Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 619: [The list is determined, the first battle Nets]

PS. With today's update, by the way, you can vote for the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets. The vote also gives starting point coins.

After the preseason game, the Bulls determined the 14-man lineup.

Centers: Tyson Chandler, Greg Oden, PJ Brown.

Power forwards: David Lee, Louis Amundsen, Juwan Howard.

Small forwards: Lewis, Grant Hill.

Shooting guards: Wang Jun, Barnes, Adrian Griffin.

Point guards: Calderon, Duhon, Bravin Knight.

Adrian returned to the Bulls again, did not care about being laid off in the middle of last season, and won a base salary contract. The 33-year-old is defensive and can help the team a little.

Adrian's choice is very smart. If he doesn't return to the Bulls in order to fight for the tone, the other teams are only getting a basic salary, it is difficult to get a ring.

He is just a blue collar, not qualified to pick and choose. He is at least acquainted with management in Chicago. This time he has no credit and hard work. He should not be laid off again.

If the Bulls cut Adrian twice in the middle, will the veterans dare to come? That's too humane.

Zhu Wan-Howard, one of the Rockets' "Xuan Ming two old", was previously traded to the Timberwolves, but he refused to play for the Timberwolves, repeatedly asked no way, Timberwolves directly bought out his contract, making him a free man.

Howard immediately switched to the Bulls and signed a veteran base salary, which is the most savvy person in the league.

Last season, Howard averaged 9.7 points, 5.9 rebounds and 1.6 assists per game. He is a black hole on the defensive end. The advantage is that he can use the CIC to help the team and has rich game experience.

Signing Knight is just in case, to prevent injury in position 1. Knight's defense is poor, breakthrough and organizational skills are acceptable, and rich game experience. If there is a suitable candidate in the medium term, he can be laid off.

The Bulls' frontcourt strength is slightly higher than last season, and the backcourt defense is weak. The problem is not too big. Calderon's three-point ability is not inferior to Hinrich, 2.47 million annual salary can be regarded as a value contract.

When you need to defend a quick guard, send Duhon to play. During the 2004-2005 season. Many people think he has better defense than Hinrich.

He is more conservative in defending people, rarely takes the risk of stealing the ball, and his foot movement is also good. The disadvantage is that his height is only 185CM.

The official first strength list is announced. The Bulls ranked first, the second is the Celtics, after the lineup upgrade, experts are unanimously optimistic.

Now the Celtics have Garnett inside the pick and roll, can pull out shots. Perkins also has a tough defensive meat shield under the basket.

Pierce is in charge of holding the ball on the perimeter and can play head-to-head during hard combat. Ray Allen can take the shot when he runs and catches a 3-pointer.

The Celtics also dug into the corner of the Heat, attracted the outstanding defensive swingman James Posey to join, he and Tony Allen are very good defense, the bench is not bad.

Posey is more optimistic about the Celtics, with a contract of $7 million for two years, the next year is a player option. His idea was to mix up a championship, and then fight for a high salary. The Celtics are more able to guarantee playing time than the Bulls. Wishful abacus is good.

The Celtics' only weakness is the point guard. Rajon Rondo doesn't need to shoot at mid-range distance. He doesn't even allow free throws. It's the best among the defenders.

The Celtics no longer have the salary space to introduce good guards, and can only use Rondo to play alive. With the Big Three as a partner, he may be able to brush up good data.

The Dallas Mavericks, which Kidd joined, ranked third. They retained the attacking lineups of Crawford, Josh Howard, Terry and Nowitzki. They looked terrible on the board.

The Mavericks' weakness is still defense, and Dampier is getting worse. Diop also left, the bench inside is 203CM Brandon Bass. Without the reinforcement inside, the Mavericks have a hard time winning the championship.

The Spurs ranked fourth, with no major signings. Players are aging, and the traded Spanolis is unwilling to continue playing in the NBA. The Spurs can only rely on GDP combination and experience to win.

The Sun ranked fifth, the trident plus role players have made a comeback in the new season, the lineup has not changed, and also left veteran Kurt Thomas. It is their problem to not have an inside substitute.

The Cavaliers ranked sixth. Being dragged down by the salary space, they cannot find people in the free market, they can only rely on transactions, and there is no suitable target.

The Rockets ranked seventh, as the first round out of the team, this ranking is already very high. Scola proved himself early in the international arena, can strengthen the weakest position 4, Spurs gave him to the Rockets in vain.

The outside line has Alstom, McJames, Francis, Brooks four guards, it seems to be able to fight with other strong teams.

Chinese fans generally do not like the Rockets because they are optimistic every year, and then they play badly. This seems to have become a law.

The eighth seed is the Jazz. Last season they reached the Western Conference finals, recreating the classic pick-and-roll offense, but they did not have a big deal in the summer and their strength will not be significantly improved.

The schedule for the new season has also been announced.

The defending champion in the opener will definitely play, and usually an opponent with a gimmick will be arranged to compete with them, either a rival or an opponent in the Eastern Conference finals last season.

President David Stern didn't want to watch his favorite "little emperor" being abused at the start of the game, so he arranged the Nets for the Bulls.

The Nets left Kidd and Carter, and their strength was greatly reduced. In the opening game, they met the BOSS team of the Bulls, which was obviously a food delivery.

Stern on the one hand is speculating Wang Jun against the old club, on the other hand the Nets do not have a good inside, maybe Oden has a beautiful debut.

This is bad news for the Nets.

But the players don't care anymore, there is no pressure to lose. I couldn't win last season. How can I win this time? They also played very badly in the preseason, with 1 win and 6 losses. The Nets are already in a position to compete for the No. 1 pick.

On October 30, before the start of the opener, the Bulls performed the ceremony of awarding the championship ring.

After warming up, Skiles briefly emphasized the tactics. "Gregra went to the periphery to cover the ball for the king. The king could attack by himself, or he could pass a Lashad. Greg was ready to catch the ball. Jose, Grant waited for opportunities in the periphery and received the ball."

Roal Deng left, David Lee failed to return to the lineup, in order to strengthen the second quarter offensive.

Hill is a famous glass man in the league. The coaching staff intends to control his playing time in case he is injured again. He doesn't have to be in charge of playing the ball, just like Roll Deng last season equalized the ball on one side.

As for Jean Oden, he wanted to build confidence. Today is a good opportunity. Corinth is short on the Nets. UU's reading has a weak style and has weaknesses.

CCTV5 live broadcast, Zhang reasonable introduced the lineup of both parties.

"The Bulls have two newcomers. Everyone hopes that Oden will be like James. The rookie season will bring surprises. His play today will be a highlight."

Yu Jia went on to say: "The Nets have also adjusted. Gordon is still on the bench. The second place is Capono, a 2003 rookie at the same level as Wang Jun. It would be interesting if he was defending Wang Jun."

The Nets coach Lawrence understands Wang Jun. Of course, it is impossible for Capono to defend. Jefferson is in charge of matching Wang Jun. He is under great pressure today.

One-on-one, Jefferson is no longer Wang Jun's opponent.

The two sides jumped the ball, Oden won easily, and the game began.


[It is about 515 soon, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】(To be continued.)

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