Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 655: [You can’t prevent me]

Coach Seus did not call a timeout, but arranged to fight with the Bulls.

He is a domineering coach, the King also wins by attacking, averaging 101.5 points per game, averaging five double points per game.

The Kings averaged 106.3 points per game, which was even worse in limiting opponents' field goal percentage. The opponents averaged 48.3% field goal percentage and 38.2% three-point percentage.

That is to say, removing the weak players with poor attacking power, the midstream team playing king will basically become more than 50% of the overall shooting rate, 40% of the three-point shooting rate of the super offensive team.

In the last season of this team, Yi Jianlian's defensive evaluations are destined to fall again and again, and it is not easy to mix in the future.

Martin didn't find a cover to catch the ball. When Calderon suddenly made a three-pointer, he avoided the cover and the ball went into the net. 11 to 7.

Martin averaged 24.8 points, 4.5 rebounds and 2.2 assists this season, shooting 45.6% from the field and 40.2% from the 3-point range. The absolute star data makes Calderon too much to defend him.

There is no way for Skiles. The three outside players on the King's field have their own characteristics. Who wouldn't make Calderon defend?

With the Bulls attacking, Wang Jun catches the ball to the bottom line, the tighter is tighter, forcing Wang Jun to divide the ball to the periphery.

Veteran Hill was in the middle and Chandler cut into the basket.

Miller withdrew the basket, Wang Jun slipped the bottom line to the left corner, Yi Jianlian followed Novak to the left 60 degrees, and the corner came out.

Hill passed it to Wang Jun. Chandler blocked Salmons. Miller didn't follow him and missed again.

Wang Jun catches the ball with a face frame and makes a 3-pointer shot very easily. The goal is scored! 14 to 7.

Miller has only defensive experience left, and no one can save him without moving his legs. Even if there are defenders such as Artest and Prince in the Kings, they can't make up for the vacancy, and the famous Hughes can't do anything.

Yi Jianlian saw Wang Jun catching the ball and didn't make up the defense in the distance. He went to no avail, Wang Jun took the opportunity to score 60 degrees. Novak's open 3-pointer is equally accurate.

Kings coach Seus called for a timeout and arranged to wrap Wang Jun, and it would be the background of the opponent's record-breaking.

Yu Jia explained: "Wang Jun scored 14 points in the opening and made 6 of 6 shots, which is too strong."

Zhang reasonable said: "If you go on like this, as long as you don't enter the garbage time soon, he can get 50+."

Yu Jia said with a smile: "I don't think it's strange to have 50+ in three quarters."

After the timeout, Miller rested and Yi Jianlian came to the center. Kenny Thomas was sent on the 4th.

Miller has to play for a long time in each game. No one is available for the King Center. This is why the coaching staff wants Yi Jianlian to increase his strength. After Miller is off the court, he can withstand people and defend the rim.

This is obviously the wrong way of training. How can I get Yi Jianlian to build muscles if there is no free market to find one? It was like the Bulls' point guard was gone and Wang Jun came to a cameo. It was not impossible to play, but it was inappropriate.

The king still focused on Novak, and led Chandler out first. Yi Jianlian received a strong ball from low position and turned Novak to turn into the basketball. 14 to 9.

The Bulls attacked, and Wang Jun caught the ball and attracted the two. Veteran Thomas moved a lot faster than Miller. Blocked the breakthrough route.

Wang Jun passed the ball to Hill Hill, who leaned back against Martin and passed it to Novak on the left.

Novak attracted Yi Jianlian's defensive drop to the basket, Chandler went deep inside to catch the ball, leaning on Thomas to turn and throw with one hand to score. 16 to 9.

The King's defensive weakness is too obvious, Thomas is only tall, how can he defend against Chandler under the basket?

With the Bulls defending, Chandler couldn't get out of the bottom line, and the perimeter was rotated. Thomas couldn't make it in the open.

