Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 609: [Bull trading, guards come to vote]

Stephanie imagined nothing of course. There were more people in the villa than she had imagined.

At night, she lived with Xia Baowen's brother and sister. Wang Jun was worried that she was seen by Wang Leying in the toilet at night and would scare her sister to commit a heart attack.

Early the next morning, Stephanie went to find Aken. There was no change of clothes in the hurry, and the ghostly man went. But Aken only listened to the sound, not looking at the shape, and successfully signed the contract.

She called to report the good news, Aken promised to help her find a music style, as long as he is satisfied, the album can be released in the future.

Because of his happiness, Stephanie offered to invite Wang Jun and others to eat together in the restaurant.

Wang Jun refused. "Forget it, don't you have no formal job yet? It's never too late to wait for your album to become famous. Now we are all richer than you, and one of us has a restaurant at home."

Wang Leying also said: "Yes. I believe you will be famous."

"Really?" Stephanie was very happy. Who doesn't like to be praised?

"Of course, we all like you very much in "Fast Forward", you and the handsome guy are particularly conspicuous." Song Ting accepted.

The two freaks, of course, stand out.

Stephanie thinks this is praise. "Taylor knows that he will be very happy, Wang, you are such a good person, we thought we would see you again, you would not know us."

"I don't have that bad memory, and don't mess with good cards."

Wang Jun's help is only a hand-in-hand. After Stephanie graduated, she lived with her dream of becoming a singer. She was totally a gnawing old family. She was able to find a job well.

After hearing this, A Jiali also wanted to be a singer. She has a good voice and good looks. But her family is big, and she will definitely have to enter the family business in the future.

Stephanie is an acquaintance and a lively person. Without being too restrained, I was happy to play in Los Angeles for three days before flying home.

She packed things up and was going to Atlanta to report that Uzik's headquarters is over there. Her job is to write songs and compose music for company artists. If you have something that suits you, you can let Aken give some advice. Then audition.

At this time, Wang Jun and others only regarded Stephanie as a young man pursuing her dreams, and never thought about how amazing she would achieve in the future.

In fact, as an obvious mental patient, it is already an amazing achievement to be able to walk around the street at will.

While Wang Jun was on vacation in Los Angeles, Hinrich officially left, and the team did not match the contract.

Wang Jun called Xinliqi and understood management's choice. It's a shame that the old teammates couldn't fight side by side. But with such an obvious premium contract of 65 million for 5 years, the Bulls would be crazy if he stayed.

Parkson’s offer to Hinrich was reversed, and his salary was declining year by year, so that he could pay less luxury tax. The Hawks are paying 60 million annual salary, the Bulls dare not match.

The Bulls won't throw out big contracts out of players to suit their tactics.

With Wang Jun in, Xin Ritchie didn't have a lot of ball rights. After halftime, he took a three-pointer in the periphery and other opportunities, pure role players. Without renewing his contract, the 48-million-year space can find a defender of similar strength.

There are no big names in the free market. Luo Erdeng wants to leave the Bulls, just as a bargaining chip for individuals.

Parkson doesn't think about staying Luo Erdeng.

It is an unspoken rule for many players that the contract will be traded away every year. It is never a good thing to stay hard. They made it clear that they wanted to go. Can you play well in the new season? To play, you have to swipe the data and fight for a big contract.

If it's a bad team, it doesn't matter. If such a player appears on a strong team, the entire system will be disrupted, and there will be conflicts in the locker room.

In the last year, many teams also worried that Luo Erdeng played well and could not renew the contract. So only a team with sufficient salary space is interested in him. The Bulls have only one trading goal, which is the Raptors.

The Raptors already lacked a good swingman. Calderon was forced to play the No. 2 starter in multiple games. Peterson was poached by the Hornets, which made their prospects for the new season poor.

The Raptors management has considered two options. The first is to dig up the hot free agent Jason Capono in the free market, and it is impossible to dig low wages. Heat can keep people. If four years of 24 million middle class digging, 80% is a bad contract, the entire league knows that Capono has a poor defense and is only good at shooting three points.

The Raptors were generally defensive in general. The number one pick, Baggnani, was soft and heartbreaking last season. When Capono came and started again, they couldn't defend.

Sam Mitchell, who had the best coach last season, certainly wanted to take the Raptors one step further. Lor Deng is an excellent small forward who can attack and defend and is suitable for the team.

After Parkson took the initiative to contact, the Raptors management attached great importance.

But as soon as Parkson stated his goals, the negotiations stalled because the Bulls wanted starting point guard Tj Ford.

Ford and the Raptors renewed the contract for 4 years in advance last season, with an amount of 32 million. Considering that the contract period is not long and the price is not high, it is regarded as a great value.

Last season, Ford played 30 minutes per game, with 14 points, 3 rebounds and 8 assists. His breakthrough was unstoppable and was an important contributor to the Raptors' division championship.

After research, Parkson and others are optimistic about Ford's breakthrough and counterattack capabilities. His speed is too amazing, if it is not a hidden injury, it may be another Iverson. He can come into play when he comes, and it is much cheaper than Hinrich.

Ford and Du Hong shared playing time, playing 25 to 30 minutes a game, to ensure physical fitness, but also to reduce the hidden dangers of injuries.

As long as the deal is reached, the Bulls will be able to fight back and vomit blood next season.

The Raptors management met to discuss and agreed that they could not let Ford go, send off the pick-and-roll offense, and there was no one outside who could attack with the ball.

Trading is possible, they only want to send backup defender Calderon.

Spanish defender Calderon joined the NBA in a non-draft draft. The efficiency is not low. He averaged 8.7 points and 5 assists in 21 minutes per game. The offense mainly relies on shooting. Passes are hand-by-hand. His body is strong, tall and weighs 95 kg.

As a heavy defender, Kelderron is not fast and has poor lateral movement. The defense is not as reliable as Hinrich, and the two offensive styles are similar.

Parkson repeatedly considered that if he didn't change back, he would definitely not be able to withstand Du Hong next season, so he proposed that the Raptors add a first-round protected draft.

Calderon has rich experience and accurate three-pointers. These characteristics are suitable for the Bulls. The most important thing is, UU reading www.uukanshu. com his salary next season is only 2.47 million, almost half of Lor Deng, much cheaper than Hinrich.

Everyone in management thinks there will be no better chips. Other teams are not as lacking in swingers as the Raptors.

The two parties finally settled and the deal was concluded.

The Bulls don't need Calderon to play good stats, just be a qualified role player.

The deal was officially announced, and Luo Erdeng was very happy.

He understands the Raptors and knows that this team lacks small forwards. Although there are two stars in the team, one champion, but they are very young, and even without a record and qualifications, he will get a performance opportunity.

If he helps the Raptors break through, his popularity will surely increase.

The only shortcoming is that to join the Raptors, you have to go to Canada and live in Toronto. This is the reality. Luo Erdeng is not a superstar, and he can't decide where he wants to go.

ps(To be continued.)

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