Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 294: 【Preseason Derby in New York】

Three days after the start of the training camp, the coaching staff determined that Wang Jun was more suitable than Jefferson as the core, not a technical gap, but a difference in temperament. (Please see the latest chapter:)? fun? Text? Novel

What exactly is a leader's temperament, and what kind of player is called a leader's temperament?

Simply put, players must have good personal abilities. Playing basketball is a prerequisite. No one will regard a weak chicken with no data as a leader.

Secondly, teammates can't open, when the team is passive, they can stand up and score, and role players often don't take the initiative to take responsibility.

There is also the core of the team, whether offensive or defensive, is the core of the field, this is the hardest to do well.

Wang Jun can not only score, but also rebounds. He is very active in pick-and-roll prevention. He can play regardless of whether he is in the middle of the joint defense or low post.

Finally, the performance in the locker room is also very important. If the team loses a lot, encounters a losing streak, the team is injured, the teammates are emotionally unstable, and in a depressed state, the leader has to stand up and shout to fully mobilize everyone’s emotions. .

Kidd is such a leader. He may not score much on his own, but he can activate his teammates on the court. His rhythm is the rhythm of the whole team.

Wang Jun can't become a locker room leader for the time being, but he will communicate with newcomers, study tactics, and talk about useful and useless things. Jefferson generally doesn't talk much in the dressing room.

If you don't communicate, how can you cooperate with the newcomer?

Wang Jun and Korver, Costic, and Eric Williams quickly found a tacit understanding. Jefferson will only rely on his personal ability to play alone and play fast breaks, and the pick-and-roll is also lacking in power. His emergency stop jumper is not as good as Wang Junzhun.

What makes Jefferson depressed is that he can assist Wang Jun through a successful break, and Wang Jun has not assisted him once, nor once!

This **** is not equal.

It should be said that Jefferson's passing ability is better than Wang Jun's, but he feels a little unfair. Wang Jun's style of play is simpler than him, he scores more, and he gets a higher evaluation.

no way. Who made him not good at shooting. Kidd isn't here, and his favorite fast break can't be played. It's too bad to substitute three point guards.

Wang Jun's efforts are also the reason why the newcomers are convinced and willing to pass the ball to him. He arrives at the earliest team every day. Leave at the latest and practice every day.

Jefferson does not make people feel this respect, he does not have much training.

He was a bit wrong, and training was a special requirement of the coaching staff. He finished last season in mid-June. I went to the Dream Team training camp in mid-July. After finishing the Olympic Games at the end of August, he almost didn't take a break in the summer. The coaching staff worried that he might get injured if he didn't take a good rest.

As a result, Jefferson will not play much in the preseason, and at most symbolically play a few minutes.

The Nets' first preseason opponent was the Knicks, at Madison Square Garden.

The game attracted many Knicks fans, and some people came to watch the Nets joke.

Will the Nets beat the Knicks this season?

Will their defense be vulnerable?

Two days before the start of the game, the New York media has begun to build momentum.

Fans of misfortune even forgot that the Knicks' highest-paid Alan Houston is still on the injury list.

Houston missed 32 games last season because of a knee injury. His knee is not good this season. At the start of the game, you have to watch the wall. In order to make up for the defects of the lineup, the Knicks found the replacement Jamal Crawford from the Bulls.

For Crawford, they ate Jerome Williams' bad contract.

In addition, there are two bad contracts in the team: Weinbeck and Anfenni Hardaway. The Knicks boss is simply a man with a lot of money. The Knicks have almost no players who can afford their salary.

When playing, Wang Jun deeply felt the maliciousness of the Knicks fans and heard a lot of boos.

In a year, he conquered the Chinese in New York and was very popular in Chinatown. But some New Yorkers still dislike him.

In the United States, white people discriminate against people of color. It is common for black people to discriminate against Chinese.

The simplest example is that a group of brothers in Mexico settled in the United States as soon as they crossed the border. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have an identity. Waiting for the president to issue an executive order, you are not allowed to go away.

What about Chinese? Take a flight and invest $1 million to invest, but you have to say something else if you don’t give it status. This world is so unfair!

There are also some Nets fans who come to see the ball. There are too few people who support the Knicks, and there is no cheering.

Boss Bruce came to the scene to watch the ball. Seeing this situation, I can better understand the reason for Lewis's firm withdrawal. It is almost impossible for the Nets to win the Knicks in commercial competition.

Not making much money is also ridiculed by the Knicks fans. If the Knicks are strong, then it is a bad team.

From the record point of view, if we compare the two teams to two restaurants, the Nets have "Michelin Samsung" for three consecutive years, selling bear paws, monkey brains, and tuna. As a result, guests all ran "Knicks food stalls" to eat rice, rice, rice, and meat, and they sold more expensive than their mountain...

Think about tm.

Therefore, doing business must not be innocent, and it will not become reality if you have ideals. The Nets can't compete with the Knicks. It's not that they have poor strength, not even stars, but that they have no heritage and foundation.

After the warm-up, players from both sides stood on the court.

Knicks starters: Marbury, Crawford, Tim Thomas, Cot Thomas, Mohammed.

Nets starters: Vaughan, Wang Jun, Jefferson, Costic, Collins.

Jefferson entered the starting list, the coaching staff felt that it was impossible to win by Wang Jun's offense.

Kostić is the focus of the investigation. The coaching staff is ready to give him enough playing time in the preseason. He can only defend on the defensive end. He can do a lot of things on the offensive end. After the pick-and-roll, it is accurate to shoot in the middle. Empty cut basket.

As a 213cm inside big man, his explosive power is average, but he has good technology, and the face frame can also break through. He has solid basic skills that black players do not have.

Costic jumped the ball and defeated the 208cm Knicks blue-collar Muhammad. The Nets attacked first.

After the players pulled away, UU read the book After several passes, Wang Jun saw that the Knicks opened the defense.

After playing for a season, Wang Jun has the experience to deal with various defensive systems. He went to the right three-point line and took a step back to ask for the ball without finding a pick-and-roll.

Vaughan passed the ball and was very confident in Wang Jun.

In the training camp, Wang Jun and all outside players singled out, and each time he practiced a trick, as long as his physical fitness was worse than him, this trick was not easy to prevent.

Wang Jun squeezed his back against his opponent twice and was also 196cm tall. Crawford weighed only 90 kilograms, thinner than Wang Jun.

Wang Jun turned his left foot as an axis, turned to his left, and made a quick jump shot.

Crawford was right next to him. There was no room for running and he could not take off with full force. He could only reach out to interfere.

Without jumping, Wang Jun had an advantage, turned his straight-arm jumper, and created space to avoid the cover by his good wingspan. Crawford also failed to blind his eyes. The ball is very good, 60 degrees. Hollow into the net. 2 to 0. (To be continued.)

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