Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 680: [First advancement, unexpected]

Wang Jun made 12 of 34 shots, 3 of 11 3-pointers, 6 of 6 free throws, scored 33 points, 14 rebounds, 6 assists and 1 steal.

The shooting rate is not high, but his goal is very critical, and finally sent a fatal assist, 20 points in the last quarter.

As soon as the whistle at the end of the game rang, the players all rushed into the court to cheer and celebrate. It's normal to win the 76ers. It's a dead game in this game. Reversing the win is exciting.

The reporter interviewed Wang Jun on the court and asked: "This game is very thrilling to win, do you have any thoughts?"

"I'm glad that I can get a good night's sleep. I don't want to lose to an opponent with a lot of strength. The Sixers did a good defense today, but we played better at the crucial moment."

He was relieved, losing to the 76ers is too shameful, it can be said that the playoffs opened the door black.

At the press conference, Skiles praised the player's tenacity, thinking that the star's play and tenacious defense are the key to winning.

"At most, we were 16 points behind. As long as Wang Jun was there, the Bulls had a chance to win. He did everything a leader should do."

The reporter asked: "Is he shot too much?"

"34 times is not much, the team needs him to shoot, as long as his teammates have a good chance, he will pass the ball."

The reporter interviewed Lewis. He hit a quasi-killer. He scored 15 points, 5 rebounds and 2 assists. The score was not much, and the shooting rate had just reached 40%.

Lewis said: "I want to thank Wang for his trust in me. Fortunately, I did not fail him. It was a perfect pass."

The reporter asked: "Are you confident of your success in defending this season?"

"Yes, we won't win so thrilling next."

In the first game against the enemy, the Bulls have found the life of the 76ers. As long as they fight defense with them, don't let them play a fast break, they will win the game.

The media praised Wang Jun mostly, and many people on the Internet praised his leadership.

It's okay to hit 22 iron, and finally the goal should be scored, he is the hero. If you lose and hit the iron in the last quarter, the evaluation will be diametrically opposite. This is how the NBA is.

The Chinese media praised Wang Jun as the most powerful. The headline news was "The big heart, that is, it is more accurate than usual at the critical moment."

The article lists some data, Wang Jun's hit rate in the last quarter is among the best among the stars. Wang Jun is also a person who often enters the state very quickly, and can often catch slow opponents by surprise.

The 76ers were reversed in a good situation, morale was severely hit, and the second game failed to pose a threat to the Bulls.

The Bulls won 101 to 80 easily.

In the playoffs, Iguodala was "invisible", with 8 points, 8 rebounds and 7 assists in the first game, and only 7 points, 8 rebounds and 3 assists in the second game. Wang Jun scored 27 points, 8 rebounds and 4 assists in the second game.

The two men played against each other, and Iguodala was in a disadvantageous position. If he could not break through, his threat would be reduced by half.

The 76ers came off the bench with Williams and Syedis Young playing well, increasing playing time and scoring in double figures.

The 76ers returned to home, but the offensive problem was still not resolved.

The Bulls strategy is 122 joint defense, put opponents in the long distance shot, the poor shooting rate of the 76ers is pitiful.

The 76ers are not so good against the Bulls, and there are many outside shooters. David Lee also gradually found the feeling, he has been practicing shooting in the team.

In the fourth game, Wang Jun was in a brave state, scoring 43 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists, completely breaking through the 76ers defense and leading the team to the next round.

Unexpectedly, the Pistons and Wizards had a 2-2 draw, the Celtics and the Eagles had a 2-2 draw, and the Magic and Cavaliers had a 2-2 draw. The Bulls got more rest time.

The Celtics lost to the Hawks in two games.

Hinrich didn't play in the playoffs for many years. He was experienced. He had no pressure on Rondo's three moves in a single defense. When he encountered a pick-and-roll, he could also change the inside shot. The breakthrough of the front line played a decisive role.

Josh Smith's performance is also impressive, his movement speed is super fast, his height is 206CM, he is not afraid of confrontation, he has done a good job in defense and defense, the offensive end counterattack is sharp, and the speed is as fast as a defender.

In 4 games, Smith averaged 3 blocks per game!

Jeff Green and Marvin Williams are also similar in style to Smith. They are swingers in the 3rd and 4th positions. The impact is very strong. The Hawks frontcourt players are particularly good at defending the outside. The Celtics happen to lack inside strong points.

The Bulls are on holiday, sitting on the hill and waiting for the Wizards and Pistons to win.

Skiles is more concerned about the Celtics situation. The Pistons lineup has regressed compared with last season. He has put his goal on the opponents in the Eastern Conference finals and worked with the coaching staff to find the weakness of the Green Army.

He also asked the players to watch the Celtics game at home.

In the fifth game, the Celtics returned to the home and broke out easily to win. In the sixth game, they lost again, which surprised all experts. After all, the Hawks only have 37 wins in the regular season, and the win rate is less than half. If the Hawks finally advance, they will create a black eight miracle.

Hinrich scored 18 points, 5 rebounds and 6 assists to hit Rondo. The four swingers also scored in double figures. Center Pachulia can be a meat shield and occasionally can show a small CIC. The Hawks replicated the Bulls' small ball tactics.

The Celtics attacked by the Big Three, and the points were too concentrated. Rondo and Perkins could only defend.

Rondo was emptied in the field, and the air was sloshing back and forth, and was satirized and mocked by "big mouth" Barkley. Radio TN*T also made a special collection of Rondo being emptied, saying "The Celtics are Lost like this".

The Green Army fans were very dissatisfied with this. Many people posted online in support of Rondo, praising his organizational ability and defense. No matter how the advantages are listed, the shooting ability like the blue-collar insider is a flaw.

In the seventh game, the Hawks failed to create a miracle. The overall shooting rate was only 27%. The outside line was completely protected from death. Joe Johnson did not take up the core responsibility.

The Green Army won 99 to 65 in the first battle.

Rivers adjusted the lineup and also played small ball tactics, increasing the playing time of Tony Allen and Posey and the Eagles to fight defense. After Pachulia came off, Rivers sent Perkins and bullied Green by his body.

Although out of the game, the Hawks can force the Green Army to the seventh game is already a victory.

On the other side, the Cavaliers eliminated the Magic 4 to 3, the Magic has no way to defend James, and there are a group of pitchers outside the Cavaliers.

"Howard" played super data, UU reading weaknesses are obvious, you can use "cut shark tactics" to deal with.

In addition, the Magic 4 always couldn't prevent the Cavaliers from breaking through. In the seventh game, Howard fell into foul trouble and the Cavaliers won points.

The Pistons eliminated the Wizards 4-2, a waste of energy. Arenas played badly after his comeback. The Pistons haven't changed from before, and the housekeeping skills are still defensive. In the second round they will meet the Bulls again.

The Western Showdown quickly divided the wins and losses, and there was no suspense as the experts predicted.

The Lakers easily swept the Nuggets 4-0. Kobe averaged 33.5 points, 5.3 rebounds and 6.3 assists per game. He shot 50% from the field. If it wasn't for the second game to lead too much, the Zen Master replaced Kobe and he could play 50+10.

The Spurs eliminated the Suns 4-1, and the Hornets eliminated the Mavericks 4-1. The Jazz beat the Rockets 4-2, and the two teams' enmity grew.

Adelman strengthened the Rockets offense, unable to strengthen the Rockets medical ability. If Yao Ming is not injured, it may be a completely different ending.


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