This season, Thomas's data has declined. In 2003, the 76ers signed a seven-year 50 million contract. Only expired in 2010, super bad contract. No transaction at all.

Chandler grabbed a rebound in the backcourt and passed it to Calderon. Wang Jun received the ball after halftime, attracting a double-ball to Novak.

The king's defense line is full of loopholes. Yi Jianlian didn't come out, Thomas went to sandwich Wang Jun, Novak made a three-pointer shot with a 70-degree gap on the right side and made a steady shot. 19 to 9.

Zhang reasonable said: "After the Novak was exchanged, the team had one more three-point shooting point, and the opponent could not always hold Wang Jun. Such a change played a key role. He was completely different on the spot and could break. Binder. When Amundsen comes on the court, Wang Jun will have to rely on technology to force a vote."

Yu Jia nodded: "No matter how powerful the star is, he can't hit the opponent's team alone. In the face of the double-team, the shooting rate will inevitably decline. Novak has no chance to play in the Rockets. The Rockets need a defensive 4th position and Yao Ming's partner. , He found his place by the bull."

The King attacked, Hughes finally attacked once, side by side Calderon, layup missed under the interference of Novak, Chandler grabbed a rebound to counterattack.

Calderon drew the ball over halftime to attract Martin's defense to Hill, Hill's breakthrough attracted Salmons to retreat to the outside Wang Jun.

Wang Jun received a missed shot from the three-point line. He flicked the ball and drove past Thomas. He moved back and stepped back. He shot a three-pointer from the 50-degree jumper on the right and made a steady shot.

22 to 9, Wang Jun personally scored 20 points, and all shots, the home audience is crazy, almost all standing cheers.

Coach King made adjustments again and Salmons sent Garcia.

Garcia is tall, weighs 88 kg, is leaner and moves faster. He is indeed more suitable for defending Wang Jun. The next two interference shots were successful, and he also made a three-pointer.

Martin broke the foul and after all two free throws, the score chased 22 to 14.

Garcia defended Wang Jun twice. The king no longer enveloped and stared at Novak. Wang Jun's pressure to receive the ball dropped sharply, making him more comfortable.

He leaned on Garcia and turned around to face the frame. Twice the crotch dribble took a step to the right. The dribble behind the right hand gave the left hand a slight pause. The crotch dribble turned to the right again.

Garcia has a good defensive consciousness, without eating, and keeps close.

Wang Jun leaned back against Garcia again, turned the ball with his left hand to the middle and backed off, shaking the ball with both hands, Garcia was shaken this time. Wang Jun jumped forward and hit Garcia with a three-pointer. The referee whistled to the free throw line.

You can’t prevent me from making everyone the same!

Wang Jun went to the free throw line silently and became more and more confident.

His offensive patterns are endless, Garcia has a lot of pressure on the single defense, but his teammates are inconvenient to help. Now the five Bulls can shoot except Chandler.

Wang Jun made two free throws, 24 to 14, and UU read personal 22 points.

The king attacked and Martin hit Novak with the ball after picking and rolling, and also fouled, making two free throws. 24 to 16.

The Bulls attacked and Garcia was still on the periphery. Wang Jun dribbled the ball outside and Chandler took cover. Yi Jianlian came out a little slower.

Wang Jun took a 70-degree shot from the left to make a three-point shot. Yi Jianlian failed to jump up the cover in time. Garcia's side pursuit was slow and the ball was hit again.

27 to 16, individual 25th.

The King now has not only poor player defense, but also no core, especially no defensive core. Wang Jun scored continuously, and there weren’t even any people on the court who adjusted.

If the coach does not call a timeout, the players will not adjust. Hughes, as the only player selected for the best defensive lineup, has no position and no say in the team.

There was no way for Seuss to call another timeout and set up a perimeter tactic. But in this way, other people will definitely get the opportunity to prevent it.

ps(To be continued.)

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