Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 657: [Big deal, bad news]

Arriving in Salt Lake City on the 3rd, the Hornacek couple welcomed Wang Jun very much. He and Abby stayed at home and did not go to the hotel.

American families rarely ask about their children’s feelings, and respect the choices of young people.

Abby’s mother is even more realistic. After hearing that Wang Jun has just sold stocks and her net worth is more than 200 million US dollars, she can’t help laughing. The Hornacek family has accumulated so many generations that they don’t have so much wealth.

Everybody had breakfast together in the morning and a shocking big deal was announced in the news. Paul Gasol left the Grizzlies and joined the Lakers.

This incident caused an uproar on the Internet, people are discussing.

After being injured in the 2006 World Championships, Gasol's professional basketball career seems to have started to decline.

In addition to being swept away in the playoffs year after year, labeled by fans and media as "soft eggs", he is no less than "bear king" in the team's status than that year, his name began to be rumored by various transactions It is frequently mentioned that the Grizzlies want to train Conley and Guy two newcomers.

It is rumored that the Bulls will send Tyson Chandler to pack role players and draft picks to recruit Gasol.

The Cavaliers who were killed halfway seemed to be determined. The chips were all except James.

The Hornets are willing to send Ben Wallace with the draft pick in exchange for Gasolga's garbage contract.

All three had good chips, but Gasol eventually joined the Lakers in an uproar, and the world's glasses fell to the ground.

The Lakers' chips are just the top pick Kwame Brown, the retired veteran Aron McGee, the rookie Crittenton, and the signing rights of the second-round fat man Mark Gasol in Europe, both in 2008 and 2010 The first round of draft picks was changed to Gasol and the second round of draft picks in 2010.

With the exception of Brown, the Grizzlies simply didn't get anyone to play.

Looking at the Lakers' chips is not a deal at all. It's totally robbery. Many team bosses have expressed dissatisfaction, and others have publicly protested that the two teams have conducted insider trading, and the Grizzlies manager and the boss cannot do this.

Popovich was the strongest condemnation. He said that he really had trouble understanding the Grizzlies.

"Their behavior in Memphis is beyond the scope of understanding. The alliance should set up a trading committee. Catch out those meaningless transactions. I only hope that I can become one of them and supervise those transactions. If I can, I will This transaction in Los Angeles cast a veto."

The deal embarrassed the Spurs, and the Lakers became the Spurs' biggest competitor, and it can even be said to directly ruin the Spurs' hopes.

The transaction will certainly not be cancelled. The media said that the Grizzlies plan is to save salary and deal with Gasol's three-year $49.4 million contract. It sounds like Gasol is a waste with a garbage contract. Actually he had 18.9 points, 8.8 rebounds and 3 assists.

According to the terms of the NBA transaction, the Lakers’ chips cannot reach the minimum line to complete the transaction on the salary, and the Grizzlies’ salary cannot reach the salary cap.

Teams whose salaries barely reach the salary cap send away the star players to save salary space? Why didn't the boss sell the team directly and sell the buns? That's cheap and there is no salary cap.

The funny thing is that the key to the final deal is McGee.

Kupchak found McGee, who was the temporary assistant coach of the 76ers, and signed a one-day contract with him, worth $75,000. Then trade him to the Grizzlies.

For this "not impossible, only unexpected" signing method. The alliance officials headed by President David Stern did not even let go of their farts, and tacitly acquiesced without any precedent.

After getting Gasol, the Lakers generals have begun to look forward to a happy life in the future.

Chinese player Sun Yue also benefited and had the opportunity to put on the Lakers jersey. The Lakers sent off the marginal defender Crittenton, and there was one player missing from the line.

Bulls fans are very disgusted with the evaluation of the transaction, and some people have full confidence in the team.

"It is recommended that the Bulls sign Garfield for $75,000 a day, pack PJ Brown, Howard, Watson and two draft picks for Nowitzki to strengthen the team's No. 4 position. It is absolutely feasible. The Mavericks can clear the salary space in the summer. Earn more than the Grizzlies and get an experienced veteran."

"The league just wants the Lakers to win the championship. The Grizzlies get nothing but two draft picks. And the Lakers' first-round draft pick must be very low for the next two seasons. This is not insider trading. What is insider trading?"

"The league doesn't want the Bulls to win three consecutive championships. The Celtics and Lakers have started to hold the group. Except Duncan, Garnett and Nowitzki, the 4th position is the strongest Gasol. Odom can also shoot. Can respond, the Lakers inside the absolute top three league."

"If the Lakers have such a high salary, they will be embarrassed if they can't win the championship. No matter how they change, I think they won't be able to prevent Wang Jun from entering the finals.

Abby checked the news and comments on the computer. Wang Jun entered the living room and sat down next to Jeff Hornacek to watch TV together.

"This is bad news, right? If you want to defend this year, you have to defeat two difficult opponents." Honasek smiled.

"It's really bad news, but I don't think the Lakers will definitely make it to the finals, even if they do. They are not afraid. Bynum is injured and their outside defense has weaknesses. Whether Radmanovic or Wharton, Hill is right. They both have advantages. As long as I beat Kobe and suppress their strongest points, the Bulls can win." Wang Jun said confidently.

Hornacek praised: "You have a really good mentality and don't even complain, what about the Celtics? What do you think of them?"

"As long as the teammates come back in the playoffs, the Bulls dominate in athleticism, we are better offense, and the defense is definitely a Celtics victory. It depends on whether they can break their defense. In any case, I am the most critical." Wang Jun answered.

This is suspected of being self-proclaimed. If it was two seasons ago, Wang Jun would definitely not say such a high-profile word.

Now he is talking about the truth. The regular season is now. If it is not for his personal ability, the Bulls may have dropped out of the playoffs.

The playoffs are different from the regular season. The star ability is more important than the depth of the lineup. The rotation of players is reduced and the heads-up is increased.

Stars tend to increase their shots in the playoffs. If UU reads, if they can't stand up and lead the team to win, the evaluation will be lower.

Gasol is the most typical example, although he is very stable, good technology and high efficiency, if he does not win the playoffs, he is regarded as the unqualified head. If he is a bit domineering, the Grizzlies will not want to rebuild and train new people. It is a good choice for him to be a second-team head of a strong team.

Hornacek didn't dislike Wang Jun's self-confidence and smiled: "I'm bullish on the Bulls, but I hope it's the finals against the Jazz, not against the Lakers."

As a retired star, living in Salt Lake City, Hornacek has a feeling for the Jazz.

Wang Jun came to the topic: "Jeff, my offensive technique is not perfect. I need your help to give me some pointers. Can you delay some time?"

"You are much stronger than me. What can I do for you?" Honasek raised his eyebrows.

"I hope you can teach me the essentials of tossing. Tossing can make me better to break the bag. After the breakthrough, the layup and dunk may still be blocked."

PS (To be continued.)

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