Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3773: The terrible Zhao Xian

"You're looking for death!" Zhao Xian was almost outraged when he saw those immortal peaks being killed. Rao was completely distorted with his xinxing!

His whole body skyrocketed wildly, and his killing intent seemed to have turned into a substance. The crazy release made the temperature of this entire space drop a lot.

A dozen immortal peaks were all killed by Wang Fan.

In this way, even if he kills Wang Fan, he has the face to ask Guning Huang Sanjia if he wants to be paid?

It is strange that the three immortal emperors didn't kill him.

At this moment, Zhao Xian was really angry, but at the same time he was angry, he was still extremely vigilant.

Wang Fan's spatial technique is so weird, it is simply unpredictable.

With this kind of body and body, let alone the same rank is already invincible, even if it is Zhao Xian, he is under a lot of pressure.

"I'll talk about it later, if you don't want to die, now they are all dead, are you sure you still want to help them?"

"We don't have any hatred right now. If you retreat now, I can assume that nothing has happened, and I will never seek revenge from you in the future."

"But once you do it, and you fail to kill me, you know the consequences."

Wang Fan looked at Zhao Xian, but his expression was extremely calm, without the slightest anger.

Wang Fan would not provoke a person like Zhao Xian.

Because even if he had the strength to kill Zhao Xian, he would have to pay a heavy price, so Wang Fan didn't want to die with him.

Of course, this was because he hadn't done anything out of the ordinary, otherwise, Wang Fan would not let Zhao Xian off easily.

"Hmph, now I am not venting my head for them, but venting my anger for myself. Originally, I was just taking people's money and helping others to eliminate calamities. But now, I don’t plan to ask for the following rewards. I just want to kill you. !"

Others might care about Wang Fan's threat, but Zhao Xian didn't care at all.

He was born in a casual cultivator, a lonely ghost, and he didn't even have a family.

Even if he can't kill Wang Fan, but as long as Wang Fan can't kill him, how easy is it to find him for revenge in the future?

What's more, Zhao Xian was extremely confident in being able to reach the eighth place on the Billboard.

If he were afraid of Wang Fan, the seventh-layer of the Immortal Venerable, then his heart of the Great Dao would be broken, and I am afraid that he would never be able to step into the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

As Zhao Xian said, he didn't talk nonsense at all, his figure flashed, and his long sword broke through the air, like a straight stegosaurus, directly killing Wang Fan.

Wang Fan smiled coldly, dodged quickly, and with a rumbling, Zhao Xian's long sword smashed into the ground, immediately cutting out countless gullies.

Zhao Xian frowned slightly, apparently he did not expect that Wang Fan did not make a head-on touch, but chose to avoid it.

But he didn't care either, the long sword in his hand shook again, and he slashed towards Wang Fan from the other side at a very fast speed.

Wang Fan still didn't face Zhao Xian head-on, but kept avoiding.

Since he didn't use the space teleportation, although he had avoided Zhao Xian's attack, he was still hit by a few swords and some wounds appeared on his body.

Despite this, Wang Fan was very happy.

Wandering on the edge of this kind of life and death, the speed of growth is really fast.

In these short dodges a few times, he obviously felt that his crisis awareness had become stronger and his speed had increased.

Feeling this, Wang Fan naturally wouldn't go head-to-head with Zhao Xian, but evaded again and again.

In this way, not only can he temper his speed and body skills, but it can also create a burden on Zhao Xian's heart.

After all, Zhao Xian couldn't attack Wang Fan for a long time, so he was definitely more uncomfortable in his heart, and even a little frustrated.

Once his mood is no longer stable, there will be more flaws, and Wang Fan's chances will be even greater.

Sure enough, after a few times, Zhao Xian stopped, his face became a little gloomy, "Wang Fan, you are a wicked character, but now you are avoiding my attack several times, don't you feel embarrassed?"

Wang Fan sneered, "You Zhao Xian is still the eighth strongman on the Billboard, but I was one of the Seventh Floor of the Immortal Venerable who has repeatedly avoided the killer move. You are the one who is ashamed?"

Zhao Xian's face was gloomy. At a certain moment, his left hand suddenly clicked on his body for a few consecutive times. In an instant, his body became more violent.

If Zhao Xian's breath was still at the peak of the Immortal Venerable before, then at this moment, Wang Fan actually felt the pressure of the Immortal Emperor faintly on him.

"The coercion of the immortal emperor, the aura of the immortal emperor? How could this be possible? Could this guy use a secret method to overdraw his potential?"

Wang Fan condensed his eyebrows slightly, becoming more cautious and vigilant.


A sound of breaking the wind sounded, and soon Zhao Xian had already killed him again.

This time, his speed was more than ten times faster than before.

Originally, Zhao Xian's speed was already very fast, but now it is ten times faster than before. What is this concept?

Almost as soon as Zhao Xian moved, Wang Fan was already frantically mobilizing his mental power, and directly displayed the space shift.

But even so, his left arm was still pierced, even the bones were cut off.

Wang Fan appeared thousands of meters away, looking at his **** left arm, his face was extremely heavy.

Fortunately, his left arm was not cut off, nor was it shattered. Otherwise, even if he could be reborn with severed limbs, his combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced.

This is him, the physical strength has been cultivated to a very strong point, otherwise, the previous sword, even if it can't kill him, will definitely cause him serious injury.

"The top ten evildoers on the top ten list are really not easy. This Zhao Xian is only ranked eighth. Wouldn't it be even more terrifying and difficult to encounter a evildoer who ranks higher than him?"

Wang Fan murmured to himself, and at the same time mobilized Xianyuan quickly and began to heal his injuries.

Zhao Xian over there has already killed him again.

His speed is still extremely fast, almost inconceivable.

And his attack is also very simple, without any fancy, only a sword.

It's just that this sword didn't cause any spatial fluctuations, let alone tear the space, and it was not mixed with any fairy essence.

Wang Fan knew that this did not mean that Zhao Xian had not used the Xian Yuan, but that all the Xian Yuan had been restrained into the sword.

Moreover, his control of power and Xianyuan has reached an extremely terrifying point, and it is precisely because of this that all this will occur.

Wang Fan didn't dare to neglect, and once again quickly escaped into space.

Although his reaction was faster and faster than before, this time the injury was heavier.

The tip of Zhao Xian's sword pierced straight into his heart and penetrated directly from the front.

Fortunately, Wang Fan escaped into the space in time, and directly resisted the severe pain and pulled out the long sword, which did not kill him.

But despite this, the terrifying power contained in the long sword blasted into his body, causing great damage to his body.

More than ten miles away, Wang Fan appeared again.

At this time, blood was flowing out of his whole body, and he had become a blood man.


It is terrible!

What kind of secret is this?

Wang Fan was shocked.

Zhao Xian was also shocked, his eyes were blood red, and he looked at Wang Fan in disbelief.

This is Xiaoqiang who can't die, why didn't he die like this?

His face was pale and his figure flashed, he once again killed Wang Fan, and at the same time shouted, "I don't believe it, I can't kill you!"

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