Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3753: Thunder Sword

Wang Fan's face changed slightly when he saw it, but at this time it was too late to recruit.

The Xian Yuan in his body surged crazily, directly blessing the Primordial Excalibur, so that the strength of the Primordial Excalibur was increased by three points.

At the same time, Wang Fan's right leg suddenly jumped out and swept towards Gu Qingyang's folding fan.

There was a boom.

Gu Qingyang's hand grasped on the Primordial Divine Sword, and there was a loud explosion, splashing sparks in the sky.

At the same time, Wang Fan's right leg collided with Gu Qingyang's folding fan, and he only felt a pain in his right leg, and a piece of flesh and blood was torn out.

If Wang Fan's bones were not strong enough, I'm afraid the entire right leg would be scrapped.

Wang Fan's whole body flew upside down, flying upside down a full thousand feet.

"It's an enchanting character, really powerful, but even so, you won't escape death today." Gu Qingyang sneered when he saw Wang Fan retreating, his figure flashed, and he chased him up.

Regarding Wang Fan, although he had heard of it, he had never cared about it.

But now, he already knew why the Gu family was determined to kill Wang Fan.

This guy is really a bit enchanting.

Xianzun's sixth-floor peak was just so powerful, if he stepped into the late stage of Xianzun, even if it was him, he wouldn't necessarily be Wang Fan's opponent.

"Oh? Really? Want to kill me, I'm afraid you are still far away." Wang Fan also sneered when he heard Gu Qingyang's words.

However, he didn't continue the brutal fight with Gu Qingyang, but his figure flashed and headed into the air.

In terms of strength, Wang Fan may not be as good as Gu Qingyang, but in terms of speed, Wang Fan will not lose to him.

"Want to run? Did you run away?" Gu Qingyang suddenly sneered when he saw Wang Fan Yukong, "Since it's all here, you should stay."

"Didn't you say madly, you want to challenge all the immortal monks in my ancient family? Is it that way? It's ridiculous!"

The five immortal emperors of the ancient family also sneered again and again, but the killing intent in their eyes was extremely rich and made no secret.

Wang Fan didn't care what Gu Qingyang said. His figure was already flying into the air. The next moment, the Primordial Divine Sword swept towards Gu Qingyang who was chasing after him.

"Excalibur first style!"

With a roar, the divine sword is like a dragon, rolling up thousands of sword lights, falling from the sky, and heading towards Gu Qingyang.

The terrifying sword power made the monks who watched the battle below feel shocked.

"Sword skill? Hmph, this sword skill is indeed possible, but if you want to use it to kill me, it's far from enough."

Gu Qingyang looked at the thousands of sword lights that fell down, feeling the mighty sword power, but a touch of disdain emerged from the corner of his mouth.

He held a folding fan and swept upward.

Whoosh whoosh!

A series of illusory monsters suddenly appeared out of thin air, biting towards those sword lights.

In a rumbling sound, thousands of sword lights shattered and disappeared and turned into nothingness.

Gu Qingyang's speed didn't slow down at all, he instantly narrowed the distance with Wang Fan, and continued to kill Wang Fan.

Wang Fan didn't care that Gu Qingyang broke the first form of his own Excalibur. His aura grew stronger and stronger, and it skyrocketed several times in the blink of an eye.

In just a moment of effort, the magic sword in his hand was raised again, and the sword was slashed downwards.

"Excalibur Second Form!"

This time, countless sword lights were torn out from the void again, and each of those sword lights carried terrifying sword pressure, whizzing down, and their power was several times stronger than before.

Gu Qingyang's face changed slightly, but he still didn't have the slightest fear. He swept again with the folding fan in his hand, breaking Wang Fan's second form of the Excalibur.

He already had a faint premonition in his heart.

It's not that he has never seen such powerful martial arts against the sky.

But like Wang Fan's powerful martial arts, he really hadn't seen it before.

The power of martial arts can be superimposed, that's fine, after Wang Fan used this martial arts, there was not even a waste of spiritual energy.

how can that be?

You know, no matter how powerful martial skills are, it is absolutely impossible not to waste the slightest amount of power due to the different control power of the cultivator.

How did Gu Qingyang know that the eight forms of the Excalibur were created by Wang Fan's martial arts, so he was able to perform 100%.

The reason why Wang Fan's eight-style sword is so powerful is that the mysterious sword formation has doubled the power of sword skills.

The second reason is that he can do so without wasting aura and immortality by using the Eight Divine Swords.

Originally, Wang Fan didn't want to use the Eighth Excalibur, because the Eighth Excalibur was too slow, and he had to start with the first sword to gain momentum.

But facing Gu Qingyang, he really had no choice, so he used the Eighth Excalibur.

Because if he didn't use the Eighth Excalibur, he wouldn't be the opponent of this guy at all.

Next, Gu Qingyang almost collapsed.

He had just blocked Wang Fan's second style of the sword, and Wang Fan's third style of the sword had already been cut down.

With Wang Fan's current cultivation base, using the third style of the divine sword, Gu Qingyang also felt tremendous pressure.

This time, he was not able to resolve it easily, but spit out a mouthful of blood, and his figure was blasted back more than ten feet.

Gu Qingyang's eye canthus was about to split, and he dodges to chase after him. Wang Fan has already displayed the fourth style of the sword.

Looking at this scene, Gu Qingyang was really about to collapse.

His whole body was surging crazily, and his mouth was also roaring again and again.

Not only that, but he also displayed a powerful martial skill, which resisted Wang Fan's fourth style of the Excalibur.

"I want to see, this sword style, how many more swords you can make." Gu Qingyang's long hair was disturbed, and swords appeared on his clothes.

He was no longer as calm as he was before, let alone the image of Young Master Pian Pian, but looked rather embarrassed.

Wang Fan's face was also a little pale, and most of the Xian Yuan in his body was consumed, but he still gritted his teeth and cut out the fifth form of the Excalibur!

Excalibur was cut out in the fifth style, and the sky changed in an instant.

The sky became dark.

The thick thunder surging, set off bursts of explosions.

Soon, those surging thunders had burst out of the air, blasting towards Gu Qingyang at the time of destruction.

Feeling the terrifying power in the thunder, Gu Qingyang's expression really changed.

He became a little frightened and desperate.

Gu Qingyang naturally knew that those thunders were not real thunders, but sword intent.

However, this kind of sword intent was simply not something he could resist.

Even if he played all his cards, he would definitely die.

At the same time, in the distance, the expressions of the five strong immortal emperors of the ancient family changed.

"You guys help me stare at the woman, and I will save Qing Yang."

One of the immortal emperors said hurriedly, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards Gu Qingyang.

Gu Qingyang is not the peak of those ordinary Immortal Venerables, but almost entered the Eastern Region Billboard, and is also expected to break through to the Immortal Emperor's Immortal Venerable peak.

This kind of person, the ancient family is absolutely unwilling to lose.

Because if Gu Qingyang died, then the ancient family would have lost a quasi-emperor.

It's just that the ancient immortal emperor had just rushed out, and a cold voice came out in mid-air, and in the next second, a sword light was already smashed out.

"After you say that you can't bully the small with the big, do you really dare not kill the emperor?"

Murongxian's voice almost just fell, and with a sneer, the sword light had penetrated the body of the immortal emperor.

In an instant, the immortal emperor fell apart and fell apart!

At the same time, the sword of endless thunder blasted on Gu Qingyang.

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