Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 290: 【Higher reasons】

The Nets sent Martin and Kittles to be condemned, and President Thorne also vomited in the background, but he would not disobey the boss.

Just signed a five-year 20 million annual renewal contract, Thorne is very motivated, wholeheartedly working for the boss, operating according to the boss's plan.

As a successful businessman, the famous real estate crocodile in New York, how could Bruce Ratner be a mentally disabled person? He is accustomed to looking at problems in the long run and put an end to some hidden dangers, just like budgeting costs before building a building and finding a suitable location.

He had already figured out the Nets' economic problems, and he could not sign a bad contract if he wanted to make a profit.

In Bruce's view, letting Wang Jun become the team's first attack point, attracting the attention of Chinese fans is more important than defending the champion.

Regardless of the Western powerhouse, the Eastern Heat, Pacers, and Pistons are better than the Nets on the board. In this case, the Nets have won the championship with high salaries, and the old Nets players who have no worries are not cost-effective. .

It's not wrong to think so. In the final analysis, Bruce felt that staying Martin was too risky and stupid.

Fans like Martin because he has a gorgeous style and often plays domineering dunks, playing beautiful figures in the finals.

Many people overlooked Martin's outbreaks because of Malone's reimbursement, the Lakers' 4th bench substitute was too weak, and the outside players' three-point firepower attracted.

In the Pistons series, Martin played very well. He is a second-rate star who can only play under certain conditions.

Some people questioned Martin's selection to the All-Star Game. ESPN experts said: "It is a joke that Martin can be selected to the All-Star game. He will only stand on Kidd's shoulder and dunk."

16.4 points 9.1 rebounds 2.5 assists 1.5 steals 1.3 blocks, is Martin's regular season data last season, is he really worth the top salary?

Let the bosses choose between Yao Ming and Martin, everyone will choose Yao Ming, and Yao Ming's contract may not be able to sign Martin so big.

In case Martin left Kidd, playing badly, the data in the Nuggets is normal. Then the Nets who used him for three first-round draft picks won.

All three rookies are looking for a team system that has signed a four-year contract. As long as they can develop a Jefferson-level Nets team, they will make a lot of money. And the three rookies spent 4 years, and the combined salary is lower than Martin.

As for Kittles, there are old injuries to the waist and knees. Last season's regular season playing time was very short to last. The offensive threat has dropped, and he can almost only shoot three points on the perimeter.

Korver's three-pointer task can also be completed, young has potential. Kittles is indeed better at defending, but he was given a tens of millions of annual salary for defense, which is too bad.

Kittles' salary in the last year reached 10 million, after which he could free up salary space to make him worthwhile. Other team owners are not stupid. If the Nets ask for a player change. You can't trade until the free market is closed.

He stayed will divide the playing time of Wang Jun and Jefferson, and will also affect the training of Korver.

The disadvantages outweigh the benefits, at most it is to show the boss's human nature. Bruce always talks about money and not feelings...

Speaking of Mourning, Bruce's teeth tickled.

He ran to the Nets to get so much money, and after a few games, he got into the championship ring. He retired like a hero and left nothing. Also took part of the buyout fee.

What the **** is this? This is a jerk.

From a different perspective, everything is different.

Fans will always think of Bruce as a stump. The lineup of the defending champion was broken up.

Many bosses will feel that Bruce is very smart, the Nets have a good future prospect, and the salary space is completely released.

Both Jefferson and Wang Jun can stay, not just one. If they sign Martin and stay with them, plus Kidd's big contract, there must be a lot of luxury tax in the 2005-2006 season.

From a business point of view, the boss considers how to make the team make the most money while playing well. Bruce bought the Nets and had to consider these, because the Nets and the Knicks were at a disadvantage and they made too little money.

After paying all the money to the players, the boss still earns a fart? Do you pay for the team to do good deeds?

Before Wang Jun joined, the Nets' attendance at home twice in the finals of the league's top five in the league was already very telling.

After Wang Jun came, the attendance was only moderately low.

The scattered points of the team is also annoying to the boss, how to attract fans without superstars? The Nets need a star who can score high points every night.

Just like the Lakers drove away O'Neill, the outside world reported that it was a contradiction of the OK combination. Kobe publicly threatened that the two could only keep one, forcing O'Neill away.

Is Kupchak mentally disabled? In fact, O'Neill's demand for a high salary is the key. The Lakers cannot satisfy his appetite and give him a high salary long contract, which will make the team's salary space completely locked up in a few years.

The fundamental purpose of the Lakers sending O'Neal is the same as the Nets sending Martin.

Next, they will satisfy Kobe's desire to shoot, let him score points, Kobe is there, I'm not afraid of no fans.

The really brain-damaged team is the Timberwolves. Garnett's salary has accounted for about 40% of the team for many years, which is destined to be low for other players. The "three-headed monster" only teamed up for a season. Both Sprewell and Kassel were dissatisfied with their salary, and they became trouble again.

Of course, this season the Nets fans scolded Brook for not negotiating.

Fans stand in the angle of wanting to see a win, hoping that the Nets will play well and remain competitive in the championship, so they don’t care about salary, profitability, luxury tax, etc.

Thorne has notified Lawrence that before Kidd's comeback in the new season, he will focus on Jefferson and Wang Jun. After Kidd's comeback, Wang Jun's shots should also be guaranteed.

Jefferson's average performance in the Olympics, but also proved his worth, he played less than Anthony, James. Wang Jun was the only one who went to the stadium to practice during the holidays. He was very energetic and had to focus on training.

The two players played good data, is the key to making money in the new season.

In the words of "pseudo-fan" Theron, the Nets deal is really a good thing, and Wang Jun is about to take the position.

Some people hold it to become a superstar, no matter how powerful they are, they have to play soy sauce. It is clear how big the difference between Tracy McGrady and the Raptors is.

Bruce is not without ambition. He hopes Kidd can bring in a group of outstanding newcomers in three or four years. By the time Kidd is old, he can almost get out. UU reading www.

I don't want to spend a lot of money to pursue a defending opportunity, save money to build a bright future for the team.

Businessman hurts.

In the next few years, the most stressed person is Kidd, and it may be the credit of his teammates because he has poor scoring ability, mainly organization, and the data is not obvious.

Playing badly, as the team leader, the data is not beautiful, he must be the first to be criticized as a qualified leader.

The only person on the Nets management who is not wrong is Kidd, who has signed a large contract and performed minimally invasive knee surgery, also known as endoscopic surgery.

Although nominally minimally invasive surgery is called "salvage player career" surgery, but it is well known that this surgery is a real superstar killer.

"Penny" Hardaway, Marshburn, Chris Weber are examples. This surgery will slow down the player's speed and sharply reduce his breakthrough ability.

Kidd will definitely develop in the direction of floor flow in the future, how much skill can he have left? (To be continued.)

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