Yun Wudi's shots are not stingy, there are a thousand middle-grade immortal veins in the space ring, as well as all kinds of fairy grass and elixir.

Obviously, he had paid a lot of money in order to get Wang Fan to stay and help.

Wang Fan just swept it mentally and accepted it with satisfaction.

At this point, Wang Fan stayed in Yun Mansion with peace of mind.

Of course, Wang Fan was not arranged to live with Yun Fei. Even though Yun Fei's small courtyard had multiple rooms, the impact was not good after all.

He was arranged in a detached courtyard, not far from Yun Fei's residence.

After Wang Fan returned to the small courtyard, he did not practice in retreat, but fell asleep rarely.

Because he knew that it was impossible for him to cultivate at ease in the Yun family.

The first is that he doesn't dare, and the second is that he doesn't know when the immortal monks from the Huo Li family will call the door.

Now that he took things from the Yun family, he had to be ready to go to war at any time. If he was practicing in retreat, it would be inappropriate. Moreover, it is also a very bad thing to be interrupted during cultivation.

Sure enough, Wang Fan only stayed at the Yun family for two days, and on the third day someone found him here.

"Brother Wang, people from the Li family are here to challenge, and the patriarch invites you to pass." A beautiful maid respectfully entered Wang Fan's courtyard and said with a rather ugly expression.

"Okay, then I'll go out now." Wang Fan didn't talk nonsense, nor did he let the maid lead the way, but left the courtyard in a flash.

Outside Yunfu.

At this time, many monks had been surrounded, and at a glance, at least no less than a hundred people appeared to be quite spectacular.

In front of the hundred people, a monk wearing a blue shirt was standing there, arrogant and domineering.

"Is there no one in the Yun family? Where is the immortal monk of the Yun family? Get out! See who can take the sword! Trash, it's all a bunch of trash, trash!"

The young man yelled unscrupulously, and there was a monk of the Yun Family Immortal Venerable under his feet.

The monks around who were watching the theater saw this scene, they all looked at it and felt a little emotional.

The Yun Family was really a shame, and he was knocked on the door.

Moreover, it would be better if someone from the Wu family or the Huo family called the door. But now, it happened that someone from the Li family hit the door, which was a bit embarrassing and embarrassing.

But they also know that the clamoring youth is not easy.

This person was named Li Ran. Although he was not on the Immortal Venerable's list, he was still stronger than Yun Tianzun, the first person in the Yun Family.

Therefore, he blocked the door and humiliated and challenged him, and the Yun family really couldn't say anything.

Opposite Li Ran, the Yi Xingyun family stood there with extremely ugly expressions.

Yun Fei looked at the monk who was stepped on by Li Ran, her teeth biting her red lips, and she almost rushed forward. If it weren't for the silver-robed woman next to her, she would have really rushed out.

The juniors of the Yun family also gritted their teeth and freaked out with hatred.

Only Yun Xian Gu and Yun Tianzun, not only were there no anger, but there was a trace of joking at the corners of their mouths.

Li Ran saw that the Yun family was only angry, but no one dared to go to war. He couldn't help being even more arrogant. He suddenly looked at Yun Tianzun and shouted:

"Yun Tianzun, aren't you the first person in the Yun family's generation? Dare to get out and fight with me, Li Ran?"

"Isn't your Yun family one of my three major families in Yunwu City? You Yun Tianzun, as the first person of one of the three Yun family's immortal deities, don't you have the courage to be challenged by your deity?"

"If this is the case, then I don't think your Yun family is qualified to continue to be one of the three major families in Yunwu City, hahaha."

Li Ran laughed wildly, frantically and terribly.

Hearing this, Yun Tianzun's face suddenly became pale, and his fists clenched involuntarily.

He also wanted to rush out to fight Li Ran and kill the bastard.

It's just that he is not strong enough. He and Li Ran have fought in private, and they are so much worse than the other.

Inferior in strength, he naturally didn't dare to talk nonsense with Li Ran, lest he suffered even greater humiliation.

But he gritted his teeth and looked at Yun Fei, and said angrily, "Yun Fei, isn't that Wang Fan very powerful? What about others? Why hasn't he come out yet? He took the resources of my Yun family. It won't be the critical moment. Are you afraid to come out?"

Yun Fei took a cold look at Yun Tianzun and said, "I have sent people to find him, and I should be out soon."

"Soon?" Yun Tianzun sneered, "How long has it been? Even a snail should have come out?"

He looked angry: "I was so arrogant at the beginning, saying that he had killed Li Fei on the Immortal Venerable List, and shamelessly asked for payment from my Yun family. What about people now?"

With the fall of Yun Tianzun's words, some of the other Yun family juniors were also a little upset, and said coldly:

"That's it, other people, wouldn't they just take advantage and dare not come out?"

"Since he has taken things from my Yun family, he has to do things for my Yun family. Even if he is not strong enough, he has to come out and suffer humiliation!"

"Yes! What's more, if he hadn't killed Li Fei, would Li Ran hit the door? It was all his fault!"

"Kill Li Fei? In my opinion, he was bragging? He must have used some despicable means to kill Li Fei, otherwise, how could Li Ran dare to hit the door?"

"I also feel like this. After all, Li Fei is the strong one on the Immortal Venerable List, and he is only the eighth level of the Immortal Venerable. How could he be able to kill Li Fei."

The juniors of the Yun family talked a lot, and all vented their anger on Wang Fan.

Li Ran was stronger than them. They didn't dare to criticize Li Ran, let alone clamor, so they could only vent their anger with Wang Fan.

Yun Fei's face was gloomy and terrible listening to those twittering comments.

These guys are really disappointing.

It was Li Ran from the Li family who hit the door of the Yun family. They didn't dare to do anything to Li Ran, but they angered Wang Fan. They deserved to be like this for a lifetime.

When Li Ran stopped those words, his heart was refreshed.

He likes this kind of attitude that others look at him upset, but dare not treat him like that.

In fact, he came to the Yun family to find Wang Fan, but he didn't know Wang Fan's name, so he used this method.

Although Wang Fan beheaded Li Fei, he would never believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

Li Fei is a strong man on the Immortal Venerable List, where is it so easy to kill?

Not to mention a mere eighth floor of the Immortal Venerable, even if it is the peak of the Immortal Venerable, it is not so easy to find a person who can kill Li Fei.

In his opinion, either someone secretly helped Wang Fan kill Li Fei, or Wang Fan used some despicable means.

But all this is not important anymore.

Now everyone is in full view, he is here to challenge Wang Fan, as long as Wang Fan dares to show up and dare to fight, then he can test Wang Fan's depth.

As for defeat, he doesn't care.

With his strength, he has absolute self-confidence, even if he is defeated, he can retreat completely.

An immortal is only on the eighth floor. If you want to kill him Li Ran, where is it so easy?

Just as everyone was discussing, the door of Yun Mansion suddenly opened, and then Wang Fan slowly walked out.

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