Wu Gong Zhuqiang quickly fought with the ancient monks, and in an instant it was a **** storm.

Wang Fan did not participate in the fight to encircle the Huang Sanjia of Guning. Although his strength is also very strong, the three immortal monks are already in the fault, and it doesn't make much sense for him to participate.

He killed the monk of the Immortal King, it was a bit too bullying, and he couldn't beat the Immortal Emperor, so he practiced in the martial arts palace, and did not leave the martial arts palace.

This tragic battle instantly caused a sensation in the Eastern Region.

Although many powers know that the two sides have declared a deadly battle and will never die, when the two sides really start a war, the forces are still extremely shocked.

You know, for thousands of years, there has not been a war of this level in the Eastern Regions.

This battle lasted three days and three nights before it finally stopped.

Except for the master of the ancient family who was seriously injured and escaped, all the cultivators of the three families of Guning and Huang were beheaded, even the Emperor Xian.

However, Gu Chengfeng's escape slightly left some hidden dangers.

Of course, compared to the Warring States period, it was nothing.

Although Wugong, Sanxiumen, and Tiansha Sect destroyed the three families, they also paid a lot of money.

Wu Gong killed two immortal emperors in battle, San Xiumen killed three immortal emperors in battle, and Tianshen Sect was even more miserable. Although three of them were also killed in battle, the deputy suzerain was dead.

However, the Heavenly Evil Sect also got the resources of the Ning family, which was a big make up.

With the cessation of the war, the entire Eastern Region soon calmed down again.

Time passed, and a year passed in a blink of an eye.

For the past year, Wang Fan has been cultivating in the martial arts palace.

In a year's time, some evildoers have emerged in the Eastern Region again, and as for Wang Fan, they have gradually been forgotten.

Of course, many people can still think of Wang Fan when mentioning the battle of the three families of Guning and Huang's extermination a year ago.

On this day, Wang Fan opened his eyes, and his cultivation level also broke through to the peak of the eighth floor of the Immortal Venerable, a little bit before he was about to step into the ninth floor of the Immortal Venerable.

However, it is difficult to enter the ninth floor of Xianzun. It not only requires the support of huge resources, but also requires some understanding and perception of the avenue.

Wang Fan's understanding and perception of the Dao is enough, but the huge cultivation resources are a huge problem.

In fact, he cultivated to the eighth floor of the Immortal Venerable. In addition to exhausting the resources that the Martial Madman gave him, he also used a lot of resources from the Martial Palace.

This means that Wu Gong has just destroyed the ancient family and obtained some mineral veins from the ancient family. Recently, the resources are abundant.

Otherwise, even Wu Gong would not be able to provide him with such a huge consumption.

On this day, Wang Fan walked out of the courtyard and went to the palace where Madman Wu was.

At this moment, he looked even more ordinary, standing there like an ordinary person, not like a monk at all.

Inside the main hall, Madman Wu and Nangong Dai's eyes couldn't help but light up when they saw Wang Fan.

Wang Fan's cultivation may not be considered high, but his understanding of Tao is obviously already deeper.

Especially the cultivation of Fan Jian, obviously has made some progress.

"Wang Fan, you are here, sit down. In less than a year, you have actually cultivated from the seventh floor of Xianzun to the eighth floor of Xianzun. At this speed, I have to say that it is really an evildoer."

Madman Wu looked at Wang Fan's cultivation base, and couldn't help sighing.

Dai Nangong also sighed, "It is indeed very fast. Speaking of it, he has been in the Eastern Regions for less than five years. When he first came, he was only in the early stage of Xianzun."

"In just five years, from the early stage of Xianzun to the late stage of Xianzun, at this speed, I doubt if I am a waste."

Although in Wang Fan's view, his cultivation speed is very slow, like a snail crawling slowly.

But in the eyes of others, this speed is already incredible, just like cheating.

You know, there are countless cultivators who have been unable to break through from the first floor of the Xianzun to the second floor of the Xianzun during their entire lives, but what about Wang Fan?

Wang Fan was not proud of the praise of the two, but bowed slightly and said, "Palace Master, Master Nangong, I plan to leave Wu Palace and walk to the center of the Holy Land. I feel that my cultivation level has been reached. A calm one needs to go out and practice."

The bottleneck he said is naturally non-existent.

Because his understanding of Dao is enough, what he lacks is only cultivation resources.

But this experience is true.

It is simply impossible to improve your cultivation level without experiencing major battles or precipitation.

He must settle to the extreme in every realm, in order to be the strongest in the same realm, and always be ahead of the monks in the same realm.

"Are you going to the center of the Holy Land?" Madman Wu couldn't help frowning slightly when he heard Wang Fan's words, "Wang Fan, the center of the Holy Land, isn't that easy to break into."

"Even though you are in the Eastern Region, the younger generation is almost invincible, but if you go to the center of the Holy Land, do you want to settle for a period of time and improve your cultivation base?"

Nangong Dai also followed, "I don't object to you going to the center of the Holy Land, but if you leave, you must be careful of the ancient customs."

"Even though the ancient family was destroyed a year ago, Gu Chengfeng escaped. Although he hasn't appeared this year, nor has he attacked my martial arts monk."

"But no one knows, he is there now, whether he is staring at my martial arts palace in secret."

"If you leave, once he finds out, without Senior Murong's protection, then you will die."

Dai Nangong's worry is real.

The biggest source of the destruction of the Guning and Huang family was Wang Fan.

If Gu Chengfeng hates anyone, it is definitely Wang Fan.

Therefore, Nangong Dai was sure that once Wang Fan left, if Gu Chengfeng knew, he would definitely do it at any cost.

In fact, Gu Chengfeng killed Wang Fan without paying a price, and he could easily kill him.

When Wang Fan heard what the two said, he smiled and said, "I know all of this, but I still plan to go for a walk and get some experience."

"If I have never dared to leave the martial arts palace because of the ancient trend, what is the point of my cultivation? This is not good for my growth."

"Don't worry, I am not that easy to kill. As long as I am not killed by Gu Chengfeng, I have a chance to escape."

Wang Fan naturally knew about Gu Chengfeng's escape.

In fact, he was also very worried in his heart.

After all, he is not an opponent of the old fashioned style, and it can even be said that he is far away.

Wang Fan had no doubt that once the two met, he would almost certainly die.

However, if he wanted to keep him huddled in the martial arts palace, he was unwilling.

This year, the reason why he didn't go out was not because he was afraid of ancient fashions, but because he was cultivating.

Now that he has been unable to make progress in his cultivation, he must not continue to stay in the martial arts palace. He must hurry up and go out to find breakthrough resources.

"Well, you are careful. If you encounter any danger or encounter ancient winds, please notify me as soon as possible, and I will rush to rescue as soon as possible."

Madman Wu saw that Wang Fan had decided, and said.

"Be careful about everything, if you have time, remember to come back to Wugong and have a look." Dai Nangong said softly.

She also knew that Wang Fan's evildoer, Wu Gong, or the Eastern Region, couldn't keep it at all.

Here, he cannot become the strongest.

Wang Fan nodded, "Don't worry, I will be careful."

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