
"There is an enemy attack!"

Seeing this sudden scene, everyone's face changed.

They got up instantly, looked around vigilantly, and their mental power swept out crazy.

The three of Ning Xuanyuan also rushed to the three of them for the first time and looked at their wounds.

Seal the throat with one sword, kill with one blow!

"What a fast sword, what a weird body technique!" Ning Xuanyuan's expression became solemn, "This person should have come from using the space teleport secret method, and his shot was like thunder, killing him with one blow."

"With such a weird body and such terrifying swordsmanship, is he a killer?"

The profession of assassin also exists in the center of the Holy Land.

Many people are willing to do everything for the purpose of cultivating resources, and it is naturally not surprising to be a killer to kill people.

In addition to killers, there are also occupations such as hire squads, hunters and so on.

However, anyone who can do this, without exception, is the strong one among the strong.

Otherwise, there is no ability to take on the task of killing people, and if you are not famous, no one will ask you.

Yuan Zhan just glanced at the throats of the three people, then frowned and looked into the distance, "It is indeed a killer, and it is still a very powerful one. I have noticed spatial fluctuations."

Yan Yao condensed his eyebrows, "How could a killer assassinate the Ning family? Could it be that Wu Gong invited him from the center of the Holy Land?"

As he said, he quickly shook his head again, "It shouldn't be. If you want to ask a killer to take action, and come from the center of the Holy Land, the price must be not small. Does Wu Gong pay such a high price?"

Ning Xuanyuan didn't speak, but his face was very ugly.

At this time, a Ning Family Immortal Venerable Ninth Floor suddenly said, "I don't think it is necessarily the killer invited by Wu Gong."

"What do you mean?" Yuan Zhan asked.

"It is said that Wang Fan is also good at space concealment, and he is also very accomplished in kendo, maybe he did it," said the immortal peak.

And his words quickly aroused the agreement of other immortals, "Yes, that Wang Fan is indeed good at the space teleport secret technique, and his swordsmanship is extremely strong."

"At the beginning, we joined forces with the ancient Huang family and sent the immortal monk to kill him. It was through this weird space teleportation technique that he was able to kill all of us."

Ning Xuanyuan's expression became more gloomy, and he also remembered this incident.

Originally, the ancestor had told him about this, but he ignored Wang Fan because he looked down on Wang Fan in his heart.

Yuan Zhan's expression also became solemn, "If these three people were really killed by Wang Fan, then it would be a little difficult for us to kill him. I really didn't expect that such an enchanting character would be born in the mere East Region. ."

Yan Yao also nodded, "We are not afraid of him in the face-to-face battle, but we are afraid that he will play this kind of yin. If this is the case, it is really hard to kill."

Space magic, this is the magic that countless monks have dreamed of.

It's just that the rules of space are too esoteric and too difficult to comprehend.

It is almost difficult to comprehend the rules of space without being in the realm of Emperor Xiandi. Even when it comes to Emperor Xiandi, some people can't comprehend the rules of space.

But now, a mere Wang Fan, a seven-layer ant who is only Xianzun, has realized it.

At this moment, even the two of them were a little jealous.

"Alert, everyone is on alert! Yuan Zhan, Yan Yao, the three of us are responsible for the mental power to lock the void. As long as Wang Fan dares to come, we will immediately kill him."

"The rest of the people also cheered up. Once that Wang Fan appeared, it would stir up the void around him and would never give him a chance to escape."

Ning Xuanyuan's face was gloomy, and soon he had a strategy.

Yuan Zhan and Yan Yao didn't talk nonsense when they heard the words, they both nodded slightly.

The rest of the immortal monks also agreed.

Ning Xuanyuan can become the enchanting evildoer on the list of the Eastern Regions, naturally, there are a few things.

For now, his approach is also the best.

As long as the spiritual power is locked in the void, it will not be so easy for Wang Fan to kill people silently.

As long as the persecuting Wang Fan showed up, the three of them would entangle it, and when the rest of the people were stirring the surrounding void, it would be difficult for Wang Fan to move away from it.

However, in theory, is it so easy in practice, or is it so easy?

Wang Fan had stopped at a location a hundred miles away from Ning Xuanyuan and his group.

Here, he has arranged the barrier barrier in advance, which can prevent others' mental power from peeping.

In other words, he is here now, even if he is still within the spiritual power of Ning Xuanyuan and others, the other party will not be able to spot him.

Beside Wang Fan, Xuan Zhan, Cheng Xiao and Nangong Yue stood.

As for the others, they are hiding in another hidden location, waiting for their orders.

"How is the situation, is it easy to start?" Nangongyue glanced at Wang Fan and couldn't help asking.

Wang Fan's expression was rather solemn, "Some are not easy to start, and that Ning Xuanyuan is fine, but the other two are a little difficult to deal with."

Earlier, although Wang Fan was only fleeting, killing three people and leaving, he still probably sensed the strength of Yuan Zhan and Yan Yao from his breath.

I have to say that these two people are indeed very strong, much more dangerous than the feeling Ning Xuanyuan gave him.

Cheng Xiao said in a deep voice, "Then what should we do now, do we still want to do it?"

This is a more serious question, because once Yuan Zhan and Yan Yao cannot be contained, it will be a disaster for them.

With the strength of the two, if some geographical advantages are added, it is entirely possible to kill all of them.

Xuan Zhan also followed, "If it doesn't work, let's give up. Even Brother Wang Fan, you feel dangerous, then they must be the characters on the Immortal Hall in the center of the Holy Land."

"This kind of person, slaughtering a hundred ordinary immortal peaks by one person, there is no problem at all."

"Previously, I thought that our 20 immortals only killed five of the other, but we lost eight of them, and it was a bit embarrassing. Now it seems that they are not simple, they are simply dead."

Wang Fan smiled upon hearing the words, "Don't worry, the matter is not that serious. You guys don't move here, I will kill a few people."

"At that time, once the war breaks out and I can't get out of it within three minutes, you will bring people to kill it."

"I will try to kill Ning Xuanyuan in the shortest time possible, and then contain one person. As for the others, I will leave it to you."

"Good." Cheng Xiao and Xuan Zhan nodded when they heard this.

If Wang Fan can really do this, their pressure will be much less, and there is no need to worry about being slaughtered by the other party.

Of course, once Wang Fan couldn't do it, it would be really troublesome.

Nangongyue was a little worried, "Kill Ning Xuanyuan in a short time, and then entangle one of the two evildoers, can you really do it?"

Wang Fan smiled and said, "Try your best, it shouldn't be difficult, but if we really can't do it, then we will withdraw. I believe that with me, it is fine to cover your withdrawal."

"Then you be careful." Nangong Yue exhorted.

Wang Fan nodded, then without talking nonsense, he once again killed towards the Ningjia area.

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