Huang Chengge, as a strong player on the Eastern Regions Billboard, is naturally extremely fast, almost to the extreme.

Many monks just saw a stream of light flashing, and then Huang Chengge had appeared in front of Wang Fan.

He pointed a little, a sword energy instantly diffused from his fingers, and then quickly slashed towards Wang Fan's eyebrows.

Seeing this scene, many monks couldn't help but gasped.

Huang Chengge's speed is too fast, and his kendo skills are also extremely strong.

Although this is just a wisp of wind, the power is beyond imagination. If Wang Fan can't react, he will fall on the spot.

Wang Fan's expression was also extremely solemn, and Huang Chengge's sword intent had indeed caused a great threat to him, and he felt an extremely dangerous aura.

However, Huang Chengge wanted to kill Wang Fan by virtue of this sword aura, and that would be too small for Wang Fan to be underestimated.

His Wang Fan may not be as strong as Huang Chengge, but his reaction and speed are not weaker than Huang Chengge at all.

After all, his cultivation in Guishan was not for nothing.

In that place, apart from relying on physical strength, it relies on reaction, consciousness, and instinct to fight.

Almost when Huang Chengge's sword energy was about to pierce Wang Fan's eyebrows, Wang Fan's left hand suddenly stuck out.

In the palm of his left hand, immortal yuan walls emerged.

At the same time, he held the sword in his right hand, and the immortal essence in his body was injected into the divine sword.

Everyone who saw this scene was frightened.

Is Wang Fan crazy?

Relying on the palm, want to block Huang Chengge's sword?

However, Wang Fan's approach was decisive and cruel.

Because even if he couldn't stop Huang Chengge's sword, he would only lose his left palm or even his left arm at best.

The left palm or left arm is abolished, although it affects the power of his sword, but the impact is not great.

In this case, once Huang Chengge couldn't react and was stabbed by the Primordial Excalibur, his injuries would be even heavier.

With a sneer, the ray of sword energy instantly pierced the Xianyuan fist in Wang Fan's left palm, but that Xianyuan under the ray of sword energy, like a fragile piece of paper, instantly shattered, and the sword energy quickly passed away. Stabbed Wang Fan's left palm.

But an unexpected scene appeared, that ray of sword energy turned out to be just a piece of flesh and blood on Wang Fan's left palm, but it did not completely penetrate Wang Fan's left palm.

At the same time, Wang Fan's Primordial Divine Sword had also pierced Huang Chengge's body like lightning.

Although Huang Chengge's reaction speed was not slow, he had already begun to retreat almost when Wang Fan took the sword.

But after all, the distance between the two sides is too close, and no matter how fast he is, it is impossible for Wang Fan to shoot the sword fast.

Therefore, his abdomen was still penetrated by the Primordial Divine Sword, and a striking mouth of blood was torn out, and the bright red blood sputtered out in an instant.

Huang Chengge's figure exploded thousands of meters away, looking at Wang Fan with a gloomy expression, a little annoyed.

He had never thought that Wang Fan would be so decisive, and he would directly exchange his injuries for his injuries.

He didn't even expect that Wang Fan's physical bones would be so hard and powerful.

Huang Chengge frantically used Xianyuan to repair his injuries, while staring at Wang Fan coldly, "I didn't expect you to have some strength, but I underestimated you!"

Wang Fan sneered disdainfully, "How much strength? Underestimate me? In my opinion, you are a figure on the list, but that's all."

"If the powerhouses on the Eastern Region Billboard are all **** like you, then I would be too disappointed."

As Wang Fan said, the person had already stepped forward again and killed Huang Chengge.

He is not a fool, naturally it is impossible to give Huang Chengge time to repair his injuries.

He managed to make some injuries to him, if he was allowed to recover, he would be a fool.

When Huang Chengge heard Wang Fan's words, his face became even more gloomy when he saw Wang Fan's killing.

He no longer continued to repair his injuries, but also killed Wang Fan.

The rumbling blast continued to resound, the void exploded, and the earth collapsed.

Both of them were playing crazy, from the ground to mid-air, and from the mid-air avenue to the ground, it was difficult to distinguish.

Their speed is also extremely fast, forming afterimages.

Those cultivators with stronger strength are better, but those with weaker strength and weaker mental strength can hardly see the fight between the two at all.

After dozens of moves, the two separated.

I saw a few wounds and even a few footprints on Huang Chengge's body again.

That white shirt was torn and riddled with holes, and it was completely impossible to look at it.

On the other hand, Wang Fan was also extremely embarrassed, with countless wounds on his body.

However, Huang Chengge's expression was unusually angry and hateful.

Wang Fan looked excited.

Because Wang Fan is too cunning.

He didn't fight long distance with Huang Chengge at all, but stuck to Huang Chengge, forcing him to fight melee.

You know, Huang Chengge is a sword repairer, if it is a close combat, then his sword repair strength will not be able to show it.

Although he has a very high level of swordsmanship, he can easily attack with sword aura, but that kind of powerful sword aura can't kill Wang Fan at all.

Even if it hits Wang Fan, it just tears some painless wounds.

But Wang Fan was different. Even Wang Fan used a sword, but his body was strong enough and his melee ability was extremely strong.

Not to mention anything else, it's not Huang Chengge's ability to change the injury with just one punch and one punch for the two of you.

"This is the strong man on the Eastern Regions Billboard? Huang Chengge, you really disappoint me. The nine-story peak of the Immortal Venerable, even known as the quasi-emperor, is now beaten like this by my seventh-level Immortal Venerable, you Don’t you feel ashamed?"

"Oh, by the way, I am the seventh-floor Xianzun, not the seventh-floor old-fashioned Xianzun, but just not long after breaking through."

"Now you are beaten like this by me. If you let me settle for a month on the seventh floor of the Immortal Venerable, I'm afraid I can pinch you to death."

Wang Fan provoked Huang Chengge with contempt, and had already killed him again.

I have to say that this Huang Chengge is really a very good whetstone.

After nearly a hundred tricks, Wang Fan felt that his control of Xianyuan had become stronger, and it was still improving.

On the other hand, Huang Chengge was a little aggrieved.

He was really intolerable, and he was defeated by Wang Fan.

Especially Wang Fan's previous words made him feel ashamed.

He Huang Chengge could not even kill a Seventh Floor of the Immortal Venerable. On the contrary, he was so embarrassed by the persecution that he was indeed a bit faceless.

The more anxious Huang Chengge's heart is, the more natural flaws he has in his shots. Although he seems to be playing crazy, there are more and more flaws.

On the other hand, Wang Fan is more and more brave.

Huang Fengqi waited for the strong Huang family, looking at this scene, his face looked a little ugly.

Very ugly!

If this continues, Huang Chengge may not last long before he will lose.

The price of failure is death.

Huang Fengqi sighed inwardly, and then took a step forward, trying to prevent the battle from continuing.

But at this moment, his face suddenly changed, and an invisible pressure fell on him.

Under that coercion, Huang Fengqi felt a strong breath of danger.

His old face turned pale in an instant.

At the same time, Wang Fan had already blasted Huang Chengge out with a punch, and then the Primordial Divine Sword cut out a sword light and took his head straight.

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