Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 283: [Gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall]

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At breakfast that day, Abby asked: "The radio asked me to interview Mo Ning to see his next step. Will you accompany me to visit his house?"

"No problem." Wang Jun stood at the window, looking at the woods in the distance, and sighed: "If he also goes, the Nets will definitely miss the championship."

Abby smiled: "You have champions, what are you dissatisfied with? My dad hasn't had a ring throughout his career. You should be right without pressure."

Wang Jun shook his head. "When I was in college, I was able to be selected by the NBA team, and I was content with a stable contract. I was very happy when I first came to the Nets. As a starter, I started to want to win the championship. After winning the championship, I think if the future Kidd is old, and I can be the leader of this team. Now I want to win and win more championships. How can the Nets win this lineup?"

The Nets have a hard time winning the championship. This is obvious. What can he do with Kidd and Jefferson alone?

The Nets management looked too much at Kidd and thought he could take the team to the finals in the second year of Martin. Jefferson took the team to the finals in the first year. In exchange for a group of cheap new players, they might be able to play well.

But the key is to weaken the defense, Martin's defensive role is greater than the offensive, Kittles defense is also a good player, not to mention that now the bench is no one to lead the team to grab points.

People who are near Zhu Zhechi and those who are near Mohei are black.

Wang Jun and James chatted and found that this person had ambitions before entering the league. The goal was to super Jordan, leaving his name on the nba data list.

In contrast, Wang Jun’s initial thoughts were too simple, and people’s ambitions would change with status, as would all walks of life.

It's like a civil servant who was mixed with the help of a friend and was sent to the country. Suddenly he was sent to the country. Even if he was the village head, would he be happy?

in the afternoon. Wang Jun and Abby went to Mo Ning's house together.

Mo Ning opened the door and said his thoughts. "I am going to retire."

"Aren't you recovered?"

"I don't retire. The next one I'm going to be traded with is definitely me. I don't want to go to a bad team." Mo Ning hummed.

Mo Ning saw the purpose of management.

The Nets introduced two insiders. Although the difference in strength also accounts for the quota. There are too many insiders on the team, and Aron Williams and Scala Bryan have no trading value. By then he can only leave.

Mo Ning is very real and can't hide his words. He said to Wang Jun: "Wang, I suggest that you also leave after the contract expires. Don't renew the contract with the Nets. This boss's goal is not to win the championship. If you play well, he can Renew your contract, use you to attract fans, but will not find you a good helper. When your remaining value is squeezed out, old, and when the state is down, he may also take you for a second-round pick."

"Is it so serious?" Wang Jun swallowed.

"Of course, but I will not give him a chance. I will retire and allow the contract to be bought out at a low price." Mo Ning smiled and was proud of his decision.

Bruce Leitner regards the Nets as an advertising wall for his real estate business, but the gentleman does not stand under the wall.

Abby was silent for a moment, thinking about what Mo Ning was going to do. "That is to say. You don't really want to retire, just leave the Nets in this way, and then come back to the team you want to go to?"

"You must not write this in the news." Mo Ning defaulted.

He can rest for half a year or a whole year. Waiting for the body to fully adapt to the new kidney before making a comeback, or announcing a comeback immediately after buying out the contract, but the second option is not very good.

In any case, Mo Ning is in a good position. Because he has already won the desired championship, he continues to play only in a love of basketball, there is no need to be so desperate.

The Nets management couldn't refuse Mo Ning at all, and it was even less likely to trade the retired players as chips.

Abby nodded solemnly. "I won't talk nonsense, this is a secret, I will only say that you decided to retire and recuperate."

"Well. That's enough."

This time the two did not stay for dinner, and Abby did not bring a photographer. Just question interview.

Mo Ning determined the retirement time, just two days later.

Abby was silent on the way home. No words along the way.

She has some contradictions. If Wang Jun changes teams, the two will start to fall in love.

If she didn't want to fall in love, she had to give up her job, take the mother's old path, and be a full-time housewife.

She wouldn't be happy to be a wealthy wife. That's not her dream. She likes to work and doesn't want to be a idler to eat and die.

For her, love is not everything in life. She knew this as early as college.

However, she could not selfishly tie Wang Jun to New York forever.

The team's strength has weakened. Wang Jun may get a high salary in the Nets in the future, but he will definitely not be happy. The recent transaction has made him unhappy.

Wang Jun was also quiet, thinking about what Mo Ning said at the end.

"You should ask when you should go. The boss is a good person. You can be loyal. The fans are loyal to the team. You can be loyal. This boss is obviously a jerk. Most New York fans support the Knicks. It is not bad to ironic the Nets. You are loyal to Who sees? You should plan for your future."

Where is his future?

After getting off the bus, Abby asked: "Are you planning to go to another team?"

"Don’t worry, I can’t go for the time being, they can’t take me to change people, I have only 700,000 annual salary, not many people with equal salary. Maybe the Nets will introduce stars next summer, and their strength will become stronger. I'm at the core now." Wang Jun smiled.

This is the best plan, and Abby looks pretty. "Tomorrow the days of Manhattan training are over. They are going to warm up to play Puerto Rico in Salt Lake City. Can you go with me to Salt Lake City?"

The Dream Six team was in Manhattan as soon as the training began, and Abbey has started following the team.

"Of course, I should have been there. It's just that if you're not together, I'm a little embarrassed, so I didn't go when I played the jazz away." Wang Jun took a deep breath and felt the feeling of visiting his father-in-law. The pressure was not small.

"You were going to run by yourself, they would be embarrassed." Abby smiled.

"Tell me what your parents like? Can you come home empty-handed this time, and what does your brother like?"

"let me see……"

The next day, UU read www.uukanshu. com Wang Jun and Abby flew to Salt Lake City. Le Ying knew how to order food. She had money at home and had no problem staying for a few days.

Wang Jun brought precious gifts to Abby's family.

Abby said his preference, Wang Jun, what is expensive to buy.

Abby's mother, Winnie, looked at him like his mother-in-law's son-in-law, and looked good at everything.

At dinner, Wang Jun was easily recognized by a family, the reason is very simple, they are a family of basketball. David had an indissoluble bond with Wang Jun when he was in college.

During the battle, Wang Jun also helped David.

Now that Kaman and Wang Jun have left the school, the Wolverine team's strength has declined and it has not entered the championship. However, David led the team to the quarterfinals and trained two strong men to write a strong color for Wolverine. The school will not dismiss him easily, he continues to do his favorite coaching work.

After playing in Salt Lake City for two days, Wang Jun returned to New York alone, and Abby reported to the Dream Team training camp. (To be continued.)

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