Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 659: 【Ambition】

On the 5th, the Bulls lost to the Jazz 101 to 118 away.

The Jazz's inside strength is probably in the top three in the league. Okur, Boozer and Millsap can all pick and shoot after the pick and roll to maximize the space. This allows Deron Williams to fully exert his personal ability. .

The outside line has Kirilenko and Brewer defending. The Jazz also traded with the 76ers. In exchange for Ji Lisek, Wang Jun's friend Keller Korver was added, and an outside shooting point was added.

After strengthening the lineup, the Jazz have great ambitions and want to hit the championship this season.

Korver played well in this field, running and catching the ball, shooting at a long distance, scoring 27 points and 3 assists.

Although the winning streak was ended, Wang Jun played as steady as ever, scoring 40 points, 8 rebounds and 3 assists.

At the press conference, the reporter interviewed Wang Jun and asked two questions about the game, which brought the topic to the Lakers' transaction.

"The Lakers got Paul Gasol through the trade, which has a terrifying inside depth. How do you evaluate the trade? Do you think the Lakers might win the championship?"

Wang Jun thought about it and replied: "Of course they may win the championship. The Lakers have a very scary lineup. There are excellent players in all positions, but no matter who the opponent is, we have to work hard to defeat."

The reporter asked: "Do you think the Lakers still have weaknesses?"

"I don't say anything even if I know they have weaknesses. Do you remind them to make up before the trade deadline?" Wang Jun smiled and answered easily.

He didn't complain directly, like many people, shouting shady, meaningless.

The emergence of the Celtics Big Three is doomed to have more and more stars in the future to compete for the championship. The Lakers boss is rich and has the best location. Are they willing to be abused year after year?

Just like when O'Neal was dug back, the Lakers will definitely dig more stars in the future. Instead of just relying on draft and training. The league has no regulations that allow celebrities to form groups.

The Bull West's road trip went very smoothly, defeating the Supersonics, Warriors and Trail Blazers one after another, returning to the home court with three consecutive victories. Because it was too easy to win a supersonic game, Wang Jun scored only 25 points and the consecutive 35+ record was ended. Stopped in 19 games.

The Bulls have three days to adjust their time. Then against the Hornets led by Chris Paul.

The Hornets are the biggest dark horse of the season, with 35 wins and 14 losses temporarily ranking first in the West. However, this is generally related to the strength of the Western team in the early stage, and the record is not too ideal. The Lakers lost 17 games and ranked third in the West.

The Bulls 33 wins and 17 losses, after Novak joined the Magic overtaken 20 losses, ranked third in the East, 4 games behind the Pistons, 8 and a half behind the Celtics.

Wang Jun spent the Chinese New Year away. No reunion with family. Just chatted for a while through online video.

He used to care about the Chinese New Year. He could take a break at home and eat some good things. In the past few years in the United States, he feels that he has become an American, his life rhythm is getting faster and faster, and his feelings for the festival are getting weaker and weaker.

He missed the simple happiness of the past, but he couldn't go back. After this season he had to play the Olympics and had no time to spend with his family.

11th. The Bulls officially announced that Rashad Lewis will return in the game against the Hornets on the 12th, leaving the fans waiting for a long time.

Lewis in position 4 is a cameo. The defense is much more reliable than Novak. He has been training for a while, and he obeyed the team doctor's arrangement to not participate in this wave of away matches, and the injury has been completely cured. He doesn't have to sit on the bench to reduce his playing time to find a feeling, just go straight.

Two days in advance, the US media are preparing for the game.

At that time, Byron Scott looked at Wang Jun discomfort, it was a famous black history. After leaving the Nets, Scott was still not convinced. He said to the media that Wang Jun was not optimistic, and he was beaten and cracked. It was four years.

Seeing that Wang Jun won three championships, double MVP, Scott did not reflect, only resentment.

Based on his stubbornness, if he stayed in the Nets at that time, it is estimated that Wang Jun will have one less champion. Kidd and Martin haven't dreamed yet.

Just three days ago, the Hornets and Rockets completed a tripartite transaction. The Hornets sent Bobby Jackson, Adam Halushka and a 2008 second-round pick to the Rockets to get Bunch Wells and Mike James.

The Grizzlies involved in the deal sent Sergey Lishock's signing rights to the Rockets to get Hornets forward Marcus Vinius, as well as the Rockets' Malik Badian and some cash.

In this game, Wells and James can play on behalf of the Hornets.

LeBron James is the leader, with high salary and low energy, and Wells will definitely get a lot of playing opportunities to reinforce the Hornets' weakest No. 2 position.

After adapting to training, Scott summoned everyone to boost morale and said seriously: "We have to win this game, the Bulls are in good shape, but I think the Hornets are stronger, stronger than the Celtics, better than the Lakers, we There is only one goal this season, which is to win the championship. Are you confident?"

"Yes!" the Hornets players shouted together.

Scott shouted the slogan, the Hornets players can only respond, otherwise he will be treated as a boring person and hated by him. JR Smith was sent away because of his lazy personality.

The Hornets lineup is not weak. Paul played super data, ranked third in the efficiency list this season, second only to Wang Jun and James, averaging 21 points, 4 rebounds, 11.2 assists and 2.7 steals.

This is the highest efficiency in the history of NBA point guards, surpassing Magic Johnson and Assassin Thomas.

The strikers are Peja Stojakovic and David West, one is the two-time three-point king, and the other is a recognized insider.

Stojakovic averaged 16.4 points per game after his return, not too high, and his shots remained stable, with a 44.3% three-point percentage.

West averaged 20.6 points, 9 rebounds and 2.2 assists per game, and also played star data. This season is likely to be an All-Star.

The outside world began to promote the Big Three. The Celtics and Lakers have at least three strongmen.

The Hornets are almost a bit off and called the offensive trident. Unfortunately, the center is Ben Wallace, with high salary and low energy. If they change to an equivalent inside, they can compete for the top spot in the regular season even if they don't slam the league like the Bulls last season.

Ben Wallace thought it was not a day or two since the championship, and he had never been to the finals before.

Paul and West also held their enthusiasm for not playing in the playoffs for two years. Stojakovic nearly succeeded as King, and also hopes to realize his dream with the Hornets. UU reading www.

Scott said to Paul alone: ​​"Chris, I don't think you are worse than Wang Jun. Come on and beat him."

"I will prove myself." Paul said deeply.

He added a sentence in his heart, as long as it was not heads-up.

After two weeks of training together in Miami in the summer, Paul was singled out and mistreated by Wang Jun. Because of his size difference, he could not prevent Wang Jun at all.

Now he wants to prove that he can lead the team, he is the best in team basketball.

Paul also has ambitions, he not only wants to win, but also wants to take the regular season MVP.

The current record is the Celtics, the three figures are relatively average, will not be selected for MVP. If you do not look at the best record, then Paul has a chance.

Although James' efficiency is also high, but the team's record is average, Paul's record is better than Wang Jun is the key.

PS (To be continued.)

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