Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 595: [Who is expected to be the No. 1 in the list]

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Before the start of the fourth game between the Bulls and Cavaliers, the Draft Lottery was first held in New York.

Every year, lots of superstitions happen.

For example, in 1985, Kyrrero of the Knicks borrowed a horseshoe from horse racer Buddy Gilmore. Because the horse has won the championship three times, they think the horse's horseshoe will bring luck. As a result, the Knicks won the No. 1 pick and chose Ewing.

In 2005, the Bucks only ranked sixth in the draw probability, but they finally won the top pick and selected Bogut.

They relied on a lucky fish hook. The fish hook came from a 16-year-old boy named Michael Millis. It is said that this fish hook can always fall into a big fish.

The most famous is Auerbach's cigar.

In 1998, the lucky draw of Celtics general manager Chris Wallace was that Cardinal Auerbach smoked half of his cigars.

I don’t know why Chris felt that this thing would be lucky. Auerbach probably didn’t finish smoking because it was uncomfortable. After going to the hospital, he checked out the cancer, and he quickly hung up...

The Celtics only got the 10th pick. Fortunately, they picked Pierce, an underestimated player.

The head coach of the Green Army said at the time: "I believe Pierce can play well because Auerbach will care for the Celtics."

Then Pierce was almost stabbed to death...

Okay, it seems that Auerbach's cigars are ominous.

According to the agreement, the Bulls and the Knicks exchanged their first-round draft picks. Thomas held the first round of signing credentials during the exchange, just like in the "King of Comedy" Zhou Xingchi didn't want to let go when he died with the script.

The No. 1 pick was replaced by the 30th overall pick in the first round. Is there anything more tragic? The Knicks fans unanimously condemned Thomas for get out of class. He was not suitable to be a manager or even a coach.

To draw, Parsons brought the "mascot" is David Lee, a super rookie picked up from the Knicks.

The Bulls were lucky to win the No. 1 pick, and Isaiah Thomas almost died in the office after reading the news.

One champion, one top spot, one David Lee. Eddie Curry, the fat man with a super bad contract. This will be one of the most amazing deals in history, and the Knicks can pay Wang Jun for the price.

The bosses, coaches, players, players of other teams are all dumbfounded. The Bulls are already so strong, so pick another pick in the team and let other teams play?

A young potential rookie has been trained. Assisted by the young core Wang Jun, the dual core of internal and external will be a hot topic in a few years. And the Bulls can also renew Lewis.

People have heard of Oden’s name, which is more dazzling than the Lakers’ OK combination.

Chinese fans started discussions online, all optimistic about the prospects of the Bulls, and the last one to dominate the league also happened to be the Bulls.

"The Bulls are definitely going to establish a dynasty. It feels easy to defend the title next season."

"Isaiah Thomas is the best manager, he made the Bulls."

"I heard that Oden is very fierce. Howard, the enhanced version, and his partner Wang Jun, are they going to fight for a victory next season?"

"Luck is here, and I can't stop it. Wang Jun is actually not much different from many stars, but the Bulls are too strong overall."

After seeing the lottery result, Abby smiled and asked, "Do you think the Bulls will choose the guy who beats Curry? It looks like the one from James."

"Oden? I hope not. I think Chandler is enough."

Wang Jun doesn't want the most famous champion to come, he must have someone to split the ball. Chandler made such a few shots. If you don't get into the basket and don't take a shot, the defensive player is best for the Bulls.

How can Oden, who has been blown into a super center before entering the league, only make five shots a game? Maybe his arrival will destroy the established chemical reaction of the Bulls. The most urgent task is to renew the contract of Lewis and Hinrich. The stable three-pointer is the Bulls’ strongest weapon.

Manager Parkson suffered a happy trouble. Oden, a player with super talent, cannot be traded by any team. Stay, he and Chandler overlap, the inside lineup is already too crowded, must leave.

more importantly. Stern talked to Parkson separately and said, "I am looking forward to the appearance of another superstar in the Bulls."

This is not a hint, but an explicit one. Stern wants the Bulls to reuse Oden. As long as he is given the ball, the league will definitely hold Oden and the Bulls.

On the contrary, it may cause unpleasant high-level alliance.

The number one lottery attracted countless people, and even some people shouted "draft draw".

Some media have also turned up evidence of suspected shady drafts in the past, arguing that the top three are likely to be the default. Not drawn.

There is a further argument that the league is trying to win the Bulls. The Wang Jun trade, the Knicks two draft picks and the David Lee trade are all conspiracies.

Conspiracy theory is not logical every time. As the first city in the NBA, the Knicks are willing to help the Bulls establish a dynasty? Simply say that David Stern has Chinese ancestry, so I want to hug the Chinese.

This kind of controversy occurs every year, and the league does not come forward to make any clarifications.

Some people can't stand it anymore. Kobe officially submitted a transaction application to the Lakers management.

In three years, one regular season out and two first rounds was a torment for Kobe, the inspirational super Jordan, and he attributed the defeat to his teammates being too trash.

Although Kobe has three championship rings, he does not even have an MVP, only one scoring champion. Garnett had a regular season MVP in 2004. Iverson, who is considered inferior to Kobe, has an MVP although he has no championship.

If Kobe can't get the regular season MVP, he doesn't have the qualifications compared with Jordan. The genuine five MVPs and six finals MVPs, his successor is not qualified.

Kobe, who lost patience, even broke the news of his boss: "Jeri Bass is a fool!"

Basketball expert Jeff Lancina even broke the news, saying that he had contacted the fans who filmed the video and watched a secret video with his own eyes. Lancina said that he was sure that the people talking were indeed Kobe and the fans, and through the voice of the conversation, he could also be very sure that he was Kobe himself.

As a wage earner, you can certainly insult your boss in private, but if you scold your boss, it has been exposed by the media. It is really careless to make friends. UU reading www. If is not Kobe's friend, there is no chance to record.

Of course, this is not the first time Kobe has done this. In the middle of the season, he was looking forward to playing side by side with Kidd. Kidd failed to reach the Lakers. The reason is that the Lakers are reluctant to pay Bynum the chip, which caused the transaction of Kidd aborted.

Kobe expressed extreme dissatisfaction with the Lakers' unwillingness to exchange Bynum for Kidd, saying in an interview: "Kupchak is an idiot!"

All the signs indicate that Bryant is determined to leave the Lakers. What he is doing now offends both management and teammates, so he almost shouted with a horn, "My teammates are all trash."

Knowing that the Bulls won the No. 1 pick, the morale of the Cavaliers also fell to the bottom.

James is getting more and more confused. He couldn't beat the Bulls this season. If the Bulls pick the top pick and cultivate it, how can he win the championship in the future?

With this desperate mentality, the Cavaliers fell behind in the fourth game, and eventually lost 79 to 95 and were swept out of the game.


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