Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3762: Yes, I am Wang Fan

Wang Fan soon followed Nangongyue and left the Wu Palace. Outside the Wu Palace, there were already eight immortal peak monks waiting.

These immortal monks, Wang Fan, are not familiar with them, but they have seen them before, knowing that they are all martial arts monks.

"Brother Wang Fan?"

Seeing Wang Fan, the eight Immortal Venerable Peaks were very polite, and Wang Fan could still see that their politeness was not pretended, but respect from the heart.

Wang Fan's cultivation may not be as good as them, but Wang Fan's combat power is strong.

Defeat the ancient Qingyang, Huangtu, and even Huang Chengge on the Fengyun list with the seven-layer cultivation base of the Xianzun.

This kind of strength is not comparable to them.

Although these Immortal Venerable Peaks are also very strong, they are much weaker than Gu Qingyang, let alone Huang Chengge.

"You don't have to be polite, seniors, you can call me junior. It's really ashamed to say that, if it weren't for me, my martial arts palace would not be targeted by the three big families."

Wang Fan hurriedly clasped his fists to everyone and said politely.

He is not the kind of proud person, nor the kind of unreasonable person.

Because of him, he brought such a big trouble to Wu Gong, and Wu Gong did not abandon him. These seniors did not resent him. He was already very grateful.

It would not be impossible for him to change into some power and sacrifice his Wang Fan in exchange for peace.

"Brother Wang Fan is polite, you are strong, we call you brother, you are still right."

"My martial arts trouble may be due to you, brother, but it is still the three big families that are too domineering and defiant."

"Moreover, the law of the jungle is the law of the jungle, and you can't be blamed for this kind of thing."

The monks said respectfully.

When Wang Fan heard this, he was very moved.

It is really an honor for Wang Fan to have such a group of senior brothers and sisters.

Nangongyue heard everyone talking endlessly, and stopped Wang Fan from speaking, and said quickly, "Let's not talk about it for now. The most urgent thing is to intercept and kill those immortal venerables in Ning family."

"The people from the San Xiu Sect and the Heavenly Evil Sect are ready. We will join them in the past and then work together."

Nangongyue is vigorous and resolute, without procrastination.

Wang Fan and his party didn't say much, they rose into the air quickly, and walked into the distance.

On the way, Wang Fan looked at Nangongyue and couldn't help asking, "Senior Nangong, you just said that the Sanxiu Sect and the Tiansha Sect are all ready. What does this mean?"

He is a little strange.

Nangongyue said, "A few days ago, the Sect Master and Sect Master Tiansha came to our Wu Palace to apologize, and our three parties have reached a cooperation to deal with the three Gu Ning Huang family."

Having said this, a soft touch appeared on her face, "Speaking of which, I also want to thank you, or thank you, Senior Murong behind you."

"If it weren't for your uproar in the Huang's house, and if Murong didn't kill the immortal emperor's late stage, I am afraid that the Sanxiu Sect and the Heavenly Slaughter Sect would not compromise at all, let alone cooperate with us."

When Wang Fan heard the words, he snorted, "Assuming that they are acquainted, I originally planned to visit them one by one after their cultivation level is improved. But if you see them so witty, then forget it."

When Nangong Yue heard this, she couldn't help rolling her eyes and was speechless.

This guy really takes himself seriously. Even though Wang Fan is very talented and has a strong combat effectiveness, it would take years or even decades to go to Sanxiu Sect and Tiansha Sect to find a place, right?

It is not guaranteed that there will be no hope for a lifetime, after all, the immortal emperor is not so easy to enter.

But Nangongyue didn't say anything, just nodded.

The group of people walked through the sky and soon left Nanshan City.

Outside Nanshan City, there were already eighteen immortal peak monks waiting there.

These people are all full of powerful aura, and their suffocation is boiling.

The look they looked at at Wu Gong and his group was not very friendly either.

After all, not long ago, the two sides were still mortal enemies, and whether they were in the wicked mountain or when they attacked the Martial Palace, they also lost a lot of the same.

This kind of hatred is so easy to resolve.

If it weren't for the high level of the two parties to reach an agreement, I am afraid that they would never join forces with the people of Wu Gong.

When the people of the martial arts saw those monks, fierce evil spirits emerged from each of them, vying for each other. It was completely different from the previous attitude towards Wang Fan.

In the direction of the Tiansha Sect, a young man with evil eyes quickly walked out, yin and yang strange aura, "Junior Sister Nangong, your martial arts efficiency is too slow, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

This person was named Xuan Zhan, and he was a Tianjiao of the Tiansha Sect, and he was ranked 200th in the Billboard.

The 200th place on the Billboard is the weakest on the Billboard.

However, being the weakest on the Billboard does not mean that it is really weak. For those who are not on the Billboard, they are still the strong among the strong.

At least, on Wu Gong's side, even the strongest Nangong Yue was a little worse than him.

Xuan Zhan's voice fell, and Cheng Xiao of the San Xiu Sect also followed, "Yes, Junior Sister Nangong, your martial arts speed is really too slow."

"And you are just such a small group of people. There is no one on the Billboard. Can you intercept and kill those immortals of the Ning Family? Don't hold us back then."

Cheng Xiao, the evildoer of San Xiumen, is also a strong man on the list.

He ranked 198th on the Billboard, which was slightly weaker than Xuan Zhan.

Of course, this does not mean that he must be weaker than Xuan Zhan.

When the people of Martial Palace heard the yin and yang words of the two men, their faces were a little unsightly.

They are going to work together to deal with the Ning family. They have already started to ridicule and ridicule the Ning family before they see the Ning family. Then how can they cooperate next.

Nangongyue also narrowed her eyebrows slightly. Although she was very strong, she also knew that she was not the opponent of the two.

When the faces of the people in the martial arts palace were ugly, Wang Fan stepped out abruptly, sneered and spoke.

"What do you mean? Do you want to cooperate? If you cooperate, then be honest and don't play these tricks. If you don't cooperate, then get out. Even without you, my martial arts palace can kill all the immortals of the Ning family."

When Wang Fan spoke, his body burst out, directly pressing on Xuan Zhan and Cheng Xiao.

Cheng Xiao and Xuan Zhan both felt the breath of Wang Fan's body, and their expressions changed.

Their eyes fell on Wang Fan for an instant, and their complexions soon became even more ugly.

"Wang Fan?"

For Wang Fan, even if they have not seen a real person, they still have seen the portrait.

During the recent period, Wang Fan's limelight in the Eastern Regions is really too great.

Many forces have already issued family orders, and their disciples can provoke anyone, but they absolutely cannot provoke Wang Fan.

No way, no one of the same level cultivator is Wang Fan's opponent, and the strong immortal emperor did not dare to make a move.

In this case, to provoke Wang Fan is to find abuse.

"Yes, I am Wang Fan." Wang Fan nodded, looking arrogant.

It's okay to be polite to your own people, but outsiders, especially outsiders like Cheng Xiaoxuanzhan who are hostile to the martial arts palace, he naturally has to show the arrogance he deserves.

Otherwise, it will only look down on people and feel that you are bullied.

"Senior Brother Wang Fan joked. Since there is Senior Brother Wang Fan, then I take back what Cheng Xiao said before, let's go."

"Yes, it was just a joke, Brother Wang Fan, don't mind."

Xuan Zhan and Cheng Xiao are also very good at being humans, able to bend and stretch, and dare not continue to provoke them at all, they said with a smile.

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