?"

"Coach, we will play well." Ray Allen answered first.

He was a little bit cold in his heart, nominally the Big Three, but his position was obviously not as good as Pierce and Garnett. If the coach gives him enough respect, I am afraid that he will be training on his side.

He has made up his mind to win the Celtics best. If not, he will leave and join a strong team when the contract expires in 2010.

Rondo also nodded and said, "We will cooperate well."

I thought to myself: how many years can you still be strong old man?

The Bulls have taken a special plane to Boston and spent some time running tactics today. After the training, Skiles also summoned players to talk, inspiring morale in a more alternative way.

He said: "We are the defending champions, but this time, I hope everyone will put their mindset in the position of challenger to challenge the Celtics. They have won four games in the regular season, the defense is very stable, tactically certain The degree of restraint we have, our lineup has no advantage."

Such remarks sometimes have counter-effects, and are more of a blow than an inspiration.

Skiles went on to say: "Our efforts can't be lost to any team. All players on the court must play strictly according to tactics. It doesn't matter if they can't be prevented. The fouls must be determined, they must be ruthless, they must be afraid. They Players like to talk rubbish, don’t be afraid, scold them!”

It was a bit difficult for a strong man, even Hill frowned.

On the Bulls, Wang Jun and Barnes are the only ones who can spray a few **** on the court, and the others are all honest people. Therefore, Skiles did not reiterate the second time.

On the 20th, reporters outside the stadium interviewed the fans, most of whom were optimistic about the Celtics winning the championship.

This season, the Celtics are the famous devil at home. In the playoffs, they eliminated their opponents in two rounds. They relied on eight home wins and did not win an away game.

The Bulls' goal is to take away a victory so they have a better chance of defeating the Celtics.

In the locker room, Skiles didn't cheer up anymore, and Wang Jun didn't speak. He was gaining momentum, holding his strength and preparing to vent on the field.

In this defeat, the Bulls lost the Celtics five games in a row.

He vowed never to lose again, and would not let Garnett be proud. Ray Allen has been in a poor state recently, and if the perimeter matches him, this is a good opportunity.

Now that Chandler is back, there are also three-pointers in the periphery. If the Celtics outstrip him outside the three-point line, they will probably have to pay a painful price.

Do you dare to fight like this?

If you let Ray Allen take the lead, I will make you look good.

After playing, Wang Jun observed Lei Allen and sneered. He has practiced shooting and feels good.

Rivers still used idioms: Rondo, Ray Allen, Pierce, Garnett, Perkins. UU Reading Book

If Ray Allen is not up, the Celtics offense is more difficult to open. Usually Pierce is responsible for holding the ball, and the only reliable three-point point is Ray Allen. He is also the object of strict defense by his opponent in every game.

The Bulls changed and changed three people at once. Du Hong, Wang Jun, Barnes, Lewis, Chandler.

The Bulls understand the Celtics' style of play, and their opponents also understand them. As long as Calderon comes on the court, he may be caught and attacked. The solution is joint defense. His defensive flank also suffers against Pierce and Ray Allen.

Calderon can come off the bench to organize an offensive, and together with Hill to control the pace of the game, plus insider David Lee and pj Brown, Watson will be responsible for the ball breakthrough, and the three veterans will not look chaotic.

Knowing that regular season tactics are difficult to win, Skiles dare to innovate, this is his courage! He is going to win a surprise!

Chandler won by jumping the ball and the game began.

ps(To be continued.)

